This package contains the second model that performs 3D object detection from pointcloud data.
- ROS Melodic
- Ubuntu 18.04
- NVIDIA GeForce 940MX
Please install all dependencies required for the second.pytorch model.
Please note that this repo requires Python 3.6+. If you are using ROS Melodic, please build ROS from source to ensure rospy runs with Python3.
$ cd ~/catkin_ws && catkin_make
$ source devel/setup.bash
To download rosbags for testing, please follow the link to get a kitti.bag for testing.
$ roslaunch second_ros second_kitti.launch
- Test model inference on NVIDIA Jetson Xavier
- Inference with ONNX or TensorRT
- Add pointpillar/TANET support
I referenced original implementation of second.pytorch which is under MIT License