fluent-plugin-couch provides output plugins for Fluentd.
The gem is hosted at Rubygems.org. You can install the gem as follows:
$ fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-couch
Store fluent-event as CouchDB Document to CouchDB database.
<match couch.**> type couch database fluent # following attibutes are optional host fluenter #default:localhost port 10000 #default:5984 protocol https #default:http update_docs true #default:false doc_key_field doc_id #default:nil. ${tag} will be replaced with actual event's tag. doc_key_jsonpath $.event.key #default:nil. ${tag} will be replaced with actual event's tag. refresh_view_index viewname #default:nil # for Basic Authentication (optional) user odagiri password yudai # Other buffer configurations here </match>
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Copyright © 2011- Yuri Odagiri
- License
Apache License, Version 2.0