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Releases: jens-maus/RaspberryMatic


21 Dec 23:08
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This is release of RaspberryMatic which is a major enhancement release including several bugfixes as well:

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🚧 Changes:

  • updated OCCU firmware to 3.41.11-6 coming with the following major changes:
    • updated ReGaHss logic engine R1.00.0388.0204 (Dec 12 2018) with the following changes:
      • fixed string backslash unescaping routines to correctly unescape double backslash uses and thus allow to define e.g. \t by using a \\t string which were not possible before (#514).
      • implemented missing break and continue statements to break out of while() and foreach() loops and to also continue with the next iteration like this is commonly performed in other script languages (#224).
      • fixed bug where elseif() within a while()/foreach() loop didn't work as expected but was quiting the loop too early (#404).
      • fixed webserver to only create and reserve a session ID in case a successful user login is performed (either manual or autologin). This should prevent from Denial-of-Service (DoS) situations where certain internal service could send multiple web requests to identify if a http server is running and thus could eat up all available session slots ending up in "Zu viele gleichzeitige Verbindungen" errors.
      • fixed http response to manage more than 800kb of response payload so that the internal web server of ReGaHss can manage way larger http response data. This should finally allow to, e.g. serve larger system variables http displays at Settings -> Systemvariables with, e.g. ~1k of system variables or with longer device list web pages.
    • updated/fixed support for new HmIP devices (e.g. HmIP-FCI1).
    • integrated fixed SetInterfaceClock tool correctly using default IP and port information with a force command-line parameter.
    • integrated fixed hs485dLoader to forward the config file path to the main hs485d daemon on execution.
    • updated hmip-copro-update.jar to use the latest version available.
  • optimized NTP startup to reset to the default NTP server string in case is still used which is not reliable enough anymore. Also added checks for valid NTP servers after having called "ntpdate" so
    that the NTP startup also uses the default NTP servers as a fallback.
  • reworked DutyCycle query script to read out ReGaHss and HmIPServer port settings from the corresponding files in /etc and to also correctly updated the "Wired-Status" system variable for BidCos-Wired installations.
  • fixed problem that the recovery system could not update installations where the rootfs is located on a USB driven device that requires more time to be initialized. Now the recovery system will wait until the
    device is properly setup (#377).
  • reduced SetInterfaceClock execution to be performed only once per day. This should slightly reduce the DutyCycle by 1-2% compared to the 3.37.x and earlier firmware versions.
  • integrated slightly fixed firewall setup script which also take care of correctly setting up firewall settings for HmIP-Wired Gateway connections.
  • modified firewall to use a final REJECT rule so that not allowed packages are rejected rather than simply dropped. This should improve response times for services trying to access blocked ports which seems to be more adequate for an internal network use-case of a CCU (#486).
  • removed CUxD specific cuxd.ini patch since the latest CUxD 2.2.0+ version integrated an automatic port identification mechanism. Thus, CUxD 2.2.0 and newer should be used now.
  • updated recovery system to also start ssdpd and eq3configd to provide basic CCU search mechanisms so that a CCU device in recovery mode can also be found using the eQ3 NetFinder tool.
  • updated mediola NEO server package to latest 2.4.1 version.
  • updated standard update_script to use more verbose/easier output messages when performing the update using the ccu3 update archive.
  • fixed support for only connecting a HM-CFG-USB-2 usb stick as a BidCos-RF module so that HmIPServer & co still work correctly and allow to manage virtual groups, etc.
  • fixed bug where upon enabling/disabling the "Authentication" settings under "Settings->Security->Authentication" required to completely restart the CCU device rather than correctly reloading all lighttpd configurations.
  • added new WebUI bugfix patch to fix Session.login JSON rpc calls which does not work with the latest ReGaHss session ID generation anymore. Now it will retrieve a new session ID right after having authenticated a user rather than first getting a session ID (which isn't possible anymore without any authentication).
  • added WebUI fix for fixing two security vulnerabilities (CVE-2018-7296, CVE-2018-7300) by changing the access levels for certain public JSON rpc functions from NONE to USER and removing obsolete ones.
  • updated buildroot/Linux environment to latest stable 2018.11.1 version.
  • updated RaspberryPi Linux kernel to 4.14.79 (raspberrypi-kernel_1.20181112-1) including corresponding RaspberryPi firmware files.
  • updated armbian-based Tinkerboard Linux kernel + U-Boot patchset and raised kernel version to 4.14.89 accordingly.
  • minor bugfixes and cosmetic changes.

For support on installation and help please visit the following (german speaking) help fora:

RaspberryMatic - Installation/Update Guide 🇩🇪
RaspberryMatic - Forum 🇩🇪

The following installation archives (*.zip files) can be downloaded for selected hardware platforms (including a *.tgz update archive to upgrade from a CCU3 firmware to RaspberryMatic). To verify their integrity a sha256 checksum is listed as well. Please upload these zip files using the WebUI-based update mechanism available:


26 Nov 21:38
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This is release of RaspberryMatic which is a major bugfix release fixing certain last minute issues found in the last major release version:

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🚧 Changes:

  • fixed problem of hs485d not starting up with the correct config file and thus leaving BidCos-Wired support broken (#479).
  • integrated patch to not use an "iframe" for downloading CCU Addon version information on the browser side, but use a XMLHttpRequest() to force the right "text/plain" content-type. This should prevent a forced download of "update-check.cgi" files when listing the installed Addons (#480).
  • applied fix for mixed up control button display when selecting "Settings -> System control".
  • improved firewall setup to only block 3xxxx ports for the XMLRPC/REGA firewall definitions and not in general (#484).
  • fixed firewall setup script to correctly identify IPv6 addresses (#485, #488).
  • added fe80::/10 IPv6 addresses to the default unblocked IPv6 range of addresses for improved default IPv6 functionality.
  • fixed DutyCycle query/update script to work with the new internal (3xxxx) port variants so that an enabled authentification setting does not stop it from working.
  • minor bugfixes and cosmetic changes.

For support on installation and help please visit the following (german speaking) help fora:

RaspberryMatic - Installation/Update Guide 🇩🇪
RaspberryMatic - Forum 🇩🇪

The following installation archives (*.zip files) can be downloaded for selected hardware platforms (including a *.tgz update archive to upgrade from a CCU3 firmware to RaspberryMatic). To verify their integrity a sha256 checksum is listed as well. Please upload these zip files using the WebUI-based update mechanism available:


24 Nov 20:52
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This is release of RaspberryMatic which is a major enhancement release including several bugfixes as well:

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🚧 Changes:

  • updated OCCU firmware to 3.41.11-2 coming with the following major changes:
    • updated ReGaHss logic engine R1.00.0388.0203 (Nov 14 2018) with the following changes:
      • applied changes to raise the limit for the maximum number of ISE objects from 2^16 to 2^31 so that we can support way larger installations in future.
      • implemented SHA512-based password storage with automatic conversion of old MD5 encoded user passwords once a successful login had been processed.
      • we use dynamic string arrays all over the place now. This finally removes all obsolete string boundaries regarding text length. This e.g. enables to use large texts in DPInfo(), etc.
      • upon loading the interfaces on startup non-existing interfaces are now flagged invalid by wiping the URL parameter so that xmlrpc calls to still existing devices of these non-existing interfaces are returned immediately instead of potentially resulting in long timeouts in trying to contact these interfaces.
      • fixed bug which caused a double execution of State() events on HSSdp device objects (#466).
    • integrated new ssdpd binary version potentially fixing some problems/crashes due to non-RFC conform UPnP requests.
    • all remote API XMLRPC ports (8181, 1999, 2010, 9292, 2001, 2000) for external applications to access HomeMatic services (e.g. ReGaHss, HMIPServer, etc.) on the CCU are now proxied through the lighttpd web server implying the following security related changes in accessing these remote APIs:
      • possibility to establish secured connections (TLSv1.2/TLSv1.3) to access the XMLRPC services using dedicated secured ports (48181, 41999, 42010, 49292, 42001, 42000) equivalent to the unsecured ports listed above.
      • integrated lighttpd-based authentication against ReGaHss which allows to perform a basic authentication with username+password (e.g. https://USERNAME:PASSWORD@IP:PORT/) against all XMLRPC servers (rfd, HMIPServer, etc.) if enabled in a new WebUI option under "Settings -> Security".
      • remote ReGaHss scripting is now correctly blocked on port 80 and 433 leaving the only possibility to send rega script requests on port 8181 or 48181 respectively.
    • improved security/firewall settings including a security wizard which allows to harden a CCU in terms of external accessible ports using mainly 3 levels (maximum, restricted or relaxed security).
    • updated mediola NEO Server Addon to version 2.4.0
  • integrated new major WebUI patch to provide functionality to permanently disable generation of service messages for selected devices. Now a user can disable all service messages for a device by unchecking a checkbox in the "Settings -> Devices -> Device" popup. Such "disabled" devices will then show a NO SERVICEMSG tag in the device list to warn that for these devices no service message is generated at all. This finally allows to "disable" devices, e.g. during summer/winter seasons (#222).
  • integrated a new major WebUI patch implementing a much improved source code editor functionality for the "Test script" and general Script Editor functionality when creating WebUI programs using ReGa-scripts (#470). The new javascript-based script editor is based on CodeMirror and provides the following additional functionality now:
    • display of line numbers in the editor.
    • ReGa-script specific syntax highlighting.
    • editor internal search&replace functionality including regex-based search capabilities as well as match display on the scrollbar.
    • internal command completion based on already existing words in the currently edited script.
    • brackets-based code folding capabilities.
    • brackets matching display to highlight all opening/closing brackets while editing.
    • auto adding of closing brackets while editing.
    • switchable fullscreen mode.
    • Advanced editor keyboard shortcuts:
      • F11: enable fullscreen mode
      • Esc: disable fullscreen mode
      • Ctrl-Space: autocompletion of current word.
      • Ctrl-Q: auto folding/un-folding of brackets ({, }) on coding blocks.
      • Ctrl-F / Cmd-F: start search.
      • Ctrl-G / Cmd-G: find next search match.
      • Shift-Ctrl-G / Shift-Cmd-G: find previous search match
      • Shift-Ctrl-F / Cmd-Option-F: replace next match.
      • Shift-Ctrl-R / Shift-Cmd-Option-F: replace all matches.
      • Alt-F: persistent search (dialog doesn't autoclose, enter to find next, Shift-Enter to find previous).
      • Alt-G: jump to line
  • integrated new WebUI patch to be able to sort user system variable favorites alphabetically (#448).
  • integrated new WebUI patch kindly provided by alchy which allows to always select a system variable for display in favorites no matter if this variable has already been assigned to a device channel.
  • modified StatusColumn WebUI patch to also display the status of OPERATING_VOLTAGE, SABOTAGE, ERROR_OVERHEAT and UPDATE_PENDING data points (if present for a certain device).
  • enhanced WebUI patch to fix certain newline (\r,\n) related issues resulting in non-working system variables popup to also remove newlines in value list system variables because they also resulted in non-working system variables popup if such variables contained newlines in the value list.
  • fixed StatusColumn WebUI patch to correctly display the device table for devices consisting of a device group (#468).
  • modified WebUI patch to show battery+valve state to also show the valve state for HmIP heating devices in "State and control -> Device" display. The battery state has to be displayed in the "Settings -> Devices" display instead (#457).
  • fixed WebUI patch to show battery+valve state of heating devices to just show this information if not readonly (#455).
  • fixed bug in WebUI patch to display the RSSI status column which didn't update the status values upon closing a device/channel dialog or when filtering the device tables (#474).
  • fixed a bug in DevConfig tools page which crashed if some devices returned stringified boolean values.
  • modified SNMP daemon startup and setup to use a fixed global snmpd.conf configuration file, but provide the possibility for users to put own configurations into /etc/config/snmp/snmpd-user.conf and /etc/config/snmp/snmptrapd-user.conf.
  • added hardware support for new RaspberryPi3 Model A+ model.
  • updated buildroot/Linux environment to latest stable 2018.08.2 version.
  • updated Java Runtime Environment to latest 1.8.0_192- version.
  • updated RaspberryPi Linux kernel to 4.14.80 including corresponding RaspberryPi firmware files also fixing some kernel related issues (#449).
  • updated armbian-based Tinkerboard Linux kernel + U-Boot patchset and raised kernel version to 4.14.80 accordingly.
  • fixed boot-up problem with ASUS Tinkerboard if an SD card or eMMC was freshly flashed with one of the latest versions (#472).
  • enhanced recovery system to be able to also update the U-Boot boot loader for the ASUS Tinkerboard in case the new partition layout is used with a fixed position of the bootfs so that there is enough space to flash even larger U-Boot boot loader binaries in future. Please note, that for this feature to work the SD card or eMMC of an Tinkerboard has to be freshly reflashed with the latest *.img or otherwise U-Boot boot loader updates coming with future versions cannot be applied.
  • the recovery system will now display/use a RaspberryMatic specific logo while starting up.
  • added fix for problem with trying to restore backups that carry a future timestamp in the backup archive.
  • fixed problem in segfaulting /bin/passwd uses in main and recovery system (#469).
  • fixed minor problem with S.USV default config which should use higher sleep parameter values to provide a more reliably input voltage check.
  • minor bugfixes and functional changes.

For support on installation and help please visit the following (german speaking) help fora:

RaspberryMatic - Installation/Update Guide 🇩🇪
RaspberryMatic - Forum 🇩🇪

The following installation archives (*.zip files) can be downloaded for selected hardware platforms (including a *.tgz update archive to upgrade from a CCU3 firmware to RaspberryMatic). To verify their integrity a sha256 checksum is listed as well. Please upload these zip files using the WebUI-based update mechanism available:

  • 💼RaspberryPi3+, RaspberryPi3, RaspberryPi2, RaspberryPi Compute Module 3 (lite):
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25 Oct 22:07
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This is release of RaspberryMatic which is a bugfixing and minor enhancement release:

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🚧 Changes:

  • updated OCCU firmware to 3.37.8-4 incorporating the following changes:
    • updated ReGaHss logic engine R1.00.0388.0130 (Oct 14 2018) with the following changes:
      • fixed bug in State() call on HSSdp objects which always returned false (#367).
      • implemented SortByName() for IseIdArray type which will allow to sort an idarray by the names of the objects being part of the array. It will return true if the sort operation succeded and false if not (#411).
      • fixed CENTRAL:0 PONG xmlrpc warnings by ignoring PONG events to "CENTRAL" in general. Also switched the unknown HSSDevice messages to info rather than always logging as an error.
    • added workarounds to libXmlRpc to play nicer with the XMLRPC server implementation in HMIPServer which doesn't send any methodResponses at all for unknown or unexpected xmlrpc requests. This also fixes the stalled "Link List" output when using DevConfig (#441).
    • updated eq3configd with minor crash fixes upon receiving empty UDP datagrams.
    • updated hss_led with functionality to completely disable the RPI-RF-MOD LED upon a finished boot by creating an empty /etc/config/disableLED file and to also regularly check for a valid internet connection and update all status files/LEDs accordingly.
  • integrated new WebUI patch to display the battery and valve status of all heating class relevant devices (e.g. HM-CC-RT-DN) (#444).
  • completely rewritten the cron-based DutyCycle system variable update script from scratch improving general performance and reliability and modified it to raise an alarm message if the DutyCycle reaches >= 98%.
  • modified /bin/triggerAlarm.tcl helper script to generate an alarm message within the WebUI to create the necessary "Alarmzone 1" system variable on demand and to allow to specify another optional variable name as the second command parameter which will then be generated instead.
  • updated buildroot/Linux environment to latest stable 2018.08.1 version.
  • updated U-Boot bootloader to latest stable 2018.09 version.
  • updated RaspberryPi Linux kernel to 4.14.71 (raspberrypi-kernel_1.20180924-1) including corresponding RaspberryPi firmware files.
  • updated armbian-based Tinkerboard Linux kernel + U-Boot patchset and raised kernel version to 4.14.75 accordingly.
  • updated S.USV firmware files to latest 2.61/2.22/1.4 firmware files available (updates to these firmware have to be, however, still performed manually using a command similar to /opt/susvd/susv -flash /opt/susvd/fw/susv_fw_XXX.hex).
  • a HTTPS SSL certificate will now be automatically regenerated if it was found to be expired.
  • fixed DHCP client calls to use "eQ3-CCU3" vendor class to identify itself.
  • fixed passwd change in recovery-system to use mkpasswd to set a SSH password.
  • fixed recovery system to not require any valid rootfs partition anymore to actually update or flash a system update.
  • fixed a minor bug in the CloudMatic Addon package to use the right armhf-platform nginx binary and updated the Addon to version 20181025 which includes a minor fix for delivering the Cloudmatic pages with the right Content-Type: response headers.
  • fixed bug where the config of lighttpd was not gracefully reloaded anymore if a new certificate was generated (#184).
  • integrated new dedicated RaspberryMatic logo in WebUI.
  • minor bugfixes and functional changes.

For support on installation and help please visit the following (german speaking) help fora:

RaspberryMatic - Installation/Update Guide 🇩🇪
RaspberryMatic - Forum 🇩🇪

The following installation archives (*.zip files) can be downloaded for selected hardware platforms (including a *.tgz update archive to upgrade from a CCU3 firmware to RaspberryMatic). To verify their integrity a sha256 checksum is listed as well. Please upload these zip files using the WebUI-based update mechanism available:


29 Sep 06:54
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This is release of RaspberryMatic which is mainly a bugfixing release with some minor enhancements.

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🚧 Changes:

  • fixed broken device settings page which was just displaying an empty page (#408).
  • fixed compatibility of WebUI to IE11 and older iOS 9 Safari browser engines.
  • significant speed up in device status display (RSSI, UNREACH, etc.) in device settings table. Now requests are performed asynchronous and thus do not require additional time to display the device list.
  • fixed bug in not correctly translate a parameter in the shutter contact configuration dialog (#152).
  • fixed WebUI bug which prevented the device list to be filtered for all different interfaces (#419).
  • fixed bug where RSSI values were also displayed for VirtualDevices like heating groups while these devices doesn't provide this kind of information (#410).
  • the automatic generation and update of a DutyCycle system variable can now be disabled by creating an empty /etc/config/NoUpdateDCVars file.
  • modified nightly auto USB backup functionality to allow to
    • disable the auto backup by creating an empty /etc/config/NoCronBackup file.
    • define a different backup path via /etc/config/CronBackupPath.
    • define the maximum number of preserved backups in the backup path via /etc/config/CronBackupMaxBackups (0 disables autodelete).
  • to potentially reduce write operations on the SD card /bin/ now creates its temporary directory in the same directory like the backup path.
  • added support for F2FS filesystem to be automatically mounted when connecting an USB device (#423).
  • improved auto filesystem check (fsck) upon boot to catch filesystem errors as early as possible.
  • minor bugfixes and functional changes.

For support on installation and help please visit the following (german speaking) help fora:

RaspberryMatic - Installation/Update Guide 🇩🇪
RaspberryMatic - Forum 🇩🇪

The following installation archives (*.zip files) can be downloaded for selected hardware platforms (including a *.tgz update archive to upgrade from a CCU3 firmware to RaspberryMatic). To verify their integrity a sha256 checksum is listed as well. Please upload these zip files using the WebUI-based update mechanism available:


22 Sep 15:41
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This is release of RaspberryMatic with major enhancements and minor bugfixes:

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🚧 Changes:

  • updated OCCU firmware to 3.37.8 incorporating all CCU firmware relevant changes to bring RaspberryMatic in line with the latest CCU3 firmware with the same version number. This includes the following major changes:
    • basic homematicIP-Wired (HmIP-Wired) support
    • integrated Mediola NEO Server Addon support
    • globally installed nodejs (v8.11.4) support
    • support for automatically storing device logging data to a connected USB device (e.g. memory stick).
  • for upgrading from a CCU3 a dedicated RaspberryMatic-X.X.XXX-ccu3.tgz package will now be supplied so that a CCU3 can be directly upgraded to RaspberryMatic via its WebUI update functionality.
  • modified automatic USB device mounting support:
    • to automatically copy all device diagram data from the local SD card to a newly connected USB stick.
    • implemented an auto backup mechanism where RaspberryMatic will automatically create nightly backups at midnight and store them into a separate backup directory on the connected USB device.
    • the first connected USB device will now be mounted at /media/usb1 and a link /media/usb0 will always point at the currently active USB device used for storing the device diagram and backup data.
  • updated integrated Mediola NEO Server Addon to latest 2.3.1 version.
  • integrated the following new WebUI patches:
    • implemented new device status column in the device overview display of the WebUI. Now the RSSI_DEVICE and RSSI_PEER values as well as the DUTY_CYCLE, UNREACH, CONFIG_PENDING and LOWBAT status is directly displayed in the device overview listing if they exist for a certain device.
    • implemented RSSI display of HmIP devices in the devconfig tools display.
    • fixed certain graphical glitches in displayed tables so that all tables should have an equal look.
    • allow addon packages to be installed without a forced reboot. Now all addons will be directly installed and users instructed to manually reboot the system if necessary. In addition, addon authors can change their installation routines to return an exit code of 10 to signal that a reboot is necessary.
  • updated buildroot/Linux environment to latest stable 2018.08 version.
  • updated U-Boot bootloader to latest stable 2018.07 version.
  • modified RaspberryMatic specific favicon.ico icons to use a somewhat nicer icon style.
  • integrated more standard MIB modules in SNMP support so that, e.g. .pass statements will work as expected.
  • updated RaspberryPi Linux kernel to 4.14.70 (raspberrypi-kernel_1.20180919-1) including corresponding RaspberryPi firmware files.
  • updated armbian-based Tinkerboard Linux kernel + U-Boot patchset and raised kernel version to 4.14.70 accordingly.
  • updated S.USV firmware files to latest 2.61/2.21 firmwares available (Updates to these firmware have to be, however, still performed manually).
  • changed cron startup to be performed as the very last service so that addon developers can put own cronjobs in /usr/local/crontabs/root.
  • changed kernel command line to correctly suppress kernel debug messages on the HDMI console during bootup.
  • minor bugfixes and functional changes.

For support on installation and help please visit the following (german speaking) help fora:

RaspberryMatic - Installation/Update Guide 🇩🇪
RaspberryMatic - Forum 🇩🇪

The following installation archives (*.zip files) can be downloaded for selected hardware platforms (including a *.tgz update archive to upgrade from a CCU3 firmware to RaspberryMatic). To verify their integrity a sha256 checksum is listed as well. Please upload these zip files using the WebUI-based update mechanism available:


26 Aug 21:12
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This is release of RaspberryMatic with mainly important bugfixes and minor enhancements:

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🚧 Changes:

  • updated OCCU to 2.35.16-2 incorporating the following major bugfixes and improvements:
    • integrated new ssdpd version fixing minor bugs related to startup/processing UPnP management.
    • integrated new hss_led version integrating minor fixes for RPI-RF-MOD related LED blink codes.
    • updated RPI-RF-MOD rf module firmware to version 3.4.8.
  • updated ReGaHss scripting engine version to R1.00.0388.0129 (Aug 25 2018) incorporating the following fixes/changes:
    • fixed use of & with system.Exec() to background executions which sometimes resulted in stalled zombie processes causing other programs/script to not being executed anymore.
    • fixed incorrect "Failed to close mutex" error outputs when the mutex destroy operation returned EBUSY.
    • don't allow incorrect uses of Variable() which potentially may invalidate important information. Instead we output a warning of the incorrect use and suggest alternative functions to be used.
    • removed 49 character workaround which tried to solve problems with truncated object names that old legacy versions of ReGaHss created and thus object name comparisons with the full name started to fail in newer ReGaHss versions.
  • updated RaspberryPi Linux kernel to 4.14.62 (raspberrypi-kernel_1.20180817-1) including corresponding RaspberryPi firmware to potentially fix random kernel panic issues reported lately (#393).
  • updated armbian-based Tinkerboard Linux kernel + U-Boot patchset and raised kernel version to 4.14.66 accordingly.
  • updated buildroot/Linux environment to latest stable 2018.05.1 version.
  • updated Java Runtime Environment to latest 1.8.0_181- version.
  • integrated new WebUI patch introducing "apple-touch-icon" like html tags to special PNG logo files so that linking the CCU WebUI to your iPhone/iPad background shows up a proper icon. In addition new RaspberryMatic specific favicons are introduced with the raspberry logo in the center (#368).
  • integrated fix for WebUI bug in the device firmware overview display which didn't show up correctly if an empty device type description was found.
  • integrated devconfig.cgi patch where display of certain devices caused problems if unknown enum types are used.
  • added ethtool as a new standard tool to RaspberryMatic to allow for querying+tuning ethernet link/type parameters.
  • bumped lighttpd version to latest 1.4.50 to fix certain important bugs (see #332) and to get rid of a required bugfix patch.
  • fixed ifplugd handling by properly returning with exit code 1 so that interfaces will be re-configured if starting without any network cable was performed.
  • integrated bugfix for RPI-RF-MOD RTC clock setup by explicitly turning on the charging mode for the goldcap using i2c commands.
  • integrated bugfix for potential bug where a firmware update was not possible if no time server and RTC clock was available and thus the date was set to 01.01.1970.
  • integrated change to let the recovery system directly format the user partition upon factory reset and not propagate this job to the base system.
  • integrated WebUI change for recovery system integrating a slightly improved recovery system usability.
  • changed network setup to use traditional ifconfig for the initial setup of the corresponding network interface. This will fix display of the proper broadcast address.
  • when connecting an USB memory stick an explicit measurement directory will now be generated and the homematic subsystem flagged for an available USB measurements device for being used for the diagram functionality in future.
  • minor bugfixes and functional changes.

For support on installation and help please visit the following (german speaking) help fora:

RaspberryMatic - Installation/Update Guide 🇩🇪
RaspberryMatic - Forum 🇩🇪

The following installation archives (*.zip files) can be downloaded for selected hardware platforms. To verify their integrity a sha256 checksum is listed as well. Please upload these zip files using the WebUI-based update mechanism available.


15 Jul 20:27
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This is release of RaspberryMatic with mainly important bugfixes and minor enhancements:

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🚧 Changes:

  • updated OCCU to 2.35.16-1 incorporating the following major bugfixes and minor improvements:
    • integrated new ssdpd version fixing some important bugs which resulted in random crashes.
    • integrated new hss_led version fixing RPI-RF-MOD related LED blink codes and implements process related monitoring of important homematic services (e.g. ReGaHss, rfd, etc.).
    • integrated new eq3configd version with new identify string for recovery system.
  • fixed an important bug in assigning a fresh HmIP device id upon factory reset or upon installing a fresh image which sometimes resulted in not showing the homematicIP teaching user interface in the WebUI.
  • added a workaround for the PiDesktop Addon Board not properly working with a Tinkerboard. In fact, upon initiating a reboot the system was shutdown rather than rebooting cleanly (#364).
  • fixed a bug where booting into the recovery system right after powerup could result in an unsettled network setup.
  • fixed a bug where booting without any GPIO / USB capable HomeMatic-RF device didn't bring up the system in a workable state.
  • fixed multimacd startup script to only start multimacd if BidCos-RF and HmIP capable devices are found.
  • fixed Tinkerboard onboard RTC clock identification upon bootup.
  • added a minor WebUI patch to allow to define value comparisons in WebUI programs with "equal" and "non-equal" conditions as well (#362).

For support on installation and help please visit the following (german speaking) help fora:

RaspberryMatic - Installation/Update Guide 🇩🇪
RaspberryMatic - Forum 🇩🇪

The following installation archives (*.zip files) can be downloaded for selected hardware platforms. To verify their integrity a sha256 checksum is listed as well. Please upload these zip files using the WebUI-based update mechanism available.


07 Jul 23:28
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This is release of RaspberryMatic with the following enhancements and bugfixes:

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🚧 Changes:

  • updated OCCU to 2.35.16 incorporating the following changes:
    • all new features and bugfixes from latest stable CCU2 2.35.16 release.
    • fixed problem in UPnP announcer (ssdpd) which resulted in random crashes if a tunneling interface was running during startup
    • updated eq3configd to read serial number also from /var/board_sgtin in case a RPI-RF-MOD is used.
    • updated RPI-RF-MOD rf module firmware to version 3.4.2.
  • updated RaspberryPi Linux kernel to 4.14.50 including corresponding RaspberryPi firmware.
  • updated Tinkerboard Linux kernel to mainline 4.14.53 version including corresponding armbian patchset which also enables UMS (USB-OTG) support for Tinkerboard S in U-boot bootloader so that the board can be connected via microUSB to a PC/Mac and the eMMC accessed accordingly.
  • updated WebUI help page to show complete SGTIN-based serial number of RPI-RF-MOD rf module.
  • adapted RaspberryMatic logo to match new general CCU logo style.
  • minor bugfixes and functional changes.

For support on installation and help please visit the following (german speaking) help fora:

RaspberryMatic - Installation/Update Guide 🇩🇪
RaspberryMatic - Forum 🇩🇪

The following installation archives (*.zip files) can be downloaded for selected hardware platforms. To verify their integrity a sha256 checksum is listed as well. Please upload these zip files using the WebUI-based update mechanism available.


25 Jun 20:55
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This is release of RaspberryMatic with the following enhancements and bugfixes:

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🚧 Changes:

  • updated OCCU to 2.31.25-4 incorporating a minor fix for hss_led not correctly setting the status LED of external LAN gateways.
  • added support for PiDesktop platform including:
    • support for power button and status LED
    • support for PCF8563 RTC clock
  • updated updateDCVars.tcl support script (#349) to:
    • only log dutycycle values in case they are >= 80%.
    • create a Wired-Status system variable for logging connection status of Wired-Gatways.
    • fix double runs or logging outputs if more than one gateway is in use.
  • updated U-Boot bootloader to latest stable 2018.05.
  • updated buildroot/Linux environment to latest stable 2018.05 version.
  • added jq json command-line processor tool as a new standard package (#354).
  • modified RPI-RF-MOD LED color/blinking scheme to match CCU3.
  • integrated updated UPnP daemon (ssdpd) which allows to run other UPnP daemons in parallel and which answers to 'ssdp:all' requests now as well (rdmtc/RedMatic#15)
  • fixed PiUSV+ daemon support to only start its monitoring daemon in case no PiDesktop platform has been identified. This should fix problems with PiDesktop-based systems shutting down immediately because it uses the same GPIO pins like the PiUSV+ HAT board.
  • fixed /bin/ by excluding the directory where the backup is about to be created (#341).
  • fixed U-Boot configuration for raspberrypi0 target not being completely in sync with the raspberrypi3 version.
  • minor bugfixes and functional changes.

For support on installation and help please visit the following (german speaking) help fora:

RaspberryMatic - Installation/Update Guide 🇩🇪
RaspberryMatic - Forum 🇩🇪

The following installation archives (*.zip files) can be downloaded for selected hardware platforms. To verify their integrity a sha256 checksum is listed as well. Please upload these zip files using the WebUI-based update mechanism available.