Internal types are introduced in the file pats_staexp2.sats
, and having a better understanding of how these types relate to actual ATS types will be [[helpful in debugging|Error messages]].
- an application term.S2Ecst
- a type constant (for instance, int, bool, list, etc.)S2Eeff
- function effects.S2Eexi
- an existentially quantified type.S2Eint
- machine precision integer.S2Eintinf
- infinite precision integer; commonly used for integer sorts in most compiled versions of atsopt (patsopt).S2Evar
- a (typically universally quantified) variable.S2Etop (0; T)
//Need to verify in ATS2
S2Etop (1; T)
//Need to verify in ATS2
- an (existentially quantified) unification variable introduced by the typechecker.