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Evaluation condition to be used in an OpenText Media Manager (OTMM) workflow. This condition will evalute if the asset file name match a specific pattern

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OTMM Filename Pattern Evaluation Service

Evaluation condition to be used in an OpenText Media Manager (OTMM) workflow.

This condition will evaluate if the asset filename matches a specific pattern (expressed as a regular expression):


Valid File name examples:


Generate project .jar file (in Eclipse)

  1. Right click on Project folder
  2. Click on Export
  3. Select JAR file
  4. Click on Next
  5. Select only src folder at Select the resource to export list
  6. Check Select class files an resource
  7. Set Select the export destination: JAR file: OTMM-condition-evaluation.jar
  8. Click on Finish


Evaluates a given value. You can specify whether it evaluates an expression, a variable, or a custom implementation class. A standard Java EvaluationService interface is defined to perform evaluation.

All the EvaluationService implementation classes must implement the evaluate() method and return the evaluation result.

All custom implementations must be deployed to Media Management.

Deploy new custom classes

To deploy new custom classes:

  1. Build your custom classes in a JAR file. For example, MyClasses.jar.
  2. Copy the JAR file to the <TEAMS_HOME>/plugins directory.
  3. Deploy the JAR to OTMM.

Deploy customizations


If you add new files or make modifications to existing files in artesia-ejb.jar, your changes are preserved when you upgrade OTMM if you copy these files to the <TEAMS_HOME>/staging/ear.add/ejb.add folder. If you are adding an existing file to the staging folder, prior to copying the file to the staging folder, ensure the customizations are applied to the latest version of the file.

For example, you can add a new ejb-jar.xml file to the artesia-ejb.jar file make performance adjustments. If you created or modified any configuration files in the artesia-ejb.jar file, copy these files to the <TEAMS_HOME>/staging/ear.add/ejb.add folder. The files and folders in the <TEAMS_HOME>/staging/ear.add/ejb.add folder will be added to or merged into artesiaejb.jar as part of the update installation. For example, if the folder contains a META-INF/ejb-jar.xml file, then META-INF/ejb-jar.xml will be added to artesia-ejb.jar.

To deploy customizations on TomEE:

  1. Deploy the OTMM customization in the <TEAMS_HOME>/plugins directory.
  2. At a command prompt or a terminal, navigate to the <TEAMS_HOME>/install/ant folder, and then run the following Ant target:
ant deploy-customizations

Alternative way to deploy customizations

  1. Copy the .jar file to the <TEAMS_HOME>/ear/artesia/lib directory.
  2. Restart the application server

On linux:

   $ cd <TEAMS_HOME>/bin
   $ ./
   $ ./

On Windows:

   > cd <TEAMS_HOME>\bin
   > .\startup.bat
   > .\stutdown.bat


Log4j is a simple and flexible logging framework. The most common configuration options issuing log4j.xml

Follow these steps:

  1. Copy these text:
<!-- Custom added by Joaquín -->
<logger name=""  level="DEBUG" additivity="false">
	<AppenderRef ref="CONSOLE" />
	<AppenderRef ref="FILE" />
<logger name="" level="DEBUG" additivity="false">
	<AppenderRef ref="CONSOLE" />
	<AppenderRef ref="FILE" />
  1. Paste the paragraph before the label into C:\Apps\TomEE-OTMM\conf\log4j2.xml

Required .jar files

This section is only included to know the original location of the .jar files used in the project.

Import the indicated set of files to the indicated project folders:

Set 1

  1. From: C:\Apps\MediaManagement\jars
  • artesia-server-tools.jar
  • commons-httpclient-3.1.jar
  • commons-io-2.6.jar
  • commons-logging-1.2.jar
  • TEAMS-common.jar
  • TEAMS-mock-services.jar
  • TEAMS-sdk.jar
  • TEAMS-toolkit.jar
  1. To project folder: lib

Set 2

  1. From: C:\Apps\MediaManagement_TomEE\lib
  • servlet-api.jar
  1. To project folder: lib

Set 3

  1. From: C:\Apps\MediaManagement\deploy\commons
  • commons-collections-3.2.2.jar
  • commons-collections4-4.3.jar
  • commons-fileupload-1.3.3.jar
  • commons-lang-2.4.jar
  1. To project folder: lib

Set 4

  1. From: C:\Apps\MediaManagement\deploy\artesia
  • otmm-rest-interfaces.jar
  • otmm-server-ext-api.jar
  1. To project folder: lib

Set 4

  1. From: C:\Apps\MediaManagement\ear\artesia.ear
  • artesia-ejb.jar
  1. To project folder: lib


Evaluation condition to be used in an OpenText Media Manager (OTMM) workflow. This condition will evalute if the asset file name match a specific pattern







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