Starting from the serial code or your solution from the earlier parallel pi exercise, make a version that performs the calculation parallel with any number of processes.
Divide the range over N in
, so that rank 0 does i=1, 2, ..., N / ntasks, rank 1 does i=N / ntasks + 1, N / ntasks + 2, ... , etc.. You may assume that N is evenly divisible by the number of processes. -
All tasks calculate their own partial sums
Once finished with the calculation, all ranks expect rank 0 send their partial sum to rank 0, which then calculates the final result and prints it out.
Run the code with different number of processes, do you get exactly the same result? If not, can you explain why?
Make a version where rank 0 receives the partial sums with
. When running multiple times with the same number of processes, do you get always exactly the same result? If not, can you explain why? -
(Bonus) Make a version that works with arbitrary number of processes. Now, if N cannot be divided evenly by
, some processes calculate more terms than others.