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Releases: infracost/infracost


20 Jul 13:11
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0.10.8 (July 20 2022)

Infracost v0.10.8 adds support for Infracost Cloud, our new hosted service. 🎉 🎉 🚢

It enables team leads, managers and FinOps practitioners to have visibility across all cost estimates in CI/CD and answer questions like:

  1. What are the top pull requests that will increase/decrease costs the most? Who is working on them?
  2. What were all the pull requests to the main branch on the date we had a spike in cloud costs?


As part of this, we've removed the infracost register command in favour of infracost auth login, which uses our new login flow. This will not impact existing users or existing API keys.

This release also contains several critical bug fixes for the CLI that have arisen from Infracost's VSCode extension support.

New features

  • AWS, Azure & GCP VMs now support a monthly_hrs usage field - by @jessecureton in #1812
  • Bitbucket output/commend commands now include a --exclude-cli-output option. Allowing users to truncate long Bitbucket comments - by @vdmgolub in #1881
  • Structured logging support. All Infracost commands now have a --debug-report flag, which generates a rich JSON debugging report. This helps Infracost maintainers debug problems quickly - @hugorut in #1808


  • IoT Hub support - by @sawyerw-mastery in #1850
  • Virtual Network peering support - by @sawyerw-mastery in #1852


  • Updated path variables for Terraform file functions. This fixes problems with users trying to load files in child modules - by @tim775 in #1849

  • Tweaked product filters for Google Storage Bucket - by @vdmgolub in #1868

  • Better automatic project name detection - by @hugorut in #1878

  • Several panic and runtime errors caused by incomplete VSCode Terraform files

    • Parser index panic - by @aliscott in #1861
    • Azure VM scale set panic when resource has no storage_profile_os_disk block - by @aliscott in #1864
    • Entry in nil map panic - by @aliscott in #1865
    • Use a safer methods for type conversion - by @hugorut in #1866
    • Remove providing cty.NilVal to HCL expressions when in a partial evaluation state - by @hugorut in #1867

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.10.7...v0.10.8


08 Jul 14:09
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0.10.7 (July 08 2022)

Infracost v0.10.7 adds a few outstanding features that have long been missing from the Infracost CLI. With this release, more users can now use Infracost CLI to get cloud estimates for their Terraform projects. 💪

New features

  • Support for JSON input variable files. The --terraform-var-file flag now accepts valid tfvars.json files - by @hugorut in #1831
  • Support for private Terraform registry modules. Users can now see prices for module blocks using a private registry source - by @hugorut in #1781
  • Support for oracle-se2-cdb and oracle-ee-cdb RDS engine types - by @philharle in #1793


  • Load remote variables if TFC workspace is set to agent execution mode - by @jgrumboe in #1787
  • Various fixes for crashes and nil pointers because of empty configuration blocks:
    • AWS DMS resource throwing nil pointer if replication_instance_class is the wrong format - by @aliscott in #1794
    • Index out of range panic when storage_os_disk is not set on virtual_machine - by @aliscott in #1810
    • Mock attribute overriding the default location, meaning prices are shown as $0 - by @hugorut in #1836
    • Blank geo_locations causing panic errors for azurerm_cosmosdb_cassandra_keyspace - by @hugorut in #1838

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.10.6...v0.10.7


28 Jun 13:12
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0.10.6 (June 28 2022)

Infracost v0.10.6 contains a few minor fixes for upcoming features soon to have general availability.


  • Remove sending project context to dashboard - by @hugorut in #1777
  • Introduce keyed mutex to wait for a clone to finish before access - by @hugorut in #1782

Full Changelog: v0.10.5...v0.10.6


23 Jun 18:53
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0.10.5 (June 23 2022)

Infracost v0.10.5 fixes a regression introduced in the v0.10.4 release. Upgrading an underlying Terragrunt library caused some users to have a sharp increase in the time it took for Infracost to process their projects. Thank you to @dgokcin for your quick work in reporting this issue.

Full Changelog: v0.10.4...v0.10.5


23 Jun 10:27
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0.10.4 (June 23 2022)

Infracost v0.10.4 improves Infracost's ability to evaluate Terraform files with missing contextual information. Improved expression support enhances user experience and cleans up several fatal errors that hindered CLI performance. We've also added a heavily requested --project-name flag, allowing users to generate friendly names for their projects.

A note for Terragrunt users: Infracost's JSON metadata for Terragrunt projects will now show path as relative to the run directory. This makes it consistent with Terraform projects.

New Features

  • Add a new --project-name flag and name config field that allows users to customise the project name. --project-name enables users to give projects a user-friendly name rather than displaying the project path. It also enables users to "group" projects under a project-name bucket. The project output is now changed to include the project name if specified, e.g.:
    Project: my friendly project
    Module path path/to/project/terraform
    Workspace: my-workspace
    ~ aws_instance.web_app
      -$561 ($1,303 → $743)
        ~ Instance usage (Linux/UNIX, on-demand, m5.8xlarge → m5.4xlarge)
          -$561 ($1,121 → $561)
    Monthly cost change for my workspace project (Module path: ../../../../examples/terraform, Workspace: ws1)
    Amount:  -$561 ($1,303 → $743)
    Percent: -43% 
    by @tim775 in #1759
  • Add support for AWSGlobalAccelerator - by @carmeloriolo in #1721
  • Add VCS metadata to project output. Additional metadata allows users who store historic runs to identify useful VCS data when analysing. New fields are listed below:
        "infracostCommand": the command associated with the run, one of breakdown, diff, output or comment
        "branch":  name of the branch that was used to generate the estimate
        "commit": long commit SHA of the branch that was used to generate the estimate
        "commitAuthorName": git author name of the commit
        "commitAuthorEmail": git email of author of commit
        "commitTimestamp": timestamp of the commit, ISO 8601 UTC string
        "commitMessage": the commit message
        "vcsProvider": name of the VCS provider (github, gitlab, azure_repos, bitbucket)
        "vcsBaseBranch": name of the base branch that the pull request is being merged into
        "vcsPullRequestTitle": name of the pull request
        "vcsPullRequestUrl": link to the pull request
        "vcsPullRequestID": the unique identifier of the pull request for the vcsProvider
        "vcsPullRequestAuthor": name of the person who opened the pull request, this is probably the same as commitAuthor most of the time but it's helpful to see this if they're different
        "vcsPipelineRunId": a way to differentiate pipelines that are run within one PR, this is the top-level pipeline ID, not individual jobs/runs within it.
    by @hugorut in #1758


  • Update internals to use v3 azure provider - by @tim775 in #1763
  • Set environment vars on Terragrunt run options, which enables get_env function to work correctly. - by @hugorut in #1764
  • Add dummy return types for attributes that cannot evaluate. Mock return values enable expressions that rely on attributes/data that isn't available to HCL (e.g. populated from the cloud) to function correctly.
    This fixes several cases for Terragrunt users using dependency blocks with outputs that relied on expressions that Infracost could not evaluate. - by @hugorut in #1723
  • Properly handle count values set as a constant string rather than a number. Infracost now supports attributes like count = "2". - by @hugorut in #1769
  • Fixes azure_mssql_database fatal error when an explicit sku is not set - by @hugorut in #1771

Full Changelog: v0.10.3...v0.10.4


10 Jun 20:36
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0.10.3 (June 10 2022)

Infracost v0.10.3 contains groundwork for upcoming changes to Infracost's authentication method. If you're interested in trying an early iteration of this feature, please see our docs:

Full Changelog: v0.10.2...v0.10.3


08 Jun 14:37
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0.10.2 (June 08 2022)

Infracost v0.10.2 contains fixes for regressions that were introduced in v0.10.1. This release should provide a more stable experience to users, we recommend you upgrade as soon as you can.

Please note: HCL parsing continues to struggle with Terragrunt support, we are actively working on fixing these issues. Users who continue to have difficulties with Terragrunt please see this issue for a workaround. Please report any ongoing problems so that we can fix them as soon as possible.


  • Resolves a problem with multiple exclude-path flags being used - by @hugorut in #1714
  • Fix panics originating from cty.Null values - by @hugorut in #1716
  • Match downloaded modules based on key, solving "Failed to load module" error - by @aliscott in #1731
  • Fix included Terragrunt dependency blocks with same name overwriting the parent - by @hugorut in #1733
  • Change Azure product filters after Azure API changes - by @hugorut in #1734

Full Changelog: v0.10.1...v0.10.2


01 Jun 13:04
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0.10.1 (June 01 2022)

Infracost v0.10.1 contains several fixes for Terragrunt users struggling to run Infracost with HCL parsing. Users who continue to have difficulties with Terragrunt please see this issue for a workaround. Please report any ongoing problems so that we can fix them as soon as possible.

New Features

  • breakdown and diff now support a --exclude-path flag to ignore directories. This is particularly useful when running Infracost in a multi-project environment or Terragrunt setup - @hugorut in #1702
  • Add elasticache support for reserved instances - @carmeloriolo in #1677


  • Resolved several issues that Infracost had evaluating Terragrunt dependency blocks - @hugorut in #1687
  • Fixed an unhandled panic originating from incorrect slice index in azurerm_application_gateway - @hugorut in #1686
  • Rectified a problem where users could not run sync usage if using Elastic Beanstalk Environment - @vdmgolub in #1696
  • Fixed issue where nested module blocks in HCL that used inputs from module outputs received a nil value - @hugorut in #1697

Full Changelog: v0.10.0...v0.10.1


24 May 11:00
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What's new?

Back in February 2022, we started an experiment to estimate costs by parsing Terraform HCL code directly. We're excited to announce that the experiment worked! So in v0.10 we've removed the experimental --terraform-parse-hcl flag and made HCL parsing the default behavior.

Going forward, we'll support two ways to run Infracost with Terraform via --path:

  1. Parsing HCL code (directory): this is the default and recommended option as it has the following 5 key benefits.
    # Terraform variables can be set using --terraform-var-file or --terraform-var
    infracost breakdown --path /code
  2. Parsing plan JSON file: this will continue to work as before.
    cd /code
    terraform init
    terraform plan -out tfplan.binary
    terraform show -json tfplan.binary > plan.json
    infracost breakdown --path plan.json

1. Faster CLI

Infracost can now generate cost estimates without needing a Terraform plan. This removes our dependency on the Terraform binary altogether, which means no more terraform init or terraform plan.

That, in turn, means a super-fast CLI: Infracost used to take around 50 seconds to run on our internal Terraform mono-repo, that's now reduced to 2 seconds. 🚀

2. No cloud creds needed

Running terraform plan requires users to have cloud credentials and Terraform secrets. The main reason we created the Infracost CLI first, instead of a web API, was so it could parse the Terraform plan JSON locally to extract cost-related parameters (e.g. instance type). Thus credentials and secrets were not sent anywhere.

Whilst this worked and was safe, it still posed a question: is there a way to avoid setting credentials or secrets altogether? Removing our dependency on terraform plan gave us a way to do that.

3. Cost estimates everywhere

Not needing cloud credentials, or even knowledge of how to generate a Terraform plan, means that any engineer who has access to code repos can generate cost estimates!

This also opens the door for cost estimates to be put everywhere: Infra-as-Code repo readmes, Terraform module readmes, Visual Studio, and even in continuous integration systems where a Terraform plan does not exist (not everyone runs Terraform via continuous deployment systems).

To make infracost diff work without a Terraform plan, we introduced a new --compare-to infracost-base.json flag. This enables a git-based cost diff to be produced, e.g.:

git checkout main
infracost breakdown --path /code --format json --out-file infracost-base.json

git checkout my-branch
infracost diff --path /code --compare-to infracost-base.json

4. Compare Infracost runs

The infracost diff command can now also be used to compare Infracost runs. Assuming you generated the files infracost-last-week.json and infracost-today.json using the infracost breakdown --path /code --format json command, you can compare them using:

infracost diff --path infracost-today.json --compare-to infracost-last-week.json

5. Detect multi-project repos

Setting the --path flag to a top-level repo directory will now attempt to process all projects automatically by:

  1. Looking at the specified path or in any of the subdirectories with a depth less than 5.
  2. Processing Terraform variable files with the .auto.tfvars extension (similar to what Terraform does).
  3. Processing environment variables with a TF_VAR_ prefix (similar to what Terraform does).

If this does not work for your use-case, use a config-file and run infracost breakdown --config-file=infracost.yml, for example:

# infracost.yml
version: 0.1
  - path: prod
      - prod.tfvars
      - us-east.tfvars

  - path: dev
      - dev.tfvars

Migration guides

👉👉👉 See the migration guides in the docs for migrating specific CI systems to use the new v0.10 Infracost version.

Removed functionality

See this docs section.

Known issues

See this docs section.

Other changes

New resources


  • Support for google_compute_per_instance_config by @golgeek in #1645
  • Support for google_compute_region_per_instance_config by @golgeek in #1657


  • Support for reservation in db_instance by @carmeloriolo in #1653


  • Add a better error message for errors originating from the Terragrunt libs by @aliscott in #1666
  • Add breakdown path hint by @tim775 in #1673
  • Fallback to the workspace defined by TF env for remote var loading by @hugorut in #1679
  • Enable -no-color option by default for CI by @vdmgolub in #1628


New Contributors

  • @golgeek made their first contribution in #1640
  • @carmeloriolo made their first contribution in #1653

We also want to give a massive thank you to every community member who has helped us with any HCL parsing issues by reporting them and helping us reproduce them. Finding these issues would not have been possible without this 🎉.


10 May 10:04
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v0.10.0-beta.1 Pre-release

What's Changed

The main change for the v0.10 version will be HCL parsing being the default for Terraform and Terragrunt directories, to allow for a fast default experience that doesn't require cloud credentials.

Relevant changes

  • Make HCL parsing default and add --terraform-force-cli flag by @aliscott in #1630
  • Enable HCL multi-project autodetect by @hugorut in #1631


Other changes

  • Enable -no-color option by default for CI by @vdmgolub in #1628
  • Skip certain release tasks for beta and alpha releases by @aliscott in #1634

Full Changelog: v0.9.24...v0.10.0-beta.1