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Midterm project for Machine Learning Zoomcamp

Hello everyone, this is my midterm project for the 2023 cohort of the course Machine Learning Zoomcamp. This project will aim to train a machine learning model to predict prices of cars sold in Germany.

The dataset can be downloaded here.

The final app can be tried here:

Here is a screenshot: Alt text

Structure of the directory.

├── model
│   ├── best_xgboost_model.pkl (saved to be used for deployment)
│   ├── dict_vectorizer.pkl (preprocessing of the dataset)
│   └── unique_categorical_values.pkl
├── data
│   ├── data.csv (data in the same format provided on kaggle)
│   └── transformed_data.parquet (data after cleaning)
├── readme_images
│   └── ...
├── (streamlit app to run locally)
├── (streamlit app which gets containerized)
├── Dockerfile
├── eda.ipynb (notebook for EDA and data cleaning)
├── model_training.ipynb (notebook for training the model)
├── Pipfile (Pipfile for pyenv)
└── requirements.txt (used to install the libraries from Docker)

Exploratory data analysis

The EDA can be found inside the Jupyter Notebook called eda.ipynb in the root directory of the project.

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Dataset building and model training.

The building of the train, valid and test datasets happens inside the model_training.ipynb notebook. There I also run a grid search analysis in order to pick the best performing XGBoost model. After training and getting the best performing model I run an analysis in order to see how well the model is doing.

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After making sure the model performs in a satisfactory manner, I save the model using the pickle module from Python.

The notebook can also be converted to a Python file to be run like a module using the command:

jupyter nbconvert --to script model_training.ipynb

Running the app

If you want to run the app, please first make sure to have installed pyenv. If you haven't already, you can do so by running pip install pyenv.

After having installed pyenv, please run pipenv install in order to install the dependencies needed to run the app.

After you have installed all the dependencies, please run pipenv run streamlit run to run the app. The streamlit app should now be running in your browser.

Docker and cloud deployment.

Inside the main directory there is a Dockerfile which can be built in order to create an image of the sreamlit app.

Simply run docker build -t my-streamlit-app . to build the image. Then, you can run the container by giving the command docker run -p 8080:8080 my-streamlit-app .

For this project, I have chosen Google Cloud Run. To use this service, you need to have an account on Google Cloud Platform. To get started, please visit this website. You get 300$ of free credits when getting started, which is pretty generous.

Since this project is not necessarily focused on Operations, I deployed the app mostly manually, with the help of the UI.

The first step is to download the Google Cloud CLI. You can get started here. After having installed the CLI and being able to use the command gcloud you can tag the image you created above to reference your Google Cloud Project. The commands would be:

docker tag my-streamlit-app<google-cloud-project>/my-stream-lit-app
docker push<google-cloud-project>/my-stream-lit-app

After this, please go to Google Cloud Run and click on Create Service. After that you can fill in the necessary information. Alt text

When finishing the deployment, your app will be live and you will be provided a website link from Google (similar to the one I posted at the top of the README).