All notable changes to VTUinterface will be documented in this file.
- add meaningful defaults for gaussian and shepard vtk interpolation kernel
- add XDMF export (optional additional prereq.: meshio)
- add aggregation method for calculating min/max/mean values
- point set arrays can be read in as VTU file by setting pointsetarray to file name
- VTUinterface is now able to read pvtu files
- add methods for returning neighbor points and their indices
- add methods to interpolate cell data based on cell midpoints
- add methods for deleting point/cell data
- new tool that enables spatial transformation of slices
- more functionalities to read and interpolate cell data based on cell center points
- changes in interface to distinguish between cell data an point data
- filename argument of PVDIO contains now the directory argument as well (the folder keyword argument is dropped)
- more tests
- VTUinterface can deal with different orientations for 1d and 2d
- VTK backend is added to enable better interpolation as voronoi based interpolation in scipy often fails