Group full-stack project developed in 5 days, aiming at creating a beer selling and buying app.
Agile methods used: Scrum and Kanban.
Dev colleagues: Virginia, Lucas, Jorge, Larissa.
Front end - Reactjs, React Context API & hooks, fetching axios lib;
Back end - Nodejs, Express, mySQL database, REST & MSC patterns;
Style libs - Materialize for mobile-first layout, styled-components for Dark mode.
Install dependencies
The project was uploaded without any node_modules or package-lock.json, so please use the command linenpm i
in three places: root, front-end, back-end.
Pre-seed the database
sudo service mysql start
(if necessary)
mysql -u root -p
source ./script.sql
Launch the app
npm start
on both front-end and back-end, as indicated by both package.json settings.
Test linter
npm install eslint
./node_modules/.bin/eslint .path_file_you_want_to_analyze
Video demo of the app ;
Figma product flow design we based our development on ;
Project slides presentation (portuguese) ;
Original Trybe project repository with all project requirements ;
Trybeer V2 code with further requirements like ORM Sequelize, SOLID principles and real-time chat.