Releases are currently available [[at sourceforge|]], though those developing libraries for ATS contrib should use the [[github repository|]].
An example of how to set up environment variables for ATS-contrib (alongside ATS):
export POSTIATS=${HOME}/research/Postiats/git
export POSTIATS_contrib=${HOME}/research/Postiats-contrib/git
It may be the case that you want to contribute to an existing package, or create a new package that will gradually be
curated to be in the main contrib
directory. User codes are generally put in a separate subdirectory of ATS contrib. For instance, there is a user directory contrib/libats-/bbarker/OpenMP
for OpenMP, and a curated version of OpenMP in contrib/OpenMP
In order to switch between using these various packages, [[atspkgreloc|atspkgreloc]] is a useful tool that may automate the process. It can additionally be used with other repositories or forms of code storage.