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6e2207b · Oct 5, 2021





This package provides OPC UA server implementation for connection to ROS. Server provides access to all ROS topics, services and actions from an OPC UA Client.

Getting started with ros_opcua_impl_python_opcua package

First start some ROS Nodes for something to be visalized in the server. For example one can start turtlesim_node:

rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node 

Then start the server (the starting will take some time, wait until you see the output) using:

roslaunch ros_opcua_impl_python_opcua rosopcua.launch

Then start the UaExpert OPC UA Client and connect to the server. Server can be accessed per default from the local network on port 21554. If you are running everything localy use opc.tcp://localhost:21554 as server URL.

After successful connection you can see all ROS Services, Topics and Actions mapped to the OPC UA. To move the turtle from exaple choose Objects->ROS-Services->turtle1/teleport_absolute with right clieck and choose call. Enter the new possition of the turtle and see how turtle moves.

In Objects->ROS-Topics->turtle1->pose one can follow the position of the turtle in real time. To check the full effect of this try to move turtle using Robot Steering rqt-Plugin.