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Lazy Sequences

Venice supports lazy evaluated sequences. Lazy sequences are sequences which elements are produced only when needed and memorized for further access, thus lazy sequences can be infinite. The evaluation of sequence elements is called realization.

Producing Lazy Sequences

Lazy sequences produced by an element generating function

(theoretically) infinite lazy sequence with random numbers

(lazy-seq rand-long) ; => (...)

(theoretically) infinite lazy sequence with positive numbers

; 1, 2, 3, 4, ...
(lazy-seq 1 inc) ; => (...)

(theoretically) infinite lazy sequence with cons'ing a value

; -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...
(cons -1 (lazy-seq 0 inc)) ; => (...)

Finite Lazy Sequences

Empty lazy sequence

(lazy-seq) ; => (...)

(empty? (lazy-seq)) ; => true

Finite lazy sequence from lists and vectors

; 1, 2, 3, 4
(lazy-seq '(1 2 3 4)) ; => (...)
; 1, 2, 3, 4
(lazy-seq [1 2 3 4]) ; => (...)

Finite lazy sequence created from an item producing function returning nil to end the sequence

; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(lazy-seq 1 #(if (< % 5) (inc %) nil)) ; => (...)

Realizing Lazy Sequences

Lazy sequences must be explicitly realized. At this moment the elements are computed.

Single elements of a lazy sequence can be realized with one of the functions first, second, third, fourth, or nth

(first (lazy-seq 1 inc)) ; => 1

(second (lazy-seq 1 inc)) ; => 2

(first (cons -1 (lazy-seq 0 #(+ % 1)))) ; => -1 

(second (cons -1 (lazy-seq 0 #(+ % 1)))) ; => 0 

Realizing a lazy sequence to a list is done by applying the doall function.

Be aware that your runtime system will not survive realizing an infinite lazy sequence.

;;; !!! DO NOT RUN THIS !!!
(doall (lazy-seq 1 inc)) ; continues realizing elements until the memory is exhausted

Implicitly realizing elements of an infinite lazy sequence

(interleave [:a :b :c] (lazy-seq 1 inc))  ; => (:a 1 :b 2 :c 3)

Realizing Finite Lazy Sequences

Finite lazy sequences are built from lists and vectors or from element producing functions (eg.: #(if (< % 5) (inc %) nil)) returning nil to end the sequence.

(doall (lazy-seq [1 2 3 4]))
; => (1 2 3 4)

The (take n) turns the infinite lazy sequence to a finite lazy sequence with n items

(->> (lazy-seq (time/local-date 2023 7 1) #(time/plus % :days 1))
     (take 3)
; => (2023-07-01 2023-07-02 2023-07-03)
(->> (lazy-seq 1 inc)      ; infinite lazy seq of positive numbers
     (map #(* 10 %))       ; map elements, no elements realized yet
     (drop 2)              ; drop the first 2 elements producing a new infinite lazy seq
     (take 2)              ; finite lazy seq with 2 elements not yet realized
     (doall))              ; realize the 2 elements
; => (30 40)

Lazy sequences show its power to generate the Fibonacci sequence

  (def fib (map first (lazy-seq [0N 1N] (fn [[a b]] [b (+ a b)]))))
  (doall (take 10 fib)))

Approximate Pi to the 1/n decimal with the Leibniz formula π/4 = 1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 + 1/9 - ...

;; Leibniz's formula converges extremely slowly.
;; Do no forget to enable upfront macro expansion in the REPL
  (defn pi [n]
       (comp (map #(/ 4 %)) (take n))
       (lazy-seq 1.0 #(* ((if (pos? %) + -) % 2) -1))))
  (pi 1000000))

An item producing function returning nil to make the lazy sequence finite

(doall (lazy-seq 1 #(if (< % 5) (inc %) nil)))
; => (1 2 3 4 5)
(->> (lazy-seq 1 #(if (< % 5) (inc %) nil))
     (drop 2)
     (take 6)
; => (3 4 5)

Note: The producing function receives the last element as input to produce the next element. The function #(if (< % 5) (inc %) nil) produces the elements 1,2,3,4,5 (up to 5). The last input element that matches the expression (< % 5) is 4, hence 5 is the last produced element, the function produces elements and is not a filter.

Realizing Finite Lazy Sequences doall vs docoll

Realizing with doall

Realizes all the elements of the finite lazy sequences upfront

(let [q (conj! (queue) 1 2 3 nil)]  
  (defn f [] 
    (let [v (poll! q)]
      (println "Producing " v)
  (docoll #(println "Collecting" %) (doall (lazy-seq f))))
Producing  1
Producing  2
Producing  3
Producing  nil
Collecting 1
Collecting 2
Collecting 3

Realizing with docoll

Realizes all the elements of the finite lazy sequences element by element

(let [q (conj! (queue) 1 2 3 nil)]  
  (defn f [] 
     (let [v (poll! q)]
       (println "Producing " v)
  (docoll #(println "Collecting" %) (lazy-seq f)))
Producing  1
Collecting 1
Producing  2
Collecting 2
Producing  3
Collecting 3
Producing  nil

Implicit Memoization

Remember that elements are just realized once and then memorized for further access

Example 1:

  (def ls (lazy-seq 0 (fn [x] (let [n (+ x 1)]
                                (println "realized" n)

  (first ls)
  ; => 0, the first value is the passed seed value -> no evaluation

  (second ls)
  ;realized 1
  ;=> 1, the second value is accessed -> it is evaluated

  (second ls)
  ;=> 1, the second value has already been evaluated -> the memorized value is returned

Example 2:

  (def ls (lazy-seq 0 (fn [x] (let [n (+ x 1)]
                                (println "  realized" n)

  (println "/1/:")
  (->> (map #(* 10 %) ls)
       (take 40)     
       (take 2)

  ; /1/:
  ;   realized 1
  ; => (0 10)
  (println "/2/:")
  (->> (map #(* 10 %) ls)
       (take 40)
       (take 4)
  ; /2/:
  ;   realized 2
  ;   realized 3
  ; => (0 10 20 30)

Recursive Lazy Sequences

Lazy sequences can be recursively defined by cons'ing a recursive function that returns a lazy sequence.

Infinite Recursive Lazy Sequences

Lazy sequence with all positive numbers:

  (defn positive-numbers
    ([]  (positive-numbers 1))
    ([n] (cons n #(positive-numbers (inc n)))))

  (doall (take 4 (positive-numbers))))
  ; => (1 2 3 4)

Lazy Fibonacci number sequence computed by a recursive function:

  (defn fib
    ([]    (fib 0 1))
    ([a b] (cons a #(fib b (+ a b)))))

  (doall (take 7 (fib))))
  ; => (0 1 1 2 3 5 8)

Finite Recursive Lazy Sequences

Finite recursive lazy sequence producing a sequence of decremented numbers:

  (defn number-seq [x]
    (when (> x 0)
      (cons x #(number-seq (dec x)))))
  (doall (take 3 (number-seq 5)))
  ; => (5 4 3)
  (doall (take 10 (number-seq 5)))
  ; => (5 4 3 2 1)
  (doall (number-seq 5))
  ; => (5 4 3 2 1)

Finite recursive lazy sequence (reading text lines from a Reader)

  (defn line-seq [rdr]
    (when-let [line (. rdr :readLine)]
      (cons line #(line-seq rdr))))

  (doall (take 3 (line-seq (io/buffered-reader "1\n2\n3\n4"))))
  ; => ("1" "2" "3")
  (doall (take 10 (line-seq (io/buffered-reader "1\n2\n3\n4"))))
  ; => ("1" "2" "3" "4")

  (doall (line-seq (io/buffered-reader "1\n2\n3\n4")))
  ; => ("1" "2" "3" "4")

Alternative finite recursive lazy sequence (reading text lines from a Reader)

  (defn line-seq [rdr]
    (if-let [line (. rdr :readLine)]
      (cons line #(line-seq rdr))

  (doall (take 3 (line-seq (io/buffered-reader "1\n2\n3\n4"))))
  ; => ("1" "2" "3")

  (doall (line-seq (io/buffered-reader "1\n2\n3\n4")))
  ; => ("1" "2" "3" "4")

Functions working with Lazy Sequences

Creating and realizing lazy sequences:

- lazy-seq
- doall

Functions that return lazy sequences when their input is a lazy sequence:

- cons
- cycle
- repeat

- map
- filter
- remove
- take
- take-while
- drop
- drop-while
- rest

Functions that return realized elements from a lazy sequences:

- first
- second
- third
- fourth
- nth