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Imperative languages like Java offer looping constructs like while or for loops. These looping constructs are based on mutable data.

In this Java example the mutable variable isDone is used to exit the loop:

void doSomething() {
  boolean isDone = false;
  while (!isDone) {
    isDone = true;

But how is it possible to write a while loop if the value that the loop is testing is immutable and functions are pure?

The answer is: recursion!

void doSomething() {

void doSomething(final boolean isDone) {
  if (!isDone) {

The drawback of this simple recursion is the large amount of memory overhead because of added stack frames for each recursion iteration.

Functional languages with immutable data structures support tail call optimization (TCO) to provide memory efficient recursion. Venice supports tail call optimization and self recursion through the loop..recur syntax. Self recursion is a way to mimic TCO.

In addition Venice provides the trampoline function for mutual recursion for more involved forms of recursion.

Simple Recursion

To illustrate the problem with simple recursion consuming stack frames for each iteration, let's look at a simple recursion example to compute the factorial for a number.

The computation of factorial numbers is defined as

  • factorial 1 -> 1
  • factorial n -> n * factorial (n - 1)
  (defn factorial [n] 
    (if (<= n 1) 
        (* (bigint n) (factorial (dec n)))))

  (factorial 2)     ; => 2N
  (factorial 5)     ; => 120N
  (factorial 200)   ; => 78865786736479050355236...00000000N (375 digits)
  (factorial 4000)  ; => boooom...  (stack overflow)

Simple recursion with multimethods:

  (defmulti factorial identity)
  (defmethod factorial 0N [_] 1N)
  (defmethod factorial :default [n] (* (bigint n) (factorial (dec (bigint n)))))

  (factorial 2)     ; => 2N
  (factorial 5)     ; => 120N
  (factorial 200)   ; => 78865786736479050355236...00000000N (375 digits)
  (factorial 4000)  ; => boooom...  (stack overflow)

Simple recursion a few thousand calls deep throws a StackOverflowError.

Note: The recursive call to 'factorial' in this example is not in tail position. Thus it can not be tail call optimized!

Self-Recursive Calls (loop - recur)

Venice self-recursive calls do not consume a new a stack frame for every new recursion iteration and have a constant memory usage. It's the only non-stack-consuming looping construct in Venice. To make it work the recur expression must be in tail position. This way Venice can turn the recursive loop..recur construct behind the scene into a plain loop.

Definition: The tail position is a position which an expression would return a value from. There are no more forms evaluated after the form in the tail position is evaluated.

Remember: Venice offers various alternative solutions to recursion to solve loops, like (+ 1 2 3 4 5 6) to sum up a list of numbers or the powerful reduce function: (reduce + [1 2 3 4 5]). Many Venice functions accept an arbitrary number of arguments to prevent you from writing loops.


  1. loop: establishes a point to which recur can jump back.
  2. recur: jumps back to the nearest enclosing loop, re-evaluating it with new values.

Key Points:

  • Tail Recursion Optimization: recur is optimized for tail recursion, meaning it doesn’t add a new frame to the call stack, making it memory efficient.
  • Loop Variable Initialization: Variables initialized in loop are re-evaluated with recur.
  • Exit Condition: Always ensure there’s a condition to exit the loop, or it will run indefinitely.

Example 1: Summing Numbers from 1 to n

Step-by-Step Explanation:

  1. Define the loop: Start a loop with initial values.
  2. Perform operations inside the loop: Do the computation or check conditions.
  3. Use recur to continue the loop: Jump back to the loop with new values or exit the loop if a condition is met.
  (defn sum-to-n [n]
    (loop [i 1            ;; Initialize loop variables: i starts at 1
           sum 0]         ;; sum starts at 0
      (if (<= i n)        ;; If i is less than or equal to n
        (recur (inc i)    ;; Recur with incremented i and updated sum
               (+ sum i)) ;; Update sum by adding i
        sum)))            ;; If condition is false, return the sum        
   ;; call the function
   (sum-to-n 100000))  ;; => 5000050000

Example 2: Recursively compute the factorial of a number:

;; Definition:
;;   factorial 1 -> 1
;;   factorial n -> n * factorial (n - 1)
   (defn factorial [x]
      ;; the transformed recursion uses an accumulator for intermediate results
      (loop [n x, acc 1N]
         (if (== n 1)
             (recur (dec n) (* acc n)))))
   (factorial 5)      ; => 120N
   (factorial 10000)) ; => 284625968091...00000N  (35661 digits)

Example 3: Recursively compute the Fibonacci numbers (0 1 1 2 3 5 8 ...):

;; Definition:
;;   fib 0 -> 0
;;   fib 1 -> 1
;;   fib n -> fib (n - 2) + fib (n - 1)
   (defn fib [x]
      (loop [n x, a 0N, b 1N]
         (case n
            0  a
            1  b
            (recur (dec n) b (+ a b)))))
   (fib 6)       ; => 8N
   (fib 100000)) ; => 259740693472217...28746875N  (20901 digits)

Recursion with lazy sequences

Example 1: Lazy Fibonacci number sequence computed by a recursive function:

   (defn fib
     ([]    (fib 0N 1N))
     ([a b] (cons a #(fib b (+ a b)))))

   (doall (take 7 (fib)))      ; => (0 1 1 2 3 5 8)
   (doall (take 3000 (fib))))  ; => (0N 1N 1N 2N 3N 5N 8N ..... 25377457405898...5102001N)

Example 2: Factorial numbers:

   (defn factorial
      ([]      (factorial 1 1N))
      ([x]     (first (drop (dec x) (factorial))))
      ([n acc] (cons acc #(factorial (inc n) (* acc (inc n))))))

   (factorial 5)       ; => 120N 
   (factorial 10000))  ; => 284625968091...00000N  (35661 digits)

Mutually recursive calls (trampoline)

trampoline can be used to convert algorithms requiring mutual recursion without stack consumption. Calls f, if f returns a function, calls that function with no arguments, and continues to repeat, until the return value is not a function, then returns that non-function value.

The function trampoline is defined simplified as

(defn trampoline [f] 
   (loop [f f]
      (let [ret (f)]
         (if (fn? ret) (recur ret) ret)))))


   (defn is-odd? [n]
      (if (zero? n)
          #(is-even? (dec n))))

   (defn is-even? [n]
      (if (zero? n)
          #(is-odd? (dec n))))

   (trampoline (is-odd? 10000)))
   (defn factorial
      ([n] #(factorial n 1N))
      ([n acc] (if (< n 2) 
                   #(factorial (dec n) (* acc n)))))

   (trampoline (factorial 10000)))

Tail Call Optimization (TCO)

Venice has support for automatic tail call optimization. The recursive call must be in tail position.

  (defn factorial
    ([n]     (factorial n 1N))
    ([n acc] (if (== n 1)
               (factorial (dec n) (* acc n)))))
  (factorial 5)       ; => 120N 
  (factorial 10000))  ; => 284625968091...00000N  (35661 digits)

Recursion vs Folding

Tail call recursive functions, can always be written in terms of a reducing (folding) function. E.g.:

  (defn factorial [n]
    ;; reducing factorial
    (reduce * 1N (range 1 (inc n))))
  (factorial 5)       ; => 120N 
  (factorial 10000))  ; => 284625968091...00000N  (35661 digits)

But not all recursive functions can be transformed into a tail recursive function and translated into a loop. The Ackermann's function is such an example of a non primitive recursive function that can not be de-recursed into loops.

Recursion and Memoization

For some recursive algorithms memoization can speed up computation dramatically:

  (def fibonacci
      (fn [n]
          (<= n 0) 0
          (< n 2) 1
          :else (+ (fibonacci (- n 1)) (fibonacci (- n 2)))))))

  (time (fibonacci 25)))

Please note that this naive approach is not working:

  (defn fib-simple [n]
    (if (< n 2)
      (max n 0)
      (+ (fib-simple (- n 1)) (fib-simple (- n 2)))))

  (def fib-memoize (memoize fib-simple))
  (fib-memoize 30))

memoization is doing a good job in computing fibonacci numbers using simple recursion. It eliminates the recurring computation of the predecessors values.

Nevertheless there are recursive algorithms like the Ackermann function where memoization has to raise its arms.

Comparing recursion efficiency

To see how efficient tail call optimization for recursion is we compare simple recursion with self recursion applied to computing Fibonacci numbers.

Note: all examples run with upfront macro expansion enabled.

  (defn fib-simple [n]
    (if (< n 2)
      (+ (fib-simple (- n 1)) (fib-simple (- n 2)))))

  (defn fib-tco 
      (fib-tco n 0N 1N))
    ([n a b]
      (case n
        0  a
        1  b
        (fib-tco (dec n) b (+ a b)))))
  (defn fib-loop-recur [x]
    (loop [n x, a 0N, b 1N]
      (case n
        0  a
        1  b
        (recur (dec n) b (+ a b)))))

  (def fib-memoize
      (fn [n]
        (case n
          0  0
          1  1
          (+ (fib-memoize (- n 1)) (fib-memoize (- n 2))))))))
   ; (load-module :benchmark ['benchmark :as 'b])
   ; (b/benchmark (fib-simple 30) 5 5)
   ; (b/benchmark (fib-tco 30) 5000 1000)
   ; (b/benchmark (fib-loop-recur 30) 5000 1000)
   ; (time (fib-memoize 30))  ;; note: memoizing functions cannot be benchmarked!
  ;; run on MacBook Air M2, with 'macroexpand' enabled
  ;; +----------------------+------------+
  ;; | (fib-simple 30)      |    1.171s  |  
  ;; | (fib-memoize 30)     |    2.540ms |     
  ;; | (fib-tco 30)         |   31.286µs |   
  ;; | (fib-loop-recur 30)  |   27.946µs |  
  ;; +----------------------+------------+