The page break is a TEI milestone (empty) element. It gives the precise point in the text where a new page starts. In a digitisation service this implies that a new image should be shown. The image URIs are given directly on using the @facs attibute
<pb n="85" facs="adl/goldschmidt/goldschmidt11/gold11085" xml:id="idm140454498545840"/>
We have opted for not trying to embed persistent URIs for the images, rather we give their paths inside our image server (see our image API docs)
To retrieve page 85 prepend and append (for example) /full/!2000,/0/native.jpg to the content of @facs, which gives:!2000,/0/native.jpg
By instead appending info.json, such as
you can retrieve basic technical metadata for the page in jason format.
Texts without facsimile should ideally still contain elements and an @n attribute containing the pagination. If there s with @facs attributes with URIs that cannot be dereferenced, these should contain a @rend attribute containing the word "missing".
Texts without OCR uses TEI for document structure, work and metadata and page breaks only. Here is an example (from where we got page 85 above)
<text xml:id="workid54813" decls="#biblid54813">
<body xml:id="idm140454498551728">
<pb n="78" facs="adl/goldschmidt/goldschmidt11/gold11078" xml:id="idm140454498551472"/>
<pb n="79" facs="adl/goldschmidt/goldschmidt11/gold11079" xml:id="idm140454498550704"/>
<div xml:id="idm140454498549936">
<pb n="80" facs="adl/goldschmidt/goldschmidt11/gold11080" xml:id="idm140454498549680"/>
<pb n="81" facs="adl/goldschmidt/goldschmidt11/gold11081" xml:id="idm140454498548912"/>
<pb n="82" facs="adl/goldschmidt/goldschmidt11/gold11082" xml:id="idm140454498548144"/>
<pb n="83" facs="adl/goldschmidt/goldschmidt11/gold11083" xml:id="idm140454498547376"/>
<pb n="84" facs="adl/goldschmidt/goldschmidt11/gold11084" xml:id="idm140454498546608"/>
<pb n="85" facs="adl/goldschmidt/goldschmidt11/gold11085" xml:id="idm140454498545840"/>
<p xml:id="idm140454498545072"/>
<pb n="86" facs="adl/goldschmidt/goldschmidt11/gold11086" xml:id="idm140454498544688"/>
<div xml:id="workid54881" decls="#biblid54881">
<pb n="87" facs="adl/goldschmidt/goldschmidt11/gold11087" xml:id="idm140454498543024"/>
<pb n="88" facs="adl/goldschmidt/goldschmidt11/gold11088" xml:id="idm140454498542256"/>
<p xml:id="idm140454498541488"/>