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Johannes Meindertsma edited this page May 14, 2020 · 1 revision

Welcome to the Social-Force-Model-Crowd-Simulation page.

This repository contains the programs used and data generated during the study for my Bachelor Thesis called "The Effect of an Obstacle near a Door on the Evacuation Time of a Crowd in a Single Room".

For a clarification of terms I recommend to read my thesis before using these programs. In this way you will understand which rooms correspond to room 1,2,3 and 4. The following abbreviations are used:

st = Standard case r = Randomized weights and size case vis = Bad visibility case twod = Two doors case

Besides this it is good to know j corresponds to the jth experiment for a particular room and the data created is stored in a matrix that you can name yourself. It contains a measure the number of collisions, the exit time for a crowd, the exit time for a person and eventually the rank with which a person leaves the room. Maak sure pygame newest version is installed on your computer before trying to run the programs.

Best regards en good luck,

Johannes Meindertsma

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