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Plot FFT (JeffersonLab#25)
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This is a new script to calculate and display event-level or subblock FFT of variables from the rootfiles produced by japan MOLLER

Co-authored-by: Sofia Hoffman <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
sofiahoffman and Sofia Hoffman authored Jul 22, 2024
1 parent 4c8ff65 commit 959641c
Showing 1 changed file with 313 additions and 0 deletions.
313 changes: 313 additions & 0 deletions rootScripts/plot_fft.C
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@

//Sofia Hoffman

//This program is used to take the beam data from the MOLLER experiment and turn it into FFT magnitude graphs and plots.
//To change the channel name, load root and use the command:set_chan(name).
//To change the frequency limit, you need to change the event period using the command: set_period(period).
//You can also change the CntHouse file run number by using the command:open_myfile(), and in the parenthesis you will insert the run number. For example: open_myfile(16664).
//The parameters of the plot can also be changed when running the program.
//"open_myfile" can also be used with the full path to open any other root file.
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TTree.h"

#include "TH1D.h"
#include "TVirtualFFT.h"
#include "TF1.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TString.h"

TFile *myfile = NULL;
TTree *mytree = NULL;

TString chan_name("bcm_an_ds");

Double_t frequency_lim=-1;

Int_t plot_counter=0;

Double_t evt_period=520.85e-6;

Int_t run_number;

void set_frequency_lim(Double_t input)
if (input < 0)
std::cout << "The frequency limit needs to be greater than 0" << endl;

else if (input > .5/evt_period)
std::cout << "The frequency limit needs to be less than half the event frequency." << endl;

else frequency_lim = input;


//This is having the user choose the event period for frequencies of either 920Hz or 240Hz and setting it to a variable called "evt_period".

void set_period()

std::cout << "What is the event period? For runs with 1920Hz, the event period is 520.85e-6. For runs with 240Hz, the event period is 4066.65e-6. Input your period: " << endl;

std::cin >> evt_period;


void set_period(Double_t input)

void set_chan(TString input)

void open_myfile(Int_t run_num=16664,
TString path="/volatile/halla/moller12gev/pking/rootfiles/",
TString name="sbs_CntHouse_")
TString filename(Form("%s/%s%d.root",path.Data(),name.Data(),run_number));
std::cout << filename << endl;
myfile = new TFile(filename);
mytree = (TTree*)myfile->Get("evt");
void open_myfile(TString fullname)
myfile = new TFile(fullname);
mytree = (TTree*)myfile->Get("evt");

void plot_fft(Int_t first_event=0, Int_t num_events=1000)
//TFile *f = new TFile("/chafs2/work1/parity/japanOutput/sbs_CntHouse_16664.root");
// TTree *t1 = (TTree*)f->Get("evt");

if (myfile == NULL) open_myfile();

if (frequency_lim < 0)
frequency_lim = 0.5/evt_period;

// The data structure in the tree for each branch has 13 Double_t values. We will
// just want to take the first one "[0]".
Double_t chan_data[13];

Long64_t nentries = mytree->GetEntries();
Long64_t maxevent = first_event + num_events;
if (maxevent>nentries){
maxevent = nentries;
num_events = maxevent - first_event;
//Allocate an array big enough to hold the transform output
//Transform output in 1d contains, for a transform of size N,
//N/2+1 complex numbers, i.e. 2*(N/2+1) real numbers
//our transform is of size n+1, because the histogram has n+1 bins
Int_t n=num_events;
Double_t x;
Double_t *in = new Double_t[2*((n+1)/2+1)];
Double_t re_2,im_2;

for (Int_t i=0;i<2*((n+1)/2+1);i++){

Int_t ii=0;
Double_t meanval=0.0;
for (Long64_t i=first_event;i<maxevent;i++) {
// At this point, the variable "chan_data[0]" will have the value for the event "i".
// You could then assign that to the data array that we'd use for the FFT.
// if (i%100==0) std::cout << "i=="<<i << " chan_data=="<< chan_data[0] <<std::endl;
meanval += chan_data[0];
meanval /= ii;
for (Int_t i=0; i<ii; i++){
in[i] -= meanval;

// Histograms
// =========
//prepare the canvas for drawing
TF1 *fsin = new TF1("fsin", "sin(x)+sin(2*x)+sin(0.5*x)+1", 0, 4*TMath::Pi());

// Data array - same transform
// ===========================

//Make our own TVirtualFFT object (using option "K")
//Third parameter (option) consists of 3 parts:
//- transform type:
// real input/complex output in our case
//- transform flag:
// the amount of time spent in planning
// the transform (see TVirtualFFT class description)
//- to create a new TVirtualFFT object (option "K") or use the global (default)
Int_t n_size = n+1;
TVirtualFFT *fft_own = TVirtualFFT::FFT(1, &n_size, "R2C ES K");
if (!fft_own) return;

//Copy all the output points:
//Draw the real part of the output
TH1 *hr = nullptr;
hr = TH1::TransformHisto(fft_own, hr, "MAG");
hr->SetTitle("Magnitude of the 3rd (array) transform");
// hr->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,300);

std::cout << "Bins in Magnitude Histogram" << hr->GetNbinsX()
<< endl;

TString histname(Form("FFTmag%d",plot_counter++));
TH1D *FFTmag = new TH1D(histname, histname, hr->GetNbinsX(), 0, 1.0/evt_period);

for (Int_t j=0;j<hr->GetNbinsX();j++) {
FFTmag->SetTitle(Form("FFT Magnitude for %s in range %d-%lld",chan_name.Data(),first_event,maxevent));
// if (frequency_lim > .5/evt_period)
// frequency_lim = .5/evt_period;

delete fft_own;
delete [] in;
// delete [] re_full;
// delete [] im_full;

void plot_block_fft(Int_t first_event=0, Int_t num_events=1000)
//TFile *f = new TFile("/chafs2/work1/parity/japanOutput/sbs_CntHouse_16664.root");
// TTree *t1 = (TTree*)f->Get("evt");

if (myfile == NULL) open_myfile();

Double_t block_period=evt_period/4;

if (frequency_lim < 0)
frequency_lim = 0.5/block_period;

// The data structure in the tree for each branch has 13 Double_t values. We will
// just want to take the first one "[0]".
Double_t chan_data[13];

Long64_t nentries = mytree->GetEntries();
Long64_t maxevent = first_event + num_events;
if (maxevent>nentries){
maxevent = nentries;
num_events = maxevent - first_event;
//Allocate an array big enough to hold the transform output
//Transform output in 1d contains, for a transform of size N,
//N/2+1 complex numbers, i.e. 2*(N/2+1) real numbers
//our transform is of size n+1, because the histogram has n+1 bins
Int_t n=num_events*4;
Double_t x;
Double_t *in = new Double_t[2*((n+1)/2+1)];
Double_t re_2,im_2;

for (Int_t i=0;i<2*((n+1)/2+1);i++){

Int_t ii=0;
Double_t meanval=0.0;
for (Long64_t i=first_event;i<maxevent;i++) {
// At this point, the variable "chan_data[0]" will have the value for the event "i".
// You could then assign that to the data array that we'd use for the FFT.
// if (i%100==0) std::cout << "i=="<<i << " chan_data=="<< chan_data[0] <<std::endl;
meanval += chan_data[1];
meanval += chan_data[2];
meanval += chan_data[3];
meanval += chan_data[4];
meanval /= ii;
for (Int_t i=0; i<ii; i++){
in[i] -= meanval;

// Histograms
// =========
//prepare the canvas for drawing
TF1 *fsin = new TF1("fsin", "sin(x)+sin(2*x)+sin(0.5*x)+1", 0, 4*TMath::Pi());

// Data array - same transform
// ===========================

//Make our own TVirtualFFT object (using option "K")
//Third parameter (option) consists of 3 parts:
//- transform type:
// real input/complex output in our case
//- transform flag:
// the amount of time spent in planning
// the transform (see TVirtualFFT class description)
//- to create a new TVirtualFFT object (option "K") or use the global (default)
Int_t n_size = n+1;
TVirtualFFT *fft_own = TVirtualFFT::FFT(1, &n_size, "R2C ES K");
if (!fft_own) return;

//Copy all the output points:
//Draw the real part of the output
TH1 *hr = nullptr;
hr = TH1::TransformHisto(fft_own, hr, "MAG");
hr->SetTitle("Magnitude of the 3rd (array) transform");
// hr->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,300);

std::cout << "Bins in Magnitude Histogram" << hr->GetNbinsX()
<< endl;

TString histname(Form("FFTmag%d",plot_counter++));
TH1D *FFTmag = new TH1D(histname, histname, hr->GetNbinsX(), 0, 1.0/block_period);

for (Int_t j=0;j<hr->GetNbinsX();j++) {
FFTmag->SetTitle(Form("FFT Magnitude for Sub Blocks of %s in range %d-%lld of run %d",chan_name.Data(),first_event,maxevent,run_number));
// if (frequency_lim > .5/block_period)
// frequency_lim = .5/block_period;

delete fft_own;
delete [] in;
// delete [] re_full;
// delete [] im_full;

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