The Venice database modules are based on the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) API.
Basically Venice can handle any SQL database for which a JDBC driver is available.
Setup Tasks
Working with the Database
(load-module :postgresql-jdbc-install)
(postgresql-jdbc-install/install :dir (repl/libs-dir) :silent false))
Restart the REPL to reflect the classpath change
venice> !restart
You need to have docker installed.
To check if Docker is available run:
(load-module :docker)
(println (docker/version :format :string)))
Download and start the PostgreSQL docker container:
(load-module :cargo-postgresql ['cargo-postgresql :as 'pg])
(let [storage-dir (io/file (repl/home-dir) "postgres-storage")]
(when-not (io/exists-dir? storage-dir)
(io/mkdir storage-dir))
;; Run a PostgreSQL container labeled as "postgres"
;; username: postgres
;; password: postgres
(pg/start "postgres" "16.2" storage-dir "postgres" "postgres")))
If the Docker image for PostgreSQL 16.2 is already downloaded pg/start
will just start the container otherwise it will download the image first.
To stop the PostgreSQL docker container:
(load-module :cargo-postgresql ['cargo-postgresql :as 'pg])
(pg/stop "postgres"))
Loads the Chinook data into the PostgreSQL database "chinook_auto_increment".
Chinook is sample database for a digital media store that can be used to explore and learn database commands.
If the database exists already it will be dropped, then recreated and the data loaded.
(load-module :chinook-postgresql ['chinook-postgresql :as 'chinook])
(chinook/load-data "localhost" 5432 "postgres" "postgres"))
The Chinook data set is provided by Luis Rocha
Show the database model (opens a browser):
(load-module :chinook-postgresql ['chinook-postgresql :as 'chinook])
List all tables:
(load-module :jdbc-core ['jdbc-core :as 'jdbc])
(load-module :jdbc-postgresql ['jdbc-postgresql :as 'jdbp])
(try-with [conn (jdbp/create-connection "localhost" 5432
"postgres" "postgres")]
(jdbc/tables conn)))
["album" "artist" "customer" "employee" "genre" "invoice" "invoice_line"
"media_type" "playlist" "playlist_track" "track"]
Describe the 'album' table:
(load-module :jdbc-postgresql ['jdbc-postgresql :as 'jdbp])
(try-with [conn (jdbp/create-connection "localhost" 5432
"postgres" "postgres")]
(jdbp/describe-table conn "album")))
column_name data_type character_maximum_length is_nullable column_default
----------- ----------------- ------------------------ ----------- --------------
album_id integer <null> NO <null>
artist_id integer <null> NO <null>
title character varying 160 NO <null>
List the foreign key constraints in the database:
(load-module :jdbc-postgresql ['jdbc-postgresql :as 'jdbp])
(try-with [conn (jdbp/create-connection "localhost" 5432
"postgres" "postgres")]
(jdbp/foreign-key-constraints conn)))
table_name foreign_key pg_get_constraintdef
-------------- ------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
album album_artist_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (artist_id) REFERENCES artist(artist_id)
customer customer_support_rep_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (support_rep_id) REFERENCES employee(employee_id)
employee employee_reports_to_fkey FOREIGN KEY (reports_to) REFERENCES employee(employee_id)
invoice invoice_customer_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (customer_id) REFERENCES customer(customer_id)
invoice_line invoice_line_invoice_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (invoice_id) REFERENCES invoice(invoice_id)
invoice_line invoice_line_track_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (track_id) REFERENCES track(track_id)
playlist_track playlist_track_playlist_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (playlist_id) REFERENCES playlist(playlist_id)
playlist_track playlist_track_track_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (track_id) REFERENCES track(track_id)
track track_album_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (album_id) REFERENCES album(album_id)
track track_genre_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (genre_id) REFERENCES genre(genre_id)
track track_media_type_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (media_type_id) REFERENCES media_type(media_type_id)
Show first 10 albums from the album table:
(load-module :jdbc-core ['jdbc-core :as 'jdbc])
(load-module :jdbc-postgresql ['jdbc-postgresql :as 'jdbp])
(try-with [conn (jdbp/create-connection "localhost" 5432
"postgres" "postgres")
stmt (jdbc/create-statement conn)]
(-> (jdbc/execute-query stmt "SELECT * FROM Album LIMIT 10")
album_id title artist_id
-------- ------------------------------------- ---------
1 For Those About To Rock We Salute You 1
2 Balls to the Wall 2
3 Restless and Wild 2
4 Let There Be Rock 1
5 Big Ones 3
6 Jagged Little Pill 4
7 Facelift 5
8 Warner 25 Anos 6
9 Plays Metallica By Four Cellos 7
10 Audioslave 8
List the number of albums
(load-module :jdbc-core ['jdbc-core :as 'jdbc])
(load-module :jdbc-postgresql ['jdbc-postgresql :as 'jdbp])
(try-with [conn (jdbp/create-connection "localhost" 5432
"postgres" "postgres")]
(println "Albums:" (jdbc/count-rows conn "Album"))))
Albums: 356
List the Led Zeppelin albums:
(load-module :jdbc-core ['jdbc-core :as 'jdbc])
(load-module :jdbc-postgresql ['jdbc-postgresql :as 'jdbp])
(defn find-led-zeppelin [conn]
(try-with [stmt (jdbc/create-statement conn)]
(-> (jdbc/execute-query stmt "SELECT * FROM Artist a WHERE a.Name = 'Led Zeppelin'")
(try-with [conn (jdbp/create-connection "localhost" 5432
"postgres" "postgres")
sql """
SELECT a.Name "Artist", al.Title "Title"
FROM Artist a
JOIN Album al ON al.Artist_Id = a.Artist_Id
WHERE a.Name = 'Led Zeppelin'
stmt (jdbc/create-statement conn)]
(-> (jdbc/execute-query stmt sql)
Artist Title
------------ ----------------------------------
Led Zeppelin BBC Sessions [Disc 1] [Live]
Led Zeppelin Physical Graffiti [Disc 1]
Led Zeppelin BBC Sessions [Disc 2] [Live]
Led Zeppelin Coda
Led Zeppelin Houses Of The Holy
Led Zeppelin In Through The Out Door
Led Zeppelin IV
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin I
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin II
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin III
Led Zeppelin Physical Graffiti [Disc 2]
Led Zeppelin Presence
Led Zeppelin The Song Remains The Same (Disc 1)
Led Zeppelin The Song Remains The Same (Disc 2)
Top 5 artists by number of tracks:
(load-module :jdbc-core ['jdbc-core :as 'jdbc])
(load-module :jdbc-postgresql ['jdbc-postgresql :as 'jdbp])
(try-with [conn (jdbp/create-connection "localhost" 5432
"postgres" "postgres")
stmt (jdbc/create-statement conn)]
(-> (jdbc/execute-query
SELECT Artist.Name, COUNT(Track.Track_Id) AS TrackCount
FROM Artist
JOIN Album ON Artist.Artist_Id = Album.Artist_Id
JOIN Track ON Album.Album_Id = Track.Album_Id
GROUP BY Artist.Artist_Id
name trackcount
------------ ----------
Iron Maiden 213
U2 135
Led Zeppelin 114
Metallica 112
Lost 92
Top 3 best selling artists:
(load-module :jdbc-core ['jdbc-core :as 'jdbc])
(load-module :jdbc-postgresql ['jdbc-postgresql :as 'jdbp])
(try-with [conn (jdbp/create-connection "localhost" 5432
"postgres" "postgres")
stmt (jdbc/create-statement conn)]
(-> (jdbc/execute-query
SELECT a.Name "Artist", sum(il.Unit_Price) "Total Sold"
FROM Artist a
JOIN Album al ON al.Artist_Id = a.Artist_Id
JOIN Track t ON t.Album_Id = al.Album_Id
JOIN Invoice_Line il ON t.track_Id = il.Invoice_Line_Id
ORDER BY "Total Sold" DESC
Artist Total Sold
------------ ----------
Iron Maiden 210.87
Led Zeppelin 130.86
Metallica 110.88
Add new album for artist "Led Zeppelin":
(load-module :jdbc-core ['jdbc-core :as 'jdbc])
(load-module :jdbc-postgresql ['jdbc-postgresql :as 'jdbp])
(defn find-led-zeppelin [conn]
(try-with [stmt (jdbc/create-statement conn)]
(-> (jdbc/execute-query stmt "SELECT * FROM Artist a WHERE a.Name = 'Led Zeppelin'")
(try-with [conn (jdbp/create-connection "localhost" 5432
"postgres" "postgres")]
(let [led-zeppelin (find-led-zeppelin conn)
artist-id (first led-zeppelin)
sql """
INSERT INTO Album (Title,Artist_Id)
VALUES('How the West Was Won',~(str artist-id))
(try-with [stmt (jdbc/create-statement conn)]
(jdbc/execute-update stmt sql)))))
Return generated keys (variant 1):
Using: (jdbc/execute-update stmt sql :gen-key ["album_id"])
(load-module :jdbc-core ['jdbc-core :as 'jdbc])
(load-module :jdbc-postgresql ['jdbc-postgresql :as 'jdbp])
(defn find-led-zeppelin [conn]
(try-with [stmt (jdbc/create-statement conn)]
(-> (jdbc/execute-query stmt "SELECT * FROM Artist a WHERE a.Name = 'Led Zeppelin'")
(try-with [conn (jdbp/create-connection "localhost" 5432
"postgres" "postgres")]
(let [led-zeppelin (find-led-zeppelin conn)
artist-id (first led-zeppelin)
sql """
INSERT INTO Album (Title,Artist_Id)
VALUES('How the West Was Won',~(str artist-id))
(try-with [stmt (jdbc/create-statement conn)]
(jdbc/execute-update stmt sql :gen-key ["album_id"])
;; generated keys
(println "Generated keys: \n")
(->> (jdbc/generated-keys stmt)
Generated keys:
Return generated keys (variant 2):
Using: (jdbc/execute-update stmt sql :gen-key true)
(load-module :jdbc-core ['jdbc-core :as 'jdbc])
(load-module :jdbc-postgresql ['jdbc-postgresql :as 'jdbp])
(defn find-led-zeppelin [conn]
(try-with [stmt (jdbc/create-statement conn)]
(-> (jdbc/execute-query stmt "SELECT * FROM Artist a WHERE a.Name = 'Led Zeppelin'")
(try-with [conn (jdbp/create-connection "localhost" 5432
"postgres" "postgres")]
(let [led-zeppelin (find-led-zeppelin conn)
artist-id (first led-zeppelin)
sql """
INSERT INTO Album (Title,Artist_Id)
VALUES('How the West Was Won',~(str artist-id))
(try-with [stmt (jdbc/create-statement conn)]
(jdbc/execute-update stmt sql :gen-key true)
;; generated keys
(println "Generated keys: \n")
(->> (jdbc/generated-keys stmt)
Generated keys:
album_id title artist_id
-------- -------------------- ---------
365 How the West Was Won 22
Find albums by artist "Led Zeppelin":
(load-module :jdbc-core ['jdbc-core :as 'jdbc])
(load-module :jdbc-postgresql ['jdbc-postgresql :as 'jdbp])
(try-with [conn (jdbp/create-connection "localhost" 5432
"postgres" "postgres")
sql """
SELECT a.Name "Artist", al.Title "Title"
FROM Artist a
JOIN Album al ON al.Artist_Id = a.Artist_Id
WHERE a.Name = ?
stmt (jdbc/prepare-statement conn sql)]
(jdbc/ps-string stmt 1 "Led Zeppelin")
(-> (jdbc/execute-query stmt)
Artist Title
------------ ----------------------------------
Led Zeppelin BBC Sessions [Disc 1] [Live]
Led Zeppelin Physical Graffiti [Disc 1]
Led Zeppelin BBC Sessions [Disc 2] [Live]
Led Zeppelin Coda
Led Zeppelin Houses Of The Holy
Led Zeppelin In Through The Out Door
Led Zeppelin IV
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin I
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin II
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin III
Led Zeppelin Physical Graffiti [Disc 2]
Led Zeppelin Presence
Led Zeppelin The Song Remains The Same (Disc 1)
Led Zeppelin The Song Remains The Same (Disc 2)
Add new album for artist "Led Zeppelin":
(load-module :jdbc-core ['jdbc-core :as 'jdbc])
(load-module :jdbc-postgresql ['jdbc-postgresql :as 'jdbp])
(defn find-led-zeppelin [conn]
(try-with [stmt (jdbc/create-statement conn)]
(-> (jdbc/execute-query stmt "SELECT * FROM Artist a WHERE a.Name = 'Led Zeppelin'")
(defn list-led-zeppelin-albums [conn]
(try-with [sql """
SELECT a.Name "Artist", al.Title "Title"
FROM Artist a
JOIN Album al ON al.Artist_Id = a.Artist_Id
WHERE a.Name = 'Led Zeppelin'
stmt (jdbc/create-statement conn)]
(-> (jdbc/execute-query stmt sql)
(try-with [conn (jdbp/create-connection "localhost" 5432
"postgres" "postgres")]
(let [led-zeppelin (find-led-zeppelin conn)
artist-id (first led-zeppelin)
sql "INSERT INTO Album (Title,Artist_Id) VALUES(?,?)"]
(try-with [stmt (jdbc/prepare-statement conn sql)]
(jdbc/ps-string stmt 1 "How the West Was Won")
(jdbc/ps-int stmt 2 artist-id)
(jdbc/execute-update stmt))
;; list Led Zeppelin albums
(list-led-zeppelin-albums conn))))
Return the generated keys (variant 1):
Using: (jdbc/prepare-statement conn sql :gen-key ["album_id"])
(load-module :jdbc-core ['jdbc-core :as 'jdbc])
(load-module :jdbc-postgresql ['jdbc-postgresql :as 'jdbp])
(defn find-led-zeppelin [conn]
(try-with [stmt (jdbc/create-statement conn)]
(-> (jdbc/execute-query stmt "SELECT * FROM Artist a WHERE a.Name = 'Led Zeppelin'")
(try-with [conn (jdbp/create-connection "localhost" 5432
"postgres" "postgres")]
(let [led-zeppelin (find-led-zeppelin conn)
artist-id (first led-zeppelin)
sql "INSERT INTO Album (Title,Artist_Id) VALUES(?,?)"]
(try-with [stmt (jdbc/prepare-statement conn sql :gen-key ["album_id"])]
(jdbc/ps-string stmt 1 "How the West Was Won")
(jdbc/ps-int stmt 2 artist-id)
(jdbc/execute-update stmt)
;; generated keys
(println "Generated keys: \n")
(->> (jdbc/generated-keys stmt)
Generated keys:
Return the generated keys (variant 2):
Using: (jdbc/prepare-statement conn sql :gen-key true)
(load-module :jdbc-core ['jdbc-core :as 'jdbc])
(load-module :jdbc-postgresql ['jdbc-postgresql :as 'jdbp])
(defn find-led-zeppelin [conn]
(try-with [stmt (jdbc/create-statement conn)]
(-> (jdbc/execute-query stmt "SELECT * FROM Artist a WHERE a.Name = 'Led Zeppelin'")
(try-with [conn (jdbp/create-connection "localhost" 5432
"postgres" "postgres")]
(let [led-zeppelin (find-led-zeppelin conn)
artist-id (first led-zeppelin)
sql "INSERT INTO Album (Title,Artist_Id) VALUES(?,?)"]
(try-with [stmt (jdbc/prepare-statement conn sql :gen-key true)]
(jdbc/ps-string stmt 1 "How the West Was Won")
(jdbc/ps-int stmt 2 artist-id)
(jdbc/execute-update stmt)
;; generated keys
(println "Generated keys: \n")
(->> (jdbc/generated-keys stmt)
Generated keys:
album_id title artist_id
-------- -------------------- ---------
367 How the West Was Won 22
Create "Accounts" Table
(load-module :jdbc-core ['jdbc-core :as 'jdbc])
(load-module :jdbc-postgresql ['jdbc-postgresql :as 'jdbp])
(try-with [conn (jdbp/create-connection "localhost" 5432
"postgres" "postgres")
stmt (jdbc/create-statement conn)]
(jdbc/execute stmt
Password VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL,
Last_Login TIMESTAMP);
""" )))
Add a new account:
(load-module :jdbc-core ['jdbc-core :as 'jdbc])
(load-module :jdbc-postgresql ['jdbc-postgresql :as 'jdbp])
(try-with [conn (jdbp/create-connection "localhost" 5432
"postgres" "postgres")]
(let [sql """
INSERT INTO Accounts (Username, Password, Email, Created_At, Last_Login)
(try-with [stmt (jdbc/prepare-statement conn sql)]
(jdbc/ps-string stmt 1 "John Doe")
(jdbc/ps-string stmt 2 "42")
(jdbc/ps-string stmt 3 "[email protected]")
(jdbc/ps-timestamp stmt 4 (time/local-date-time))
(jdbc/ps-timestamp stmt 5 (time/local-date-time))
(jdbc/execute-update stmt)))))
(load-module :jdbc-core ['jdbc-core :as 'jdbc])
(load-module :jdbc-postgresql ['jdbc-postgresql :as 'jdbp])
(try-with [conn (jdbp/create-connection "localhost" 5432
"postgres" "postgres")
stmt (jdbc/create-statement conn)]
(jdbc/execute stmt "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Accounts;")))
Check TX isolation level:
(load-module :jdbc-core ['jdbc-core :as 'jdbc])
(load-module :jdbc-postgresql ['jdbc-postgresql :as 'jdbp])
(try-with [conn (jdbp/create-connection "localhost" 5432
"postgres" "postgres")
stmt (jdbc/create-statement conn)]
(println "TX isolation level:" (jdbc/tx-isolation conn))))
TX isolation level: :tx-read-commited
Set TX isolation level to :tx-repeatable-read
(load-module :jdbc-core ['jdbc-core :as 'jdbc])
(load-module :jdbc-postgresql ['jdbc-postgresql :as 'jdbp])
(try-with [conn (jdbp/create-connection "localhost" 5432
"postgres" "postgres")
stmt (jdbc/create-statement conn)]
(jdbc/tx-isolation! conn :tx-repeatable-read)
(println "TX isolation level:" (jdbc/tx-isolation conn))))
TX isolation level: :tx-repeatable-read
Commit/Rollback (the hard way):
(load-module :jdbc-core ['jdbc-core :as 'jdbc])
(load-module :jdbc-postgresql ['jdbc-postgresql :as 'jdbp])
(defn find-led-zeppelin [conn]
(try-with [stmt (jdbc/create-statement conn)]
(-> (jdbc/execute-query stmt "SELECT * FROM Artist a WHERE a.Name = 'Led Zeppelin'")
(try-with [conn (jdbp/create-connection "localhost" 5432
"postgres" "postgres")]
(println "Albums:" (jdbc/count-rows conn "Album"))
;; - transactional ----------------------------------------------------
(jdbc/auto-commit! conn :off) ;; switch to explicit transaction
(let [led-zeppelin (find-led-zeppelin conn)
artist-id (first led-zeppelin)
sql """
INSERT INTO Album (Title,Artist_Id)
VALUES('How the West Was Won',~(str artist-id))
(try-with [stmt (jdbc/create-statement conn)]
(jdbc/execute-update stmt sql)))
(jdbc/commit! conn) ;; commit transaction
(catch :Exception e
(jdbc/rollback! conn) ;; rollback in exception case
(throw e))
(jdbc/auto-commit! conn :on))) ;; restore auto transactions
;; - transactional ----------------------------------------------------
(println "Albums:" (jdbc/count-rows conn "Album"))))
Commit/Rollback with a TX template:
The TX template greatly reduces the boiler plate code with JDBC transaction handling.
The work sequence of a TX template:
- Switches to the commit mode to explicit transactions
- Runs the forms within a JDBC transaction
- Commits the transaction at the end of the forms
- Or rolls the transaction back if the forms threw an exception.
- Restores the original JDBC commit mode
- On commit returns the value of the last form executed
- On rollback throws a :com.github.jlangch.venice.TransactionException
(load-module :jdbc-core ['jdbc-core :as 'jdbc])
(load-module :jdbc-postgresql ['jdbc-postgresql :as 'jdbp])
(defn find-led-zeppelin [conn]
(try-with [stmt (jdbc/create-statement conn)]
(-> (jdbc/execute-query stmt "SELECT * FROM Artist a WHERE a.Name = 'Led Zeppelin'")
(try-with [conn (jdbp/create-connection "localhost" 5432
"postgres" "postgres")]
(println "Albums:" (jdbc/count-rows conn "Album"))
;; - transactional ----------------------------------------------------
(jdbc/with-tx conn
(let [led-zeppelin (find-led-zeppelin conn)
artist-id (first led-zeppelin)
sql """
INSERT INTO Album (Title,Artist_Id)
VALUES('How the West Was Won',~(str artist-id))
(try-with [stmt (jdbc/create-statement conn)]
(jdbc/execute-update stmt sql))))
;; - transactional ----------------------------------------------------
(println "Albums:" (jdbc/count-rows conn "Album"))))