— Typemutable struct RegressionTable{T<:AbstractRenderType} <: AbstractMatrix{String}
+ & \multicolumn{2}{r}{Group 1} & \multicolumn{2}{r}{Group 2} \\
diff --git a/dev/.documenter-siteinfo.json b/dev/.documenter-siteinfo.json index efc147a..0010dc8 100644 --- a/dev/.documenter-siteinfo.json +++ b/dev/.documenter-siteinfo.json @@ -1 +1 @@ -{"documenter":{"julia_version":"1.10.2","generation_timestamp":"2024-03-18T22:01:18","documenter_version":"1.3.0"}} \ No newline at end of file +{"documenter":{"julia_version":"1.10.3","generation_timestamp":"2024-05-03T17:45:26","documenter_version":"1.4.1"}} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dev/api/index.html b/dev/api/index.html index e066bde..cc9c4af 100644 --- a/dev/api/index.html +++ b/dev/api/index.html @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- julia> DataRow(["", "Group 1" => 2:3, "Group 2" => 4:5]; render=LatexTable()) - & \multicolumn{2}{r}{Group 1} & \multicolumn{2}{r}{Group 2} \\ source
— Typemutable struct RegressionTable{T<:AbstractRenderType} <: AbstractMatrix{String}
+ & \multicolumn{2}{r}{Group 1} & \multicolumn{2}{r}{Group 2} \\
— Typemutable struct RegressionTable{T<:AbstractRenderType} <: AbstractMatrix{String}
@@ -94,27 +94,27 @@
SepalWidth 3.057 0.436 2.800 3.000 3.300
PetalLength 3.758 1.765 1.600 4.350 5.100
PetalWidth 1.199 0.762 0.300 1.300 1.800
— Typeabstract type AbstractRenderType end
The generic top level type for render types. Most defaults are set here unless there is a reason it needs to be set at a lower level. Subtypes are still abstract types and include AbstractAscii
, AbstractLatex
, and AbstractHtml
— Typeabstract type AbstractAscii <: AbstractRenderType end
The abstract type for most plain text rendering. Printing is defined using the AbstractAscii
, so new tables (with different defaults) can be created by subtyping AbstractAscii
with minimal effort.
— Typestruct AsciiTable <: AbstractAscii end
The main concrete type for AbstractAscii
. This is the default type used for plain text rendering.
— Typeabstract type AbstractLatex <: AbstractRenderType end
The abstract type for most plain text rendering. Printing is defined using the AbstractLatex
, so new tables (with different defaults) can be created by subtyping AbstractLatex
with minimal effort.
— Typestruct LatexTable <: AbstractLatex end
The main concrete type for AbstractLatex
. This type is used to create Latex tables.
— Typestruct LatexTableStar <: AbstractLatex end
An alternative concrete type for AbstractLatex
. This type is used to create Latex tables that span the entire text width.
— Typeabstract type AbstractHtml <: AbstractRenderType end
The abstract type for most plain text rendering. Printing is defined using the AbstractHtml
, so new tables (with different defaults) can be created by subtyping AbstractHtml
with minimal effort.
— Typestruct HtmlTable <: AbstractHtml end
The main concrete type for AbstractHtml
. This type is used to create HTML tables.
— Typeabstract type AbstractCoefName end
These names largely mirror their equivalents in StatsModels.jl. The main difference here is that the names are always based on strings (instead of symbols). There are also several default functions that are resused (e.g., get
and replace
) to make relabeling coefficients easier.
AbstractCoefName simply acts as a parent type to the other types. The other types are:
: for Term
, ContinuousTerm
and FunctionTerm
: for InteractionTerm
: for CategoricalTerm
: for ConstantTerm
Using the function get_coefname
will return the appropriate type for the term.
— Functionget_coefname(x::AbstractTerm)::CoefName
— Typeabstract type AbstractRenderType end
The generic top level type for render types. Most defaults are set here unless there is a reason it needs to be set at a lower level. Subtypes are still abstract types and include AbstractAscii
, AbstractLatex
, and AbstractHtml
— Typeabstract type AbstractAscii <: AbstractRenderType end
The abstract type for most plain text rendering. Printing is defined using the AbstractAscii
, so new tables (with different defaults) can be created by subtyping AbstractAscii
with minimal effort.
— Typestruct AsciiTable <: AbstractAscii end
The main concrete type for AbstractAscii
. This is the default type used for plain text rendering.
— Typeabstract type AbstractLatex <: AbstractRenderType end
The abstract type for most plain text rendering. Printing is defined using the AbstractLatex
, so new tables (with different defaults) can be created by subtyping AbstractLatex
with minimal effort.
— Typestruct LatexTable <: AbstractLatex end
The main concrete type for AbstractLatex
. This type is used to create Latex tables.
— Typestruct LatexTableStar <: AbstractLatex end
An alternative concrete type for AbstractLatex
. This type is used to create Latex tables that span the entire text width.
— Typeabstract type AbstractHtml <: AbstractRenderType end
The abstract type for most plain text rendering. Printing is defined using the AbstractHtml
, so new tables (with different defaults) can be created by subtyping AbstractHtml
with minimal effort.
— Typestruct HtmlTable <: AbstractHtml end
The main concrete type for AbstractHtml
. This type is used to create HTML tables.
— Typeabstract type AbstractCoefName end
These names largely mirror their equivalents in StatsModels.jl. The main difference here is that the names are always based on strings (instead of symbols). There are also several default functions that are resused (e.g., get
and replace
) to make relabeling coefficients easier.
AbstractCoefName simply acts as a parent type to the other types. The other types are:
: for Term
, ContinuousTerm
and FunctionTerm
: for InteractionTerm
: for CategoricalTerm
: for ConstantTerm
Using the function get_coefname
will return the appropriate type for the term.
— Functionget_coefname(x::AbstractTerm)::CoefName
— Typestruct CategoricalCoefName <: AbstractCoefName
— Typestruct CategoricalCoefName <: AbstractCoefName
Used to store the name of a coefficient for a CategoricalTerm
. The level
is the level of the categorical. In other words, the name
is the column name, the level
is the category within that column.
In a regression, the display of categorical terms is typically displayed as "name: level". You can change how the categorical term is "equal" by changing the categorical_equal
function. The default is ": ", but you can change: this by setting:
RegressionTables.categorical_equal(render::AbstractRenderType) = " = "
RegressionTables.categorical_equal(render::AbstractLatex) = " $=$ "
You can also change how the categorical term is displayed by changing the repr
function. The default is:
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::RegressionTables.CategoricalCoefName; args...) =
- "$(RegressionTables.value(x))$(RegressionTables.categorical_equal(render)) $(x.level)"
— Typestruct CoefName <: AbstractCoefName
+ "$(RegressionTables.value(x))$(RegressionTables.categorical_equal(render)) $(x.level)"
— Typestruct CoefName <: AbstractCoefName
Used to store the name of a coefficient. This is used for Term
, ContinuousTerm
and FunctionTerm
— Typestruct FixedEffectCoefName <: AbstractCoefName
Used to store the name of a coefficient. This is used for Term
, ContinuousTerm
and FunctionTerm
— Typestruct FixedEffectCoefName <: AbstractCoefName
Used to store the name of a coefficient for a FixedEffectTerm
. The name
is the name of the fixed effect. This allows a suffix to be applied later.
— Typestruct InteractedCoefName <: AbstractCoefName
Used to store the name of a coefficient for a FixedEffectTerm
. The name
is the name of the fixed effect. This allows a suffix to be applied later.
— Typestruct InteractedCoefName <: AbstractCoefName
Used to store the different coefficient names that makes up an InteractionTerm. The internals of the vector are typically CoefName
, but can also be strings.
In a regression, each element of the vector is typically displayed as "name1 & name2 & ..." (in AsciiTables). The separator is set by interaction_combine
function, and the default varies based on AbstractRenderType
, it defaults to " & "
, it defaults to " $\times$ "
, it defaults to " × "
You can change the separator by running:
RegressionTables.interaction_combine(render::$RenderType) = " & "
where $RenderType
is the type of the renderer you want to change. For example, to change the output in AbstractLaTeX
RegressionTables.interaction_combine(::AbstractLaTeX) = " \& "
You can control how interaction terms are displayed more generally by changing:
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::RegressionTables.InteractedCoefName; args...) =
- join(RegressionTables.value.(x), RegressionTables.interaction_combine(render))
See Customization of Defaults for more details.
— Typestruct InterceptCoefName <: AbstractCoefName end
Used as a simple indicator for the existence of an intercept term. This allows relabeling of the intercept in all cases by setting
RegressionTables.label(::InterceptCoefName) = "My Intercept"
See Customization of Defaults for more details.
— Typestruct RandomEffectCoefName <: AbstractCoefName
+ join(RegressionTables.value.(x), RegressionTables.interaction_combine(render))
See Customization of Defaults for more details.
— Typestruct InterceptCoefName <: AbstractCoefName end
Used as a simple indicator for the existence of an intercept term. This allows relabeling of the intercept in all cases by setting
RegressionTables.label(::InterceptCoefName) = "My Intercept"
See Customization of Defaults for more details.
— Typestruct RandomEffectCoefName <: AbstractCoefName
Used to store the name and the standard deviation of a coefficient for a RandomEffectTerm
from MixedModels.jl. The standard deviation is stored since that is often the useful information on the relationship between rhs and lhs.
— Functioncalc_widths(rows::Vector{DataRow{T}}) where {T<:AbstractRenderType}
Calculate the widths of each column in the table. For rows with multicolumn cells, the width of the multicolumn is divided evenly among the columns it spans.
— Functionupdate_widths!(row::DataRow{T}, new_lengths=length.(repr.(T(), where {T}
Updates the widths of each column in the row. If lengths are provided, then it should equate to the total number of columns in the table, not the number of elements in the row.
— Functionvalue_pos(nms, x::String)
Returns the position of the string x
in the vector of strings or AbstractCoefName
julia> import RegressionTables: CoefName, InterceptCoefName, InteractedCoefName, CategoricalCoefName, value_pos
Used to store the name and the standard deviation of a coefficient for a RandomEffectTerm
from MixedModels.jl. The standard deviation is stored since that is often the useful information on the relationship between rhs and lhs.
— Functioncalc_widths(rows::Vector{DataRow{T}}) where {T<:AbstractRenderType}
Calculate the widths of each column in the table. For rows with multicolumn cells, the width of the multicolumn is divided evenly among the columns it spans.
— Functionupdate_widths!(row::DataRow{T}, new_lengths=length.(repr.(T(), where {T}
Updates the widths of each column in the row. If lengths are provided, then it should equate to the total number of columns in the table, not the number of elements in the row.
— Functionvalue_pos(nms, x::String)
Returns the position of the string x
in the vector of strings or AbstractCoefName
julia> import RegressionTables: CoefName, InterceptCoefName, InteractedCoefName, CategoricalCoefName, value_pos
julia> nms = ["coef1", CoefName("coef2"), InterceptCoefName(), InteractedCoefName(["coef3", "coef4"]), InteractedCoefName([CoefName("coef1"), CoefName("coef3")]), CategoricalCoefName("coef5", "10"), CategoricalCoefName("coef5", "20")];
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
julia> value_pos(nms, "coef5: 10")
value_pos(nms, x::Int)
Checks that x
is a valid index for the vector of strings or AbstractCoefName
and returns a range of x:x
value_pos(nms, x::UnitRange)
Checks that x
is a valid index for the vector of strings or AbstractCoefName
and returns x
value_pos(nms, x::BitVector)
Returns a vector of indices where x
is true
, called by the regex version of value_pos
value_pos(nms, x::Regex)
Looks within each element of the vector nms
(which is either a string or an AbstractCoefName
) and returns a vector of indices where the regex x
is found.
julia> import RegressionTables: CoefName, InterceptCoefName, InteractedCoefName, CategoricalCoefName, value_pos
value_pos(nms, x::Int)
Checks that x
is a valid index for the vector of strings or AbstractCoefName
and returns a range of x:x
value_pos(nms, x::UnitRange)
Checks that x
is a valid index for the vector of strings or AbstractCoefName
and returns x
value_pos(nms, x::BitVector)
Returns a vector of indices where x
is true
, called by the regex version of value_pos
value_pos(nms, x::Regex)
Looks within each element of the vector nms
(which is either a string or an AbstractCoefName
) and returns a vector of indices where the regex x
is found.
julia> import RegressionTables: CoefName, InterceptCoefName, InteractedCoefName, CategoricalCoefName, value_pos
julia> nms = ["coef1", CoefName("coef2"), InterceptCoefName(), InteractedCoefName(["coef3", "coef4"]), InteractedCoefName([CoefName("coef1"), CoefName("coef3")]), CategoricalCoefName("coef5", "10"), CategoricalCoefName("coef5", "20")];
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
julia> value_pos(nms, r"coef5: 10") == [6]
value_pos(nms, x::Nothing)
Returns an empty vector, called by the regex and string version of value_pos
value_pos(nms, x::Symbol)
Expects a symbol of the form :last
or :end
and returns the last value of nms
, both are included for consistency with the Tuple
julia> import RegressionTables: CoefName, InterceptCoefName, InteractedCoefName, CategoricalCoefName, value_pos
value_pos(nms, x::Nothing)
Returns an empty vector, called by the regex and string version of value_pos
value_pos(nms, x::Symbol)
Expects a symbol of the form :last
or :end
and returns the last value of nms
, both are included for consistency with the Tuple
julia> import RegressionTables: CoefName, InterceptCoefName, InteractedCoefName, CategoricalCoefName, value_pos
julia> nms = ["coef1", CoefName("coef2"), InterceptCoefName(), InteractedCoefName(["coef3", "coef4"]), InteractedCoefName([CoefName("coef1"), CoefName("coef3")]), CategoricalCoefName("coef5", "10"), CategoricalCoefName("coef5", "20")];
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
julia> value_pos(nms, :end)
value_pos(nms, x::Tuple{Symbol, Int})
Expects a tuple of the form (:last, n)
or (:end, n)
. (:last, n)
returns the last n
values (1:5
with (:last, 2)
is 4:5
), while (:end, n)
returns the last index minus n
with (:end, 2)
is 3
julia> import RegressionTables: CoefName, InterceptCoefName, InteractedCoefName, CategoricalCoefName, value_pos
value_pos(nms, x::Tuple{Symbol, Int})
Expects a tuple of the form (:last, n)
or (:end, n)
. (:last, n)
returns the last n
values (1:5
with (:last, 2)
is 4:5
), while (:end, n)
returns the last index minus n
with (:end, 2)
is 3
julia> import RegressionTables: CoefName, InterceptCoefName, InteractedCoefName, CategoricalCoefName, value_pos
julia> nms = ["coef1", CoefName("coef2"), InterceptCoefName(), InteractedCoefName(["coef3", "coef4"]), InteractedCoefName([CoefName("coef1"), CoefName("coef3")]), CategoricalCoefName("coef5", "10"), CategoricalCoefName("coef5", "20")];
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@
julia> value_pos(nms, (:end, 2))
— Functioncombine_other_statistics(combine_other_statistics(
— Functioncombine_other_statistics(combine_other_statistics(
@@ -181,9 +181,9 @@
labels=Dict{String, String}(),
transform_labels=Dict{String, String}(),
Takes vector of nothing or statistics and combines these into a single section. These stats should be a vector of pairs, so this function expects a vector of these vector pairs or nothing. The function will combine the pairs into a single matrix. The first matrix column is a list of unique names which are the first value of the pairs and the rest of the matrix is the last value of the pairs organized.
is a Vector
of Vector{Pair}
or nothing
that should be combined.fill_val
defaults to missing
but is the default value if the statistic is not present in that regression. For example, with fixed effects this defaults to FixedEffectValue(false)
if the fixed effect is not present in the regression.fixedeffects
is a Vector
of fixed effects to include in the table. Defaults to Vector{String}()
, which means all fixed effects are included. Can also be regex, integers or ranges to select which fixed effectsprint_fe_suffix
is a Bool
that governs whether the fixed effects should be printed with a suffix. Defaults to true
, which means the fixed effects will be printed as $X Fixed Effects
. If false
, the fixed effects will just be the fixed effect ($X
is the labels from the main regtable
, used to change the names of the names.transform_labels
is the transform_labels from the main regtable
are any other kwargs
passed to regtable
, allowing for flexible arguments for truly custom type naming.RegressionTables.combine_statistics
— Functioncombine_statistics(tables, stats)
Takes a set of tables (RegressionModel
s) and a vector of AbstractRegressionStatistic
. The stats
argument can also be a pair of AbstractRegressionStatistic => String
, which uses the second value as the name of the statistic in the final table.
— Functionbuild_nm_list(nms, keep)
Takes the list of strings or AbstractCoefName
and returns a subset of nms
that contains only the elements in keep
. Will also reorder the elements that are kept based on the order of keep
— Functionreorder_nms_list(nms, order)
Reorders the vector of strings or AbstractCoefName
according to the order
provided. All elements of nms
are kept.
— Functiondrop_names!(nms, to_drop)
Drops the elements of nms
that are in to_drop
. Does not reorder any other elements.
— Functionadd_blank(groups::Matrix, n)
-add_blank(groups::Vector{Vector}, n)
Recursively checks whether the number of columns in groups
(or the length of the vector groups
) is less than n
, if so, add a blank column (or element) to the left of the matrix (first element of the vector).
This is used to make sure a provided piece of data is at least n
columns, fitting into the table.
— Functionmissing_vars(table::RegressionModel, coefs::Vector)
Checks whether any of the coefficients in table
are not in coefs
, returns true
if so, false
— Functionadd_element!(row::DataRow, val, align_i, colwidth_i, print_underline_i, i)
Adds an element to the row and is only called when combine_equals=true
. This means that if the last element in the row is the same as the provided val
, then the last element is extended to include the new column.
add_element!(row::DataRow, val::Pair, align_i, colwidth_i, print_underline_i, i)
Adds an element to the row and is only called when combine_equals=true
. Since val
is a pair, is is simply added to the row as is, this allows for the creation of two multicolumn cells that have the same information but are separate.
— Functionfind_vertical_gaps(data::Vector{DataRow{T}}) where T
Finds locations in a vector of DataRow
objects where there are vertical gaps. A "vertical gap" is a place where two underlined cells are not connected. If there is a gap, then there needs to be a space between the current column and the next column. This makes it unnecessary to have a final vertical gap since the table ends there.
— Functionextra_cell_space(render::AbstractRenderType)
Used to add extra space to the cell and defaults to 0.
This section describes how different types are displayed. Throughout this package, repr(T(), x)
where T
is a concrete type of AbstractRenderType
is used to convert something to a string. This allows two things.
s, it is possible to create customized displays for almost anyway situationBase.repr
— FunctionBase.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x; args...)
Will render x as a string
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::Pair; args...)
By default, will render the first element of the pair according to the render type. In cases of AbstractLatex
or AbstractHtml
, uses the second element to determine number of columns to span.
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::Int; args...)
By default, will render the integer with commas
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::Float64; digits=default_digits(render, x), commas=true, str_format=nothing, args...)
By default, will render the float with commas and the default number of digits. If str_format
is specified, will use that instead of digits
and commas
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::Nothing; args...)
By default, will render the nothing as an empty string
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::Missing; args...)
By default, will render the missing as an empty string
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::AbstractString; args...)
By default, will render the string as is
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::Bool; args...)
By default, will render the boolean as "Yes" or ""
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::AbstractRegressionStatistic; digits=default_digits(render, x), args...)
By default, will render the statistic with commas and the default number of digits
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::AbstractR2; digits=default_digits(render, x), args...)
By default, will render the same as AbstractRegressionStatistic
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::AbstractUnderStatistic; digits=default_digits(render, x), args...)
By default, will render with the default number of digits and surrounded by parentheses (1.234)
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::ConfInt; digits=default_digits(render, x), args...)
By default, will render with the default number of digits and surrounded by parentheses (1.234, 5.678)
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::CoefValue; digits=default_digits(render, x), args...)
By default, will render with the default number of digits and surrounded by parentheses and will call estim_decorator
for the decoration
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::Type{V}; args...) where {V <: AbstractRegressionStatistic}
By default, will call the label
function related to the type
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::Type{RegressionType}; args...)
By default, will call the label
function related to the RegressionType
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::Tuple; args...)
By default, will render the tuple with spaces between the elements
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::AbstractCoefName; args...)
By default, will render the name of the coefficient, also see Regression Statistics
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::FixedEffectCoefName; args...)
By default, will render the coefficient and add " Fixed Effects"
as a suffix, also see Regression Statistics
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::RandomEffectCoefName; args...)
By default, will render the coefficient and add the " Clustering"
function as a separator, also see Regression Statistics
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::InteractedCoefName; args...)
By default, will render the coefficient and add the interaction_combine
function as a separator, also see Regression Statistics
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::CategoricalCoefName; args...)
By default, will render the coefficient and add the categorical_equal
function as a separator, also see Regression Statistics
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::InterceptCoefName; args...)
By default, will render the coefficient as (Intercept)
, also see Regression Statistics
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::HasControls; args...)
By default, will render the same as Bool
("Yes" and "")
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::RegressionNumbers; args...)
By default, will render the number in parentheses (e.g., "(1)", "(2)"...)
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::Type{V}; args...) where {V <: HasControls}
By default, will call the label
function related to the type
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::RegressionType; args...)
By default, will check if the RegressionType
is an instrumental variable regression and call the label
function related to the type. If it is an instrumental variable, will then call label_iv
, otherwise it will call the related distribution.
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::D; args...) where {D <: UnivariateDistribution}
Will print the distribution as is (e.g., Probit
will be "Probit"), unless another function overrides this behavior (e.g., Normal
, InverseGaussian
, NegativeBinomial
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::InverseGaussian; args...)
By default, will be "Inverse Gaussian"
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::NegativeBinomial; args...)
By default, will be "Negative Binomial"
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::Normal; args...)
By default, will call label_ols
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::RandomEffectCoefName; args...)
How to render a RandomEffectCoefName
and defaults to the right hand side, then the separator, then the left hand side.
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::FixedEffectValue; args...)
How to render a FixedEffectValue
and defaults to calling fe_value
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::ClusterValue; args...)
How to render a ClusterValue
and defaults to how true
and false
is displayed.
If wanting to show the size of the clusters, run:
RegressionTables.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::ClusterValue; args...) = repr(render, value(x); args...)
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::RandomEffectValue; args...)
How to render a RandomEffectValue
and defaults to calling another render function, dependent on the type of the value
This package is designed to be generally compatible with the RegressionModel abstraction. It has special conditions defined around four commonly used packages (FixedEffectModels.jl, GLM.jl, GLFixedEffectModels.jl and MixedModels.jl). It is possible to add new models to this list, either by creating an extension for this package or by creating the necessary items in an independent package.
For any new RegressionModel
, there may be a need to define the following functions for the package to work correctly. Many of these will work without any issues if following the StatsModels API, and many of the others are useful for customizing how the regression result is displayed. It is also possible to redefine how RegressionTables.AbstractRegressionStatistic
are displayed.
— Function_formula(x::RegressionModel)
Generally a passthrough for the formula
function from the StatsModels
package. Note tha the formula
function returns the FormulaSchema
This function is only used internally in the RegressionTables._responsename
and RegressionTables._coefnames
functions. Therefore, if the RegressionModel
uses those two functions without using formula
, this function is not necessary.
— Function_responsename(x::RegressionModel)
Returns the name of the dependent variable in the regression model. The default of this returns a AbstractCoefName
object, but it can be a String
or Symbol
as well.
— Function_coefnames(x::RegressionModel)
Returns a vector of the names of the coefficients in the regression model. The default of this returns a vector of AbstractCoefName
objects, but it can be a vector of String
or Symbol
as well.
— Function_coef(x::RegressionModel)
Returns a vector of the coefficients in the regression model. By default, is just a passthrough for the coef
function from the StatsModels
— Function_stderror(x::RegressionModel)
Returns a vector of the standard errors of the coefficients in the regression model. By default, is just a passthrough for the stderror
function from the StatsModels
— Function_dof_residual(x::RegressionModel)
Returns the degrees of freedom of the residuals in the regression model. By default, is just a passthrough for the dof_residual
function from the StatsModels
— Function_pvalue(x::RegressionModel)
Returns a vector of the p-values of the coefficients in the regression model.
— Functionother_stats(rr::RegressionModel, s::Symbol)
Returns any other statistics to be displayed. This is used (if the appropriate extension is loaded) to display the fixed effects in a FixedEffectModel (or GLFixedEffectModel), clusters in those two, or Random Effects in a MixedModel. For other regressions, this returns nothing
— Methoddefault_regression_statistics(rr::RegressionModel)
Returns a vector of AbstractRegressionStatistic
objects. This is used to display the statistics in the table. This is customizable for each RegressionModel
type. The default is to return a vector of Nobs
and R2
— Functioncan_standardize(x::RegressionModel)
Returns a boolean indicating whether the coefficients can be standardized. standardized coefficients are coefficients that are scaled by the standard deviation of the variables. This is useful for comparing the relative importance of the variables in the model.
This is only possible of the RegressionModel
includes the model matrix or the standard deviation of the dependent variable. If the RegressionModel
does not include either of these, then this function should return false
See also RegressionTables.standardize_coef_values
— Functionstandardize_coef_values(std_X, std_Y, val)
Standardizes the coefficients by the standard deviation of the variables. This is useful for comparing the relative importance of the variables in the model.
This function is only used if the RegressionTables.can_standardize
function returns true
: The standard deviation of the independent variable.std_Y::Real
: The standard deviation of the dependent variable.val::Real
: The value to be standardized (either the coefficient or the standard error).If the standard deviation of the independent variable is 0, then the interpretation of the coefficient is how many standard deviations of the dependent variable away from 0 is the intercept. In this case, the function returns val / std_Y
Otherwise, the function returns val * std_X / std_Y
— Typestruct RegressionType{T}
Takes vector of nothing or statistics and combines these into a single section. These stats should be a vector of pairs, so this function expects a vector of these vector pairs or nothing. The function will combine the pairs into a single matrix. The first matrix column is a list of unique names which are the first value of the pairs and the rest of the matrix is the last value of the pairs organized.
is a Vector
of Vector{Pair}
or nothing
that should be combined.fill_val
defaults to missing
but is the default value if the statistic is not present in that regression. For example, with fixed effects this defaults to FixedEffectValue(false)
if the fixed effect is not present in the regression.fixedeffects
is a Vector
of fixed effects to include in the table. Defaults to Vector{String}()
, which means all fixed effects are included. Can also be regex, integers or ranges to select which fixed effectsprint_fe_suffix
is a Bool
that governs whether the fixed effects should be printed with a suffix. Defaults to true
, which means the fixed effects will be printed as $X Fixed Effects
. If false
, the fixed effects will just be the fixed effect ($X
is the labels from the main regtable
, used to change the names of the names.transform_labels
is the transform_labels from the main regtable
are any other kwargs
passed to regtable
, allowing for flexible arguments for truly custom type naming.RegressionTables.combine_statistics
— Functioncombine_statistics(tables, stats)
Takes a set of tables (RegressionModel
s) and a vector of AbstractRegressionStatistic
. The stats
argument can also be a pair of AbstractRegressionStatistic => String
, which uses the second value as the name of the statistic in the final table.
— Functionbuild_nm_list(nms, keep)
Takes the list of strings or AbstractCoefName
and returns a subset of nms
that contains only the elements in keep
. Will also reorder the elements that are kept based on the order of keep
— Functionreorder_nms_list(nms, order)
Reorders the vector of strings or AbstractCoefName
according to the order
provided. All elements of nms
are kept.
— Functiondrop_names!(nms, to_drop)
Drops the elements of nms
that are in to_drop
. Does not reorder any other elements.
— Functionadd_blank(groups::Matrix, n)
+add_blank(groups::Vector{Vector}, n)
Recursively checks whether the number of columns in groups
(or the length of the vector groups
) is less than n
, if so, add a blank column (or element) to the left of the matrix (first element of the vector).
This is used to make sure a provided piece of data is at least n
columns, fitting into the table.
— Functionmissing_vars(table::RegressionModel, coefs::Vector)
Checks whether any of the coefficients in table
are not in coefs
, returns true
if so, false
— Functionadd_element!(row::DataRow, val, align_i, colwidth_i, print_underline_i, i)
Adds an element to the row and is only called when combine_equals=true
. This means that if the last element in the row is the same as the provided val
, then the last element is extended to include the new column.
add_element!(row::DataRow, val::Pair, align_i, colwidth_i, print_underline_i, i)
Adds an element to the row and is only called when combine_equals=true
. Since val
is a pair, is is simply added to the row as is, this allows for the creation of two multicolumn cells that have the same information but are separate.
— Functionfind_vertical_gaps(data::Vector{DataRow{T}}) where T
Finds locations in a vector of DataRow
objects where there are vertical gaps. A "vertical gap" is a place where two underlined cells are not connected. If there is a gap, then there needs to be a space between the current column and the next column. This makes it unnecessary to have a final vertical gap since the table ends there.
— Functionextra_cell_space(render::AbstractRenderType)
Used to add extra space to the cell and defaults to 0.
This section describes how different types are displayed. Throughout this package, repr(T(), x)
where T
is a concrete type of AbstractRenderType
is used to convert something to a string. This allows two things.
s, it is possible to create customized displays for almost anyway situationBase.repr
— FunctionBase.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x; args...)
Will render x as a string
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::Pair; args...)
By default, will render the first element of the pair according to the render type. In cases of AbstractLatex
or AbstractHtml
, uses the second element to determine number of columns to span.
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::Int; args...)
By default, will render the integer with commas
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::Float64; digits=default_digits(render, x), commas=true, str_format=nothing, args...)
By default, will render the float with commas and the default number of digits. If str_format
is specified, will use that instead of digits
and commas
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::Nothing; args...)
By default, will render the nothing as an empty string
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::Missing; args...)
By default, will render the missing as an empty string
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::AbstractString; args...)
By default, will render the string as is
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::Bool; args...)
By default, will render the boolean as "Yes" or ""
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::AbstractRegressionStatistic; digits=default_digits(render, x), args...)
By default, will render the statistic with commas and the default number of digits
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::AbstractR2; digits=default_digits(render, x), args...)
By default, will render the same as AbstractRegressionStatistic
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::AbstractUnderStatistic; digits=default_digits(render, x), args...)
By default, will render with the default number of digits and surrounded by parentheses (1.234)
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::ConfInt; digits=default_digits(render, x), args...)
By default, will render with the default number of digits and surrounded by parentheses (1.234, 5.678)
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::CoefValue; digits=default_digits(render, x), args...)
By default, will render with the default number of digits and surrounded by parentheses and will call estim_decorator
for the decoration
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::Type{V}; args...) where {V <: AbstractRegressionStatistic}
By default, will call the label
function related to the type
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::Type{RegressionType}; args...)
By default, will call the label
function related to the RegressionType
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::Tuple; args...)
By default, will render the tuple with spaces between the elements
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::AbstractCoefName; args...)
By default, will render the name of the coefficient, also see Regression Statistics
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::FixedEffectCoefName; args...)
By default, will render the coefficient and add " Fixed Effects"
as a suffix, also see Regression Statistics
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::RandomEffectCoefName; args...)
By default, will render the coefficient and add the " Clustering"
function as a separator, also see Regression Statistics
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::InteractedCoefName; args...)
By default, will render the coefficient and add the interaction_combine
function as a separator, also see Regression Statistics
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::CategoricalCoefName; args...)
By default, will render the coefficient and add the categorical_equal
function as a separator, also see Regression Statistics
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::InterceptCoefName; args...)
By default, will render the coefficient as (Intercept)
, also see Regression Statistics
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::HasControls; args...)
By default, will render the same as Bool
("Yes" and "")
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::RegressionNumbers; args...)
By default, will render the number in parentheses (e.g., "(1)", "(2)"...)
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::Type{V}; args...) where {V <: HasControls}
By default, will call the label
function related to the type
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::RegressionType; args...)
By default, will check if the RegressionType
is an instrumental variable regression and call the label
function related to the type. If it is an instrumental variable, will then call label_iv
, otherwise it will call the related distribution.
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::D; args...) where {D <: UnivariateDistribution}
Will print the distribution as is (e.g., Probit
will be "Probit"), unless another function overrides this behavior (e.g., Normal
, InverseGaussian
, NegativeBinomial
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::InverseGaussian; args...)
By default, will be "Inverse Gaussian"
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::NegativeBinomial; args...)
By default, will be "Negative Binomial"
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::Normal; args...)
By default, will call label_ols
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::RandomEffectCoefName; args...)
How to render a RandomEffectCoefName
and defaults to the right hand side, then the separator, then the left hand side.
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::FixedEffectValue; args...)
How to render a FixedEffectValue
and defaults to calling fe_value
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::ClusterValue; args...)
How to render a ClusterValue
and defaults to how true
and false
is displayed.
If wanting to show the size of the clusters, run:
RegressionTables.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::ClusterValue; args...) = repr(render, value(x); args...)
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::RandomEffectValue; args...)
How to render a RandomEffectValue
and defaults to calling another render function, dependent on the type of the value
This package is designed to be generally compatible with the RegressionModel abstraction. It has special conditions defined around four commonly used packages (FixedEffectModels.jl, GLM.jl, GLFixedEffectModels.jl and MixedModels.jl). It is possible to add new models to this list, either by creating an extension for this package or by creating the necessary items in an independent package.
For any new RegressionModel
, there may be a need to define the following functions for the package to work correctly. Many of these will work without any issues if following the StatsModels API, and many of the others are useful for customizing how the regression result is displayed. It is also possible to redefine how RegressionTables.AbstractRegressionStatistic
are displayed.
— Function_formula(x::RegressionModel)
Generally a passthrough for the formula
function from the StatsModels
package. Note tha the formula
function returns the FormulaSchema
This function is only used internally in the RegressionTables._responsename
and RegressionTables._coefnames
functions. Therefore, if the RegressionModel
uses those two functions without using formula
, this function is not necessary.
— Function_responsename(x::RegressionModel)
Returns the name of the dependent variable in the regression model. The default of this returns a AbstractCoefName
object, but it can be a String
or Symbol
as well.
— Function_coefnames(x::RegressionModel)
Returns a vector of the names of the coefficients in the regression model. The default of this returns a vector of AbstractCoefName
objects, but it can be a vector of String
or Symbol
as well.
— Function_coef(x::RegressionModel)
Returns a vector of the coefficients in the regression model. By default, is just a passthrough for the coef
function from the StatsModels
— Function_stderror(x::RegressionModel)
Returns a vector of the standard errors of the coefficients in the regression model. By default, is just a passthrough for the stderror
function from the StatsModels
— Function_dof_residual(x::RegressionModel)
Returns the degrees of freedom of the residuals in the regression model. By default, is just a passthrough for the dof_residual
function from the StatsModels
— Function_pvalue(x::RegressionModel)
Returns a vector of the p-values of the coefficients in the regression model.
— Functionother_stats(rr::RegressionModel, s::Symbol)
Returns any other statistics to be displayed. This is used (if the appropriate extension is loaded) to display the fixed effects in a FixedEffectModel (or GLFixedEffectModel), clusters in those two, or Random Effects in a MixedModel. For other regressions, this returns nothing
— Methoddefault_regression_statistics(rr::RegressionModel)
Returns a vector of AbstractRegressionStatistic
objects. This is used to display the statistics in the table. This is customizable for each RegressionModel
type. The default is to return a vector of Nobs
and R2
— Functioncan_standardize(x::RegressionModel)
Returns a boolean indicating whether the coefficients can be standardized. standardized coefficients are coefficients that are scaled by the standard deviation of the variables. This is useful for comparing the relative importance of the variables in the model.
This is only possible of the RegressionModel
includes the model matrix or the standard deviation of the dependent variable. If the RegressionModel
does not include either of these, then this function should return false
See also RegressionTables.standardize_coef_values
— Functionstandardize_coef_values(std_X, std_Y, val)
Standardizes the coefficients by the standard deviation of the variables. This is useful for comparing the relative importance of the variables in the model.
This function is only used if the RegressionTables.can_standardize
function returns true
: The standard deviation of the independent variable.std_Y::Real
: The standard deviation of the dependent variable.val::Real
: The value to be standardized (either the coefficient or the standard error).If the standard deviation of the independent variable is 0, then the interpretation of the coefficient is how many standard deviations of the dependent variable away from 0 is the intercept. In this case, the function returns val / std_Y
Otherwise, the function returns val * std_X / std_Y
— Typestruct RegressionType{T}
The type of the regression. val
should be a distribution from the Distributions.jl package. is_iv
indicates whether the regression is an instrumental variable regression. The default label for the regression type is "Estimator". The labels for individual regression types (e.g., "OLS", "Poisson") can be set by running:
RegressionTables.label_ols(render::AbstractRenderType) = $name
-RegressionTables.label_iv(render::AbstractRenderType) = $name
Or for individual distributions by running:
Base.repr(render::AbstractRenderType, x::$Distribution; args...) = $Name
This document was generated with Documenter.jl version 1.3.0 on Monday 18 March 2024. Using Julia version 1.10.2.