Releases: jrenaud90/TidalPy
TidalPy version 0.3.4
Beta release of TidalPy version 0.3.4
Major Changes (see for a more complete list of changes):
* Added
module to offer simplified calculation of multilayer tidal
* Added GridPlot
class to quickly make grid-like matplotlib figures.
* Added Cartopy
* Can now make cool projection maps! Added basic functionality to
* New jupyter notebooks to showcase map projects and GridPlot functionality.
* Improved performance on both mode and non-mode tidal potential functions by at least a factor of 3. If used
correctly these can be nearly 100x faster.
* Added a new obliquity version of the mode version tidal potential.
* Stress and strain relationship for multi-layer tides now allows for arbitrary rheology.
* Created a single multilayer solver to handle an arbitrary layer structure.
* Stress & Strain relationship now accounts for arbitrary rheology.
* Created a single multi-mode solver for multilayer problems. See
* TidalPy now defaults to using the frequency dependent zeta versions of Andrade and Sundberg rheologies.
* This was done to avoid issues with real(complex_comp) at zero frequency which happens in multi mode
* Added numba-safe version of multilayer calc
TidalPy v0.3.0 Beta
Beta release of TidalPy version 0.3.0
Bugfixes will be committed to the master branch with version numbers 0.3.X (they will not be made into new release tag unless absolutely necessary). If you are downloading for the first time it is recommended that you clone the master branch to ensure you have all the latest bug fixes.
A new branch will be made for development on 0.4.0. New features and pull requests should be added to the dev
branch not the master branch.
Major Changes (see
for a more complete list of changes):
* Added the first iteration of a multilayer tidal calculator module in TidalPy.tides.multilayer
this module provides basic functionality to calculate tidal dissipation in a semi-homogeneous, shell-based approach. This is more accurate than the pure homogeneous model used throughout the rest of TidalPy. The downside with the current version is that it does not allow for NSR or high eccentricity / obliquity. A future version will attempt to add in a more robust Tidal Potential equation which will allow for additional physics.
* has been revamped as has the installation process. This is in prep to allow for TidalPy to become available on PyPI.
* Did away with most of the _array
functions. Found a way for njit to compile a function to handle either arrays or floats.
* Left the self._func_array
(in addition to self._func
) in the
classes just in case we ever do need to define array functions in the future: all the infrastructure is still in place.
* Added a numba-safe Explicit Runge-Kutta integrator. This is fully wrapped in njit'd functions.
* On its own this can be 5--20 times faster than scipy.solve_ivp
* This also allows the integration function to be used from within another njit'd function(s).
* This is still very experimental so please use caution and testing when using it.
TidalPy v0.2.1 Beta
Beta release of TidalPy version 0.2.1
Bugfixes will be committed to the master branch with version numbers 0.2.X (they will not be made into new release tags). If you are downloading for the first time it is recommended that you clone the master branch to ensure you have all the latest bug fixes.
A new branch will be made for development on 0.3.0. New features should be added to that branch not the master branch.
TidalPy v0.1 Beta
Beta release of TidalPy version 0.1.
Bugfixes will be committed to the master branch with version numbers 0.1.X (they will not be made into new releases). If you are downloading for the first time it is recommended that you clone the master branch to ensure you have all the latest bug fixes.
A new branch will be made for development on 0.2.0. New features should be added to that branch not the master branch.