A zip file is given. Have to find out the flag in the zip file. Unzip the file.
unzip big-zip-files.zip
Applying grep to all the files and subdirectories in the big-zip-files folder provides the file path containing the flag.
grep -rl "pico" big-zip-files
Here -r is used to search recursively and -l is used to print the file name that matches.
Now cat out the file to get the flag.
cat big-zip-files/folder_pmbymkjcya/folder_cawigcwvgv/folder_ltdayfmktr/folder_fnpfclfyee/whzxrpivpqld.txt
information on the record will last a billion years. Genes and brains and books encode picoCTF{gr3p_15_m4g1c_ef8790dc}