Github is the most widely used open-source system for version control. All course documents are stored in a GitHub repository which will be used daily during the bootcamp.
- your own forked version of this repository
- answer Q1 at end of this file
- add your forked repository link to the class roster
You have two options to complete parts 1-3 (Install, Editors, Command Line).
- Option 1 (Beginner): Edit markdown files directly on GitHub. (Follow the instructions below).
- Option 2 (Intermediate): Edit files using
git pull
andgit push
.- Follow "Set Up Repo on GitHub" Step 4: Git
- Watch the 10-minute video on 10-minute video, Getting Started with Git
The process below is designed to be accessible to anyone regardless of background in git
You will need a GitHub account.
It's easy and free to sign up.
Make sure that you are signed in to GitHub.
Click the Fork button at the upper right hand corner of the page:
This makes a personal copy of the repository that you can edit. Your forked copies will show up in your Repositories section.
This repository is thisismetis/dsp
. Your forked copy will be your_github_user_name/dsp
There are files in your forked repository that you need to edit to add your work.
When viewing an individual file in your forked repository on GitHub, you will an see "Edit this file" button that you can click to get an in-browser editor.
After you've edited the file, you need to commit your changes to make them permanent. At the bottom of the page you can add a commit message describing your changes and then click the green "Commit changes" button.
You can repeat the edit and commit process as many times as you like. You don't have to be totally done with a file to commit. Commit incrementally!
Here's your first chance to practice this:
What is your favorite emoji? (Check out this emoji cheat sheet.)