Notice: 🐻 Ursa now enables SourceLink. hope it helps with your debugging ❤️
What's Changed
- Separate pack & publish Action by @zdpcdt in #379
- Stretch title area vertically by @rabbitism in #381
- Fix Timepicker issues by @rabbitism in #380
- Automatically focus on overlay modal dialog/messagebox/drawer by @rabbitism in #316
- remove default width in MultiComboBox by @lxymahatma in #386
- refactor ThemeSelectorBase and ThemeToggleButton by @lxymahatma in #389
- Introduce CanDragMove to DialogWindow options. by @rabbitism in #388
- Ensure NavMenu initial selection is updated visually. by @rabbitism in #387
- misc: Update Semi.Avalonia installation guide in README. by @zdpcdt in #390
- Source link by @rabbitism in #391
- Updates to FormItem label and A11y by @rabbitism in #395
- Introduce DateTimePicker by @rabbitism in #397
- FullScreen overlay dialog updates by @rabbitism in #400
- Fix: Caption buttons should update visibility upon UrsaWindow property change. by @rabbitism in #396
- Enable UrsaWindow and Dialog border customization. by @rabbitism in #399
- Introduce IsSelectable for TreeComboBoxItem. by @rabbitism in #393
- New Control: Notification & Toast by @zdpcdt in #398
- Introduce IsTopLevel to OverlayDialogHost by @rabbitism in #401
- Fix Badge template binding issue. by @rabbitism in #402
- Fix navigation order in demo by @zdpcdt in #405
New Contributors
- @lxymahatma made their first contribution in #386
Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.3.0