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Releases: kadalu/kadalu

Kadalu 0.5.0

30 Jan 07:06
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Release highlights (CHANGELOG)

  • Documentation updated for the new features introduced in
    0.4.0(Kubectl plugin, External storage, and Storage configurations)
  • Cleanup script enhanced to handle CSIDriver object, which was
    introduced in the latest version of Kubernetes.
  • Troubleshooting documentation is added.
  • Introduced Thread lock while updating the info file and while
    mounting the Storage pool to avoid race conditions when PV claim and
    pod create done in parallel.
  • All Pylint tests are now passing.
  • Upgraded Kadalu Server container images to Gluster latest
  • Fixed Python compatibility issue in Kadalu Kubectl plugin.
  • Introduced "install" subcommand in kubectl-kadalu
  • Added support for external gluster storage in kubectl-kadalu

Kadalu 0.4.0

31 Dec 09:30
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Release highlights (CHANGELOG)

  • Enhancement to support Kadalu storage on top of existing PVC
  • Support for using external Gluster Volumes with K8s using Kadalu
  • Kadalu kubectl plugin(pip3 install kubectl-kadalu) is
    introduced. This plugin helps to define Kadalu storage without the
    hassle of YAML files.
  • Fixed hang issue while terminating the server pods.
  • Added sidecar container to capture logs from the mount processes
    in CSI pods.
  • kadalu-quotad is now available as pypi package to use with
    external Gluster Volumes.
  • Deploy attacher as a container in provisioner statefulset instead of
    deploying it as a pod
  • Added tests to cover different Volume types(Replica1 and Replica3). Each PV claim size in tests made different so that it can be easily debugged.


Deploy KaDalu Operator on an already running Kubernetes cluster using,

kube-master# kubectl create -f

Use kadalu-operator-openshift-0.4.0.yaml in case of Openshift.

oc-master# oc create -f

Add storage devices using the new kubectl plugin(pip3 install kubectl-kadalu)

kube-master# kubectl kadalu storage-add storage-pool-1 \
    --device kube1:/dev/vdc

Operator will start the storage export pods as required. And, in 2 steps, your storage system is up and running.

Check the status of Pods using,

kube-master# kubectl get pods -nkadalu
NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
csi-nodeplugin-5hfms                3/3     Running   0          14m
csi-nodeplugin-924cc                3/3     Running   0          14m
csi-nodeplugin-cbjl9                3/3     Running   0          14m
csi-provisioner-0                   4/4     Running   0          14m
operator-577f569dc8-l2q6c           1/1     Running   0          15m
server-storage-pool-1-0-kube1-0     2/2     Running   0          11m

Run oc get pods -n kadalu in case of Openshift.

For more information, please visit Kadalu GitHub page.

Kadalu 0.3.0

26 Nov 09:41
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Release highlights (CHANGELOG)

  • Improved documentation. (Thanks to @papanito)
  • Enhanced to handle invalid Pod names when k8s node name is used as part of pod name.
  • Added more test cases to cover Replica 3 Volume use cases.
  • Fixed a crash during Gluster volume mount in CSI pods.
  • The operator is enhanced to start self heal daemon when Replica 3 volume is created.


Deploy KaDalu Operator on an already running Kubernetes cluster using,

kubectl create -f

Use kadalu-operator-openshift-0.3.0.yaml in case of Openshift.

oc create -f

KaDalu Operator listens to Storage setup configuration changes and starts the required pods. For example,

# File: storage-config.yaml
kind: KadaluStorage
  # This will be used as the name of PV Hosting Volume
  name: storage-pool-1
  type: Replica1
    - node: kube1      # node name as shown in `kubectl get nodes`
      device: /dev/vdc # Device to provide storage to all PVs

Now request kadalu-operator to setup storage using,

$ kubectl create -f storage-config.yaml

Operator will start the storage export pods as required. And, in 2 steps, your storage system is up and running.

Check the status of Pods using,

$ kubectl get pods -nkadalu
NAME                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
server-storage-pool-1-kube1-0    1/1     Running   0          84s
csi-attacher-0                   2/2     Running   0          30m
csi-nodeplugin-5hfms             2/2     Running   0          30m
csi-nodeplugin-924cc             2/2     Running   0          30m
csi-nodeplugin-cbjl9             2/2     Running   0          30m
csi-provisioner-0                3/3     Running   0          30m
operator-6dfb65dcdd-r664t        1/1     Running   0          30m

Run oc get pods -n kadalu in case of Openshift.

For more information, please visit Kadalu GitHub page.

Kadalu 0.2.0

25 Oct 16:40
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Release highlights (CHANGELOG)

  • Improvements to Volfile templates by removing distribute graph in case of no distribute Volume.
  • Added Security Context Constraints to support Openshift deployment.
  • Improved Tracking to understand the workload better.
  • New make command for release management.


Deploy KaDalu Operator on an already running kubernetes cluster using,

kubectl create -f

Use kadalu-operator-openshift-0.2.0.yaml in case of Openshift.

oc create -f

KaDalu Operator listens to Storage setup configuration changes and starts the required pods. For example,

# File: storage-config.yaml
kind: KadaluStorage
  # This will be used as name of PV Hosting Volume
  name: storage-pool-1
  type: Replica1
    - node: kube1      # node name as shown in `kubectl get nodes`
      device: /dev/vdc # Device to provide storage to all PVs

Now request kadalu-operator to setup storage using,

$ kubectl create -f storage-config.yaml

Operator will start the storage export pods as required. And, in 2 steps, your storage system is up and running.

Check the status of Pods using,

$ kubectl get pods -nkadalu
NAME                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
server-storage-pool-1-kube1-0    1/1     Running   0          84s
csi-attacher-0                   2/2     Running   0          30m
csi-nodeplugin-5hfms             2/2     Running   0          30m
csi-nodeplugin-924cc             2/2     Running   0          30m
csi-nodeplugin-cbjl9             2/2     Running   0          30m
csi-provisioner-0                3/3     Running   0          30m
operator-6dfb65dcdd-r664t        1/1     Running   0          30m

Run oc get pods -n kadalu in case of Openshift.

For more information, please visit Kadalu github page.

Kadalu 0.1.0

30 Jul 09:33
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Deploy KaDalu Operator on an already running kubernetes cluster using,

kubectl create -f

KaDalu Operator listens to Storage setup configuration changes and starts the required pods. For example,

# File: storage-config.yaml
kind: KadaluStorage
  # This will be used as name of PV Hosting Volume
  name: storage-pool-1
  type: Replica1
    - node: kube1      # node name as shown in `kubectl get nodes`
      device: /dev/vdc # Device to provide storage to all PVs

Now request kadalu-operator to setup storage using,

$ kubectl create -f storage-config.yaml

Operator will start the storage export pods as required. And, in 2 steps, your storage system is up and running.

Check the status of Pods using,

$ kubectl get pods -nkadalu
NAME                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
server-storage-pool-1-kube1-0    1/1     Running   0          84s
csi-attacher-0                   2/2     Running   0          30m
csi-nodeplugin-5hfms             2/2     Running   0          30m
csi-nodeplugin-924cc             2/2     Running   0          30m
csi-nodeplugin-cbjl9             2/2     Running   0          30m
csi-provisioner-0                3/3     Running   0          30m
operator-6dfb65dcdd-r664t        1/1     Running   0          30m

For more information, please visit Kadalu github page.