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211 lines (146 loc) · 5.22 KB

File metadata and controls

211 lines (146 loc) · 5.22 KB


Venice has built-in support for reading/writing JSON from/to Venice data structures. No 3rd-party libraries are required.


To convert to/from JSON strings, use json/write-str and json/read-str:

(json/write-str {:a 1 :b 2})
;;=> "{\"a\":1,\"b\":2}"

(json/read-str """{"a":1,"b":2}""")
;;=> {"a" 1, "b" 2}

Note that these operations are not symmetric. Converting Venice data into JSON is lossy. JSON has a restricted set of data types so not all Venice datatypes can be adequately converted. E.g. there is no real decimal type and Venice int is converted to long.


JSON can be spit to Java OutputStreams, Writers, or files:

  • io/bytebuf-out-stream
  • io/file-out-stream
  • io/buffered-writer
  • io/file
(let [out (io/bytebuf-out-stream)]
  (json/spit out {:a 100 :b 100 :c [10 20 30]})
  (try-with [in (io/bytebuf-in-stream @out)]
     (pr-str (json/slurp in))))
;;=> "{\"a\":100,\"b\":100,\"c\":[10,20,30]}"

JSON can be slurped from byte buffers, Java InputStreams, Readers, or files:

  • bytebuf
  • io/file-in-stream
  • io/bytebuf-in-stream
  • io/buffered-reader
  • io/file
(json/slurp (io/file "data.jsonl"))
(let [json (json/write-str {:a 100 :b 100})]
  (try-with [is (io/string-in-stream json)]
    (pr-str (json/slurp is))))
;;=> "{a 100 b 100}"

Converting JSON object key/value types

Map JSON object keys to keywords

(json/read-str """{"a":100,"b":100}""" :key-fn keyword)
;;=> {:a 100 :b 100}

Mapping JSON object values explicitly

(json/read-str """{"a": "2018-08-01T10:15:30", "b": "100.23", "c": 100}""" 
               :key-fn keyword 
               :value-fn (fn [k v] (case k 
                                     :a (time/local-date-time v)
                                     :b (decimal v) 
;;=> {:a 2018-08-01T10:15:30 :b 100.23M :c 100}

Note: the value function value-fn is applied after the key function key-fn and thus receives the mapped keys

Special data types


When dealing with floating-point numbers, we often encounter rounding errors known as the double precision issue.

(json/write-str {:a (+ 0.1 0.2)})
;;=> "{\"a\":0.30000000000000004}"

Decimals avoid this problem and are the means of choice when dealing with financial amounts but JSON does not support decimals as data type.

Venice decimals are converted to strings by default:

(json/write-str {:a 100.23M})
;;=> "{\"a\":\"100.23\"}"

But Venice decimals can also be forced to be converted to doubles:

(json/write-str {:a (+ 0.1M 0.2M)} :decimal-as-double true)
;;=> "{\"a\":0.3}"

(json/write-str {:a 100.23M} :decimal-as-double true))
;;=> "{\"a\":100.23}"

Venice can emit decimals as 'double' floating-point values in exact representation. On reading back this floating-point string is directly converted into a decimal without intermediate double conversion, thus keeping the precision and allow for full decimal value range.

  (json/write-str {:a 100.33M} :decimal-as-double true)
  ;;=> "{\"a\":100.33}"

  (json/write-str {:a 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999.33M} 
                  :decimal-as-double true)
  ;;=> "{\"a\":99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999.33}"
  (json/read-str """{"a":10.33}""" :decimal true)
  ;;=> {"a" 10.33M}  
  (json/read-str """{"a":99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999.33}""" 
                 :decimal true)
  ;;=> {"a" 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999.33M}  

Parsing decimals explicitly:

  (load-module :jsonl)
  (json/read-str """{"a": "2018-08-01T10:15:30", "b": "100.23"}""" 
                 :key-fn keyword 
                 :value-fn (fn [k v] (case k 
                                       :a (time/local-date-time v)
                                       :b (decimal v) 
  ;;=> {:a 2018-08-01T10:15:30 :b 100.23M}

Binary data

Venice binary data is converted to a Base64 encoded string:

(json/write-str {:a (bytebuf-from-string "abcdefgh" :utf-8)})
;;=> "{\"a\":\"YWJjZGVmZ2g=\"}"

Date & Time

Venice date/time data types are formatted as ISO date/time strings:

(json/write-str {:a (time/local-date 2018 8 1)})
;;=> "{\"a\":\"2018-08-01\"}"

(json/write-str {:a (time/local-date-time "2018-08-01T14:20:10.200")})
;;=> "{\"a\":\"2018-08-01T14:20:10.2\"}"

(json/write-str {:a (time/zoned-date-time "2018-08-01T14:20:10.200+01:00")})
;;=> "{\"a\":\"2018-08-01T14:20:10.2+01:00\"}"


JSON does not distinguish between integer and long values hence Venice integers are converted to longs always on JSON write/read:

(-> (json/write-str {:a 100I})
    (json/read-str :key-fn keyword))
;;=> {:a 100}

However, if integers are required they can be parsed explicitly:

(-> (json/write-str {:a 100I})
    (json/read-str :key-fn keyword 
                   :value-fn (fn [k v] (case k 
                                         :a (int v) 
;;=> {:a 100I}