On Ubuntu 14.04
- Ensure you have clang-format installed and you can run it as
sudo apt-get install clang-format-3.5
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/clang-format-3.5 /usr/bin/clang-format
- Install git-clang-format
sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/git-clang-format https://raw.githubusercontent.com/llvm-mirror/clang/master/tools/clang-format/git-clang-format
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/git-clang-format
- Clean up that nasty commit you just pushed
git clang-format --commit HEAD~1
git commit -m"Reformatting"
- Reformat the c_components folder
clang-format -i c_components/{lib,tests}/*.{c,h,cpp,hpp}
- Import code style .clion.codestyle.xml into CLion to reduce the number of differences clang-format creates.
- export CC=gcc-4.8
- export CPP=g++-4.8
- Switch to the directory holding the generated graph_version_XXX.dot files.
- Ensure you have graphviz, gifsicle and avtools: sudo apt-get install libav-tools graphviz gifsicle
- Convert them to .png:
find . -type f -name '*.dot' -execdir dot -Tpng -Gsize=5,9\! -Gdpi=100 -O {} \;
- Assemble .gif:
avconv -i job_2_graph_version_%d.dot.png -pix_fmt rgb24 -y output.gif
5: Add delay to frames, optimize:gifsicle -d 200 output.gif -l=2 -O -o optimized.gif
Vs. https://github.com/h2non/imaginary Vs. libvips directly Vs. Imagemagick
gcc -DFLOW_GCC_IDCT -fopt-info-vec-missed -std=gnu11 -iquotelib -ffast-math -funroll-loops -mfpmath=both -mtune=native -march=native -O3 lib/codecs_jpeg_idct_fast.c