CSD3 is the HPC Linux clusters used at the University of Cambridge, with which this document is associated.
NOTE: merge.sh and INTERVAL-fm.ini now work directly with the original INTERVAL bgen files. The alphabetical list is as follows.
Furnished with js.R, the JSON output could be used as data in the Supplementary Figure 1 of Sun et al. (2018).
annotate.sh involves ANNOVAR, PolyPhen 2, VEP and some R packages.
lookup.sh, which uses PhenoScanner output from pqtl.R, can be used to check if pQTLs were known.
File cvd1.sh gives sentinels overlapped with CVD I as well as LD information corresponding to each protein.
The .sh versions below extract data from INTERVAL and ukb, each calling a .sb to generate binary_ped
with SNPIDs (bgen/*map)
- by qctool -- it also creates
with SNPIDs (ukb/nodup) to avoid hard-called genotypes. - by PLINK -- it has a
In both cases duplicates (bgen/*rmdup.list) are excluded.
- The utility INTERVAL.sh extracts data from
on Cardio into region-specific data in bgen
format according to work/INF1.merge.
- The utility ukb.sh extracts data from ukb_imp_chr[x-xx]_v3.bgen as in
on Cardio into region-specific data in bgen
format (ukb/bgen) according to work/INF1.merge.
This is furnished with snpid_rsid.sb, whose results will be attached to GCTA/finemap results via finemap.R
, slct.R
and jam.R
After that, it is ready to use script slct.sb
followed by slct.sh
. Optionally, the results are fed into finemap.sb
via --n-causal-snps
- finemap.sb uses the unpruned version.
- fm.sb and INTERVAL-fm.sb use pruned variants to compromise
. The.z
file is also appropriate for bothfinemap
. - INTERVAL-fm.sh and INTERVAL-fm.ini works on INTERVAL data.
# ldstore v1.1
export pr=IL.6-chr1:154426970_A_C
ldstore --bcor ${pr} --bgen ${pr}.bgen
ldstore --bcor ${pr} --merge 1
ldstore --bcor ${pr} --matrix ${pr}.ld
# ldstore 2 (and finemap-1.4)
ldstore --in-files ${pr}.master2 --write-bcor --write-bdose
finemap --sss --in-files ${pr}.master2 --n-causal-snps 10
where ${pr}.master2 contains two lines,
The environmental variable LDREF
provides an option to use either INTERVAL or UKB data.
This is down with qc.sh.
These are prsice.sh and pgs.sh for the CRP example.
This is furnished with ps.sh.
The version for meta-analysis was part of analysis.sh
at tryggve/. qqman.sh calls turboqq and turboman by Bram Prins.
This is now furnished with merge.sh.
Clumping by fixed distance is superseded with its failure to handle long LD regions.
There are scripts for heritability analysis and proportion of variance explained.
This is illustrated with circos plots and by default this works on work/INF1.merge.cis.vs.trans
and requires glist-hg19.
Because circos plots are gene-centric, in both cases, the protein-coding gene is handled in mind.
./hotspot.sh chr1:159175354_A_G
./hotspot.sh chr12:111884608_C_T
giving results linking ACKR1 and SH2B3, respectively, while
./polygene.sh IL12B
./polygene.sh TNFSF10
linking IL.12B and TRAIL, respectively.
To generate all possible plots, wo do
for h in $(cut -f6 ${INF}/work/INF1.merge | sed '1d' | sort -k1,1 | uniq); do echo $h; hotspot.sh $h; done
for g in $(cat ${INF}/work/INF1.merge.gene); do echo $g; polygene.sh $g; done
A brick-and-tile operation is illustrated with the following code,
# long format
bedtools intersect -a <(cut -d, -f3,4,5,7 ${INF}/work/INF1.merge.cis.vs.trans | awk -vFS="," -vOFS="\t" 'NR>1{print "chr" $1,$2-1, $2, $3, $4}') \
-b <(sort -k1,1n -k2,2n ${INF}/csd3/glist-hg19 | grep -v -w -e X -e Y -e XY | awk '{$1="chr" $1;print}' | tr ' ' '\t') \
-wa -wb -loj > sentinel-glist.long
# compact format
Rscript -e '
d <- read.table("sentinel-glist.long",as.is=TRUE)
a <- aggregate(d,by=list(with(d,V1),with(d,V2),with(d,V3)),FUN="c")
for (v in c(1:4,6:9))
s <- lapply(a[,3+v],unique,"[[")
a[,3+v] <- unlist(lapply(s,paste,collapse=","))
Date laste changed: 16/11/2021