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104 lines (79 loc) · 3.96 KB

File metadata and controls

104 lines (79 loc) · 3.96 KB


I currently use Jekyll for my blog and SmugMug for hosted images and photos. I created this gem to allow myself to easily upload files to SmugMug from the command line. QuickMug also puts a string (in the format of my chosing) on my clipboard for easy insertion into my blog post. I use the following format string in order to do this:

[![[Caption]]([ThumbURL] "[Caption]")]([LargeURL])


$ gem install quickmug


This is a small gem that helps you upload photos to smugmug. It relies on a config file ~/.quickmug that is a yaml document like the following:

    key: aaa
    secret: bbb
    token: ccc
    secret: ddd
album: 123456789
format: ! "[![[Caption]]([ThumbURL] \"[Caption]\")]([LargeURL])"

Consumer data is the API app key that you can get by registering an app on SmugMug's website. This allows you to use their api.

Access data is your personal access token for your user. You can get this using oauth. I plan on adding a feature to this gem that helps you get that... but it's not in the code yet (sorry). For now I posted the manual process that I used down below.

Album is the album id that uploads will go to. You can get a list of albums by running quickmug albums (as long as you have the consumer and access tokens specified).

Format is a string that you would like copied to your clipboard after you upload an image. Any blocks like [xxx] will be replaced with the xxx field from the smugmug images.getInfo call.


The following commands are available

  • albums List all of your albums (the selected one is starred)
  • copy ID KEY If you pass in a image id and key, this copies the format string to the clipboard as if you just uploaded that image.
  • images [options] Lists the last 5 of the images from your selected album using your format string. You can use -a to list all images and -l NUM to list a certain number.
  • last Copies the format string for the last image in your album (this is often the one you just uploaded).
  • upload IMAGE CAPTION Uploads a image file to smugmug with a caption. You don't need quotes around the caption.

Getting Access Token Manually

You can use irb with the ruby oauth gem in order to get an access token to use with QuickMug.

First make sure that you have an API key and secret from the SmugMug site. Also make sure the "oauth" gem is installed and then run "irb" to get into the ruby command line. Then you can follow along below:

require 'oauth'
@callback_url = "http://localhost"

# Replace "key" and "secret" below with your SmugMug API key and secret
@consumer ="key", "secret",
                                :site => "",
                                :request_token_path => "/services/oauth/1.0a/getRequestToken",
                                :authorize_path => "/services/oauth/1.0a/authorize",
                                :access_token_path => "/services/oauth/1.0a/getAccessToken")

# Generate request token
@request_token = @consumer.get_request_token(:oauth_callback => @callback_url)

# Get authorize URL
@request_token.authorize_url(:oauth_callback => @callback_url)

# Now go to that url and when you're done authorization you can run the
# following command where you put in the value for oauth_verifier that you got
# from completely the above URL request:
@access_token = @request_token.get_access_token(:oauth_verifier =>"")

Now you can use the token and secret values from the @access_token object in your quick mug config file.


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
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  5. Create new Pull Request