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Traffic Image Classification

A data mining project that develops a predictive model that can determine, given images of traffic depicting different objects, which class (out of 11 total classes) it belongs to. The object classes are: car, suv, small_truck, medium_truck, large_truck, pedestrian, bus, van, people, bicycle, and motorcycle.

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

  • Features already extracted from images
  • Features include:
    • 512 Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) features
      • HOG counts occurrences of gradient orientation in localized portions of an image
    • 256 Normalized Color Histogram (Hist) features
      • Histogram gives intensity of distribution of an image
      • Get intuition about contrast, brightness, intensity distribution etc of that image
    • 64 Local Binary Pattern (LBP) features
      • LBP looks at points surrounding a central point and tests whether the surrounding points are greater than or less than the central point (i.e. gives a binary result).
      • Used for classifying textures (edges, corners, etc.)
    • 48 Color gradient (RGB) features
      • Color gradient measures gradual change/blend of color within an image
    • 7 Depth of Field (DF) features
      • Depth of Field is the distance about the plane of focus (POF) where objects appear acceptably sharp in an image
  • Classes are imbalanced
    • 0 instances of human images
    • 3 instances of bicycle images
    • 10,375 instances of car images

Handling Class Imbalance

  • Utilizing ML algorithms that can handle class imbalance by "balancing" the classes using weights
    • Weight minority classes higher than majority classes (using class_weight param)
    • Weighting is based on the class labels and is inversely proportional to the class frequencies in the input data

Data Preprocessing + Feature Selection

  • StandardScaler to standardize the features (remove mean and scale to unit variance)
  • Experiments with different feature selectors
  • Measure performance of feature selection through cross validation of different models
    • PCA (Unsupervised feature selection)
      • Identify the combination of attributes (principal components) that account for the most variance in the data.
      • 95% kept variance = 14 components
      • 99% kept variance = 22 components
      • 100% kept variance = 34 components
    • LDA (Supervised feature extraction)
      • Identify attributes that account for the most variance between classes
      • 100% kept variance = 9 components
      • Did not perform well because of assumption that classes are normally distributed and have equal class covariance
    • Locally Linear Embedding (Non-linear dimensionality reduction)
      • Uses PCA so using 34 components
    • Removing features with low variance VarianceThreshold
      • Throw away features with 0 variance
        • remove the features that have the same value in all samples.
  • Winner is VarianceThreshold

Model Selection & Tuning

  • Use 5-Fold CV + Bayesian Optimization to individually tune each chosen model to to their own optimal hyperparameters
  • Bayesian Optimization tries to approximate or fit a Gaussian process (a regression model known as a surrogate model) on function/model evaluations in order to propose sampling points in the search space of a model's hyperparameters using acquisition functions. Essentially, it is a smarter grid search, and empirically, it has been proven to be more efficient than a grid search and more effective than a random search.
  • Models used in a VotingClassifier with soft voting:
    • Support Vector Machine (Gaussian RBF kernel)
    • Ensemble Methods:
      • Random Forest
      • Light Gradient Boosting (LightGBM)
      • Extra Trees Classifier
  • VotingClassifier is then tuned using GridSearch + 5-Fold CV with different weights for each model
    • Optimal weights are determined to be each model with uniform weight (weight = 1)
  • Model is evaluated using the validation set

Rank & F1 Score

My rank on the CLP public leaderboard is 1st, with a F1 score of 0.8598. This score is calculated on 50% of the test set.

Update: My rank on the CLP final leaderboard is 2nd with a F1 score of 0.8508. This score is calculated on the whole test set.

Note: This assignment follows a similar format with kaggle competitions in terms of ranking & scoring.