2.0.0 (2025-01-02)
- api, components: correct email subject domain and enhance error handling with improved logging (3fde20e)
- api, components: remove unnecessary console logs and improve error handling in email sending process (169c392)
- components: update images, adjust layout, and improve text semantics across various components (2830762)
- config files: after switching to bun, breaking changes were introduced (5132cfb)
- config files: switch from commonjs configuration files to es modules files (4642a14)
- dependencies: update package versions for compatibility and stability (81b4987)
- codebase: major upgrade: code refactor, app router migration, seo and metadata, landing page (f639838)
- services: add new service pages and update existing components for better structure and content (27148b5)
- config files: Switch to bun package manager and runtime needed to change tailwind and postcss config files to be renamed to .cjs (commonjs)
- codebase: Lots of code from boilerplates has been reviewed, and proper code changes for complete migration from next.js pages router to app router has been completed. Complete refactor of the codebase. Project package manager has been switched from pnpm to bun after bun v.1.1.1 Windows support release. Seo and metadata have been updated to latest next.js 14 features and recommendations
1.8.0 (2024-01-24)
- Introduction.tsx: home page blocks to describe the company services (1b240bb)
1.7.0 (2024-01-24)
- Home page: add a new features block on the home page (73c66e7)
1.6.0 (2023-11-21)
- Contact component: add contact details + secure phone display (9a3a626)
1.5.2 (2023-11-20)
- public/assets/hero: fix image format not supported (avif => webp) (613b42e)
1.5.1 (2023-11-20)
- public/images/hero: fix image format not supported by netlify (avif 10bit => webp) (b6b5c79)
1.5.0 (2023-11-19)
- Loading.tsx: new loading animation component (475662e)
- Hero.tsx: add suspense to support carousel images loading (e53d0fd)
1.4.2 (2023-11-19)
- Main.tsx: fix conflicting z-index between mobile menu and menu bar (03cbee1)
- Main.tsx: fix desktop top menu bar z-index to be always on top (6803160)
1.4.1 (2023-11-19)
- Main.tsx: fix mobile menu not staying fix (f2508d0)
1.4.0 (2023-11-19)
- contact form: create a new contact component integrated in contact and home page (17eb8a1)
1.3.0 (2023-11-11)
- Hero.tsx: add animation on caption and call to action button (645d47f)
1.2.1 (2023-11-11)
- Main.tsx: fix mobile menu close animation bug + integrate footer component (2c06894)
1.2.0 (2023-11-11)
- contact.tsx: create empty contact page (cd98d45)
- galerie.tsx: create galerie page containing a mansory grid of photo (f05bf2c)
- Hero.tsx: add caption text and call to action button to hero component (60dbd47)
1.1.1 (2023-11-09)
- Main.tsx: fix mobile menu opened at start (093ce63)
1.1.0 (2023-11-08)
- about.tsx: add a h1 tag (e7d28f6)
- Hero.tsx: add a new hero component (0fc7dff)
- index.tsx: add hero component in index page (d64731d)
- Main.tsx: new layout with new navigation (498a6c5)
- global: remove useless dependencies & reset boilerplate (8504331)
- package.json: set scripts to use pnpm instead of npm (20773f2)
- package.json: pnpm is now the package manager used for this project, npm is no longer used
- global: Removal of authentication and database dependencies
3.25.0 (2023-10-30)
- release a new version for Next.js 14 and update README file (4be2485)
3.24.0 (2023-10-24)
- make guestbook endpoint avaiable to signed out users (10b4d81)
3.23.0 (2023-10-12)
- add playwright extension in VSCode (956d1a8)
- add playwright plugin in ESLint (b2486f1)
- add Playwright: config, first test and dependency (f054ea2)
- remove all Cypress related files and configurations (9fe8271)
- the failing test in Navigation spec (28996f5)
3.22.0 (2023-10-02)
- remove basePath in Next.js configuration (7f9a0e6)
- remove no-img-element and use Next.js built-in <Image component (383e3a3)
3.21.0 (2023-09-25)
- update next.js to version 13.5 (aa43f14)
- update storybook to the latest version and install playwright (2079a34)
3.20.0 (2023-09-01)
- make updatedAt working when the user update a message and rename the attribute to updatedAt (4032bc0)
3.19.0 (2023-08-30)
- make it easier to try edge runtime in the app router (3f5fd58)
3.18.0 (2023-08-27)
- remove MIGRATE_DB which not needed anymore with process.env.NODE_ENV (3fe81ae)
3.17.0 (2023-08-27)
- add schema in drizzle instance and disable migrate in production (5e26798)
- add script to migrate before building next.js (220d05e)
- do not run db migration when building on GitHub actions (964cfa1)
- reload guestbook page when deployed on production (c2e91b2)
- replace dotenv/config by dotenv-cli in db:studio NPM scripts (f7f8743)
3.16.0 (2023-08-24)
- build issues with prerendering (ff117b9)
- add .env file for production (58ed68c)
- add authToken support for production Turso (26b8276)
- add await for migrate function (96793f0)
- add database powered by Turso in guestbook page (64073a5)
- add db file in gitignore (cd45e09)
- add drizzle config and database schema (df30388)
- add style for guestbook (339154c)
- add typesafe environment variables (5a2cd78)
- create guestbook should not accept empty username and email (37e4408)
- implement AddGuestbookForm to create new guestbook message (d7b37e6)
- implement delete guestbook entry (b7f823a)
- improve UI for AddGuestbookForm (153abfc)
- insert in guestbook and retrieve all guestbooks (23ee408)
- make guestbook editable (8ec1406)
- remove notnull in schema.ts (10f4943)
- rename from email to username (52ab0e4)
- replace new-router page by guestbook (efc84e6)
- replace with a working URL for the database to avoid timeout (fecd8a5)
- update dotenv path to .env, the file was renamed (bd9b2c9)
- use local SQLite file (fe52801)
- validate t3 env on build (6d448ed)
3.15.0 (2023-08-10)
- add next.js middleware with Clerk (2f4a1d3)
- add sign in and sign up link in index page (4489085)
- add sign in and sign up page (f021f71)
- add sign out button in dashboard (c663d1c)
- add user profile to manage account (470731b)
- add user profile to manage account (581efbe)
- implement hello component by display user email address (7047985)
- implement sign out button (8588834)
- implement sign out button and redirect to sign in page when logging out (45ed137)
- redirect to dashboard when the user is signed in for sign up and sign in page (629a033)
3.14.1 (2023-08-07)
- resolve sourcemap error with Cypress and TypeScript 5 (54a5100)
3.14.0 (2023-08-03)
- use Next.js custom TypeScript plugin (915e193)
3.13.0 (2023-08-02)
- add app routed pages (9cc79a0), closes #64
- add sitemap support app router (b82e566)
- app router doesn't support next export, use output: export (76aa9cd)
- generate statically portfolio pages (1f1bf31)
- update test for new router page (b695666)
3.12.0 (2023-07-13)
- format code to respect prettier (48b6a49)
- resolve conflict between airbnb-hook and next/core-web-vitals about react hooks (5e0be4f)
- update to the latest dependencies version (d93fd83)
- use older TypeScript to avoid e2e compilation with sourcemap (6377d2f)
3.11.0 (2023-06-07)
- update dependencies to the latest version (b7609de)
3.10.1 (2023-05-29)
- added types (b35ddc9)
3.10.0 (2023-04-26)
- add vscode yoavbls.pretty-ts-errors extension (3588ce1)
- remove stories in the coverage from Jest (d502869)
- use default airbnb instead of the base version (5c05116)
3.9.0 (2023-04-05)
- add storybook into project (51f3748)
- add tailwind css support in Storybook (5e0d287)
- remove warning for no extreneous deps in stories (b243d44)
- remove storybook addon-styling which is not needed (e863fed)
3.8.2 (2023-03-28)
- error generated by eslint-plugin-cypress (7562c6b)
3.8.1 (2023-03-16)
- typo in Readme (8f7c1b7)
3.8.0 (2023-03-02)
- fix heading levels increase by one (e712e60)
3.7.0 (2023-02-05)
- improve accessibility (aa0f0b1)
- add support for all Node.js 14+, too restrictive with only Node.js 18+ (4e27540)
- downgrade semantic-release version to 19 (26d5a6e)
3.6.0 (2022-12-03)
- add npx before percy command line (4824e98)
- retrive PERCY_TOKEN and set token for percy cli (afe00f2)
- wait until the link rendered instead a wrong heading tag (e38655b)
- add visual testing with Percy (b0a39f5)
3.5.4 (2022-12-03)
- change matching regex for Cypress files (861d545)
3.5.3 (2022-12-02)
- resolve merge conflict (276f57a)
3.5.2 (2022-12-02)
- use npx npm-check-updates (e530193)
3.5.1 (2022-12-02)
- add steps in update-deps.yml file, syntax error (b5de445)
3.5.0 (2022-12-02)
- add auto-update GitHub Actions (364168f)
3.4.0 (2022-12-02)
- automatically format the whole codebase with npm run format (9299209)
- update footer message and comment (4f74176)
3.3.0 (2022-11-22)
- change 'powered by' text to 'built' with (fe0a29f)
3.2.4 (2022-11-20)
- update README file for next-sitemap (9496217)
3.2.3 (2022-11-20)
- add sitemap file in gitignore, it shouldn't commit to git (344b731)
3.2.2 (2022-11-20)
- rename from mjs to js next-sitemap file (7d450ff)
3.2.1 (2022-11-20)
- code styling in blog component pages (f4a55c4)
- move getStaticPaths at the top of blog page (83892ea)
- remove generated files by next-sitemap (c5d93bf)
3.2.0 (2022-11-19)
- run github release only on completed CI workflow (dd4de76)
3.1.0 (2022-11-19)
- just rebuild sitemap (831bae9)
- add blog page (89c4ec7)
- add sitemap.xml and robots.txt from build (545d133)
- disable Husky for release (f20c595)
- rename from master to main (10920ec)
- update TypeScript to 4.9.x (471dc70)
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
3.0.0 (2022-10-26)
- update to Next.js 13 and Tailwind CSS 3.2
- add commit script in package.json (8f4719e)
2.1.1 (2022-09-08)
2.1.0 (2022-07-08)
- add cypress and cypress eslint plugin (5657ee6)
2.0.0 (2022-07-03)
- add Jest and React testing library
- to React 18
add coverage for vscode-jest and configure jest autoRun (ad8a030)
add Jest and React testing library (e182b87)
add TypeScript support for Tailwind CSS configuration (41f1918)
add vscode jest extension (49ab935)
to React 18 (c78f215)
- add commitlint with config-conventional (97a9ac7)