Output and errors now appear on the console.
If target doesn’t exist, the 'Nothing to do!' message is quashed.
Added verbs, such as 'clean', that can be given to targets.
Some termininology refinements: product is now used for the files that a target generates.
Proper topographical sorting which ensures that dependencies are not called more than one.
The 'clean' verb can be given to a target via a colon
mach jar:clean
Currently only one verb can be given to a target at a given time. It’s not yet possible to specify verbs via a depends declaration.
Refactoring around verbs
Some AWS-specific functions added to core - these will be moved to a separate area once Mach is better structured.
Multiple verbs can be specified. E.g.
mach foo:bar:zip
New verbs added: update and print - see README.md for details
If the target on the command line doesn’t match a target, an attempt is made to match on a target’s product filename.
Upgraded to Lumo 1.5
Output better error message when
fails -
Rewrite argument parsing
can be an eval’ed form and usemach/props
Fixes #36, simpler auto-requires rule
When determining dependencies, omit current Boot script.
Mach code blocks are
go loops. -
npm dependencies specified and installed by
#28 Can suppress shell output
Fixes to documentation and examples
Ability to namespace imports
Ability to name tasks within imports