You can access the protocol as a proxy (as configured) or use the "rewrites" to define global rewriting of requests.
When accessing via proxy the site certificates are generated in runtime, instead when accessing using a fake DNS server or the hosts file to redirect the requests on localhost the sites to build must be added on the "ssl/hosts"
- protocol: http (this is mandatory)
- http: http port for interception of calls (mostly with rewrite-plugin)
- https: https port for interception of calls (mostly with rewrite-plugin)
- proxy: proxy port (used to intercept -everything-)
- der: root certificate path
- key: root certificate key path
- cname: root certificate cname
- hosts: list of pre generated dns to generate SSL site certificates
The data will be stored in the global dataDir
- active: If it is active
- recordSites: list of matching
to record. When empty everything is recorded. When prepending with @ uses regexp instead can use a simple string with * as wildcard else exact match - removeEtags: default to true, cleans all ETag-related fields to avoid caching
The data will be loaded from the global dataDir. This is used to replay a whole flow without the need to mock a single request
- active: If it is active
- matchSites: list of matching
to replay. When empty everything is replayed. When prepending with @ uses regexp instead can use a simple string with * as wildcard - respectCallDuration: respect the duration of the round trip
- blockExternal: default to true, block any calls to not recorded website
Generate random errors
- active: If it is active
- errorCode: The error code to expose
- errorMessage: the error message to write to output
- percentage: the percent of calls to generate errors
Introduce random latency
- minMs: Minimum latency added (default 0)
- maxMs: Max latency added (default 0)
Add the handling of throttling and rate limits
- limitSites: list of matching hosts to throttle. When empty everything is replayed. When prepending with @ uses regexp else exact match
- headerLimit: The header for the limit count (default RateLimit-Limit)
- rateLimit: The limit count (default 120)
- costPerRequest: How much each request will consume from rateLimit (default 2)
- warningThresholdPercent: When reaching %of rate limit start warning
- headerRemaining: How many hits remaining (default RateLimit-Remaining)
- headerReset: Header for seconds/time till the reset of counters (default RateLimit-Reset)
- resetFormat: Format of the headerReset value (default secondsLeft, can be utcEpochSeconds)
- headerRetryAfter: Header for seconds after which should retry (default Retry-After)
- resetTimeWindowSeconds: When counters are reset
- customResponseFile: Custom response file to use instead of reponse (see an example)
To mock single requests
- active: If it is active
- dataDir: The directory where the mock will be stored
The mock files are exactly like the recorded files with an addition of a few fields
- nthRequest: run only from the nTh request (default 0)
- count: run for "count" times (set to 99999 if you want them all)
The mocks can be parametrized using ${variableName} format inside
- Query: setting a value to ${myQueryVariable}
- Header: setting a value to ${myHeaderVariable}
- Path: e.g. /jsonized/${myPathVariable}/wetheaver
These variable are assigned taking the value from the real request and are modified inside the headers and the content (when textual). For example the mocked response can be set to the following, same goes for the header variable.
"output": {
"responseText": "${myPathVariable} ${myQueryVariable} ${myHeaderVariable}",
This is useful to generate "dynamic" responses
To change some call, for example to rewrite all call to localhost/microservice.1/* to* This can be used to avoid configuring the proxy on the application
The recording will contain the target address!
- active: If it is active
- rewritesFile: the json file containing the rewrites
The format, is the following. When settings a regexp the replacements (like $1 etc) can be used. Please remind that what follows the founded request is added at the end!
An example of complex regexp
"toFind": "http://localhost/multireg/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/test/([0-9]+)",
"toReplace": "https://www.$$2",
"regex": true
Unlike the other protocol this is not a "wire" protocol. It's instead based on a custom reimplementation of standard Java HttpServer and HttpsServer to allow changing the SSL certificates in runtime.
A custom http/s proxy had been used to mask external servers and allow intercepting external resources like a MITM (Man In The Middle) attack.