- ?
- #39 Introduce error hierarchy and PGErrorIO @jgdavey
- #43 Data source abstraction
- handle the case: AuthenticationSASLFinal[serverFinalMessage=e=...]
- #42 fix log info(f) formatting @jarppe
- #34 add basic JDBC URL support via :connection-uri @jgdavey
- #33 generative tests for binary round-trips @jgdavey
- SSL no validation by default, tested with AWS
- Config.ConnType -> to enum
- #31 fix order of fields in the config @jgdavey
- migrations --config and --path params are resource/file
- migrations copy & paste reduced
- migrations GraalVM resource URL case
- migrations docs updated
- #30 refactor inet/unix connection code @jgdavey
- pg/poll-notification function added
- notification payload: add self? field
- change the order of Flush and Sync
- add and fix tests
- #27 better BigDecimal binary decoding logic @jgdavey
- prepared statement cache for execute
- bench: extra case for execute
- demo ns commented
- sendBytes debug tag
- common wrap buffered in/out streams methods
- wrap unix socket streams
- #26 better BigDecimal binary encoding logic @jgdavey
- unix socket support
- check password empty with scram sha-256
- better BIND debug format
- #25 Fix Hugsql rendering with nested snippets
- show SQL expression in PGErrorResponse (if possible)
- make PGErrorResponse compatible with ex-data
- bump less-awful-ssl and fix pg.ssl
- point type support
- line type support
- box type support
- polygon type support
- circle type support
- fromString when intput is a string
- path type support
- fix Int4 binary encoding(!)
- lseg type support
- pg.ssl namespace
- tested with neon.tech and supabase
- ssl-context param sets ssl true
- docs: ssl
- docs: services tested with
- scram plus auth #22
- fix scram branching #21
- more tests for jsonb functions
- better message render for debug
- postgis + pgvector images for docker
- docker pg11 is turned off
- pgvector support
- type processors
- bit type support
- integer OIDs
- connection init type mapping
- better tests
- nested transactions
- fix migrations name parsing #14
- better pool locking
- pool blocking queue
- tests updated
- folders/reducers refactored
- Clojure/Lazy Vectors removed
- pool/with-conn
- core/with-conn
- hugsql: def-sqlvec-fns
- refactor BIN/TXT constants
- refactor Connection constructor
- refactor Pool constructor
- pool lifetime opt renamed
- docker pg 16beta -> 16stable
- log-level removed
- connection debug
- pool logging refactored
- pool locking refactored
- pg.integration: config-txt and config-bin vars
- pg.honey: on-connection wrapper
- test json namespaces
- rename Accum to Result
- begin extended syntax (level, read only)
- column reducer
- ClojureVector type & default reducer
- lazy ToC and DataRow
- lazymap: lock passed
- read-only? conn param
- HugSQL support via pg2-hugsql package
- minor changes in readme
- future todos added
- unused imports
- KW class
- on-connection macro in pg.core
- IConnectable protocol on pg.core
- fix concurrent tests
- fix bpchar decoding
- Matrix class added
- array encode/decode bin/text support
- tests added
- JSON wrapper is idempotent
- JSON encode: default is IPersistentMap
- OID.toElementOID method
- array readme section
- todo updated
- remove type hint class
- jsonb version encoding and decoding
- bpchar encoding and decoding
- pass json(b) as a string
- refactor txt and bin encoder
- refactor server message dispatch
- remove phase enum
- migrations
- fix file names in readme
- fix file parser (dot vs hyphen)
- rename files (in jar as well)
- msg package split on msg.server and msg.client
- ClientMessage and ServerMessage interfaces
- PGError and PGErrorResponse extend RuntimeException
- fixed offset/limit bug when parsing binary json
- make CodecParams class immutable
- ObjectMapper support in:
- connection,
- codec params,
- pg.json ns,
- encode/decode-bin/text,
- JSON middleware
- migrations
- toc depth
- honey queries function
- pg-honey helpers
- pg-honey demo and reamde
- Next.JDBC wrapper
- more docs
- with-tx macro refactored
- error! function added
- msCancelTimeout renamed
- requireNonNull messages added
- connection isClosed refactored
- org.pg.proto package
- int to float encoding support
- oids type hints bug fixed
- concurrency tests
- new benchmarks
- Makefile java path
- LazyMap and LazyVector
- prg.pg.clojure package
- reducers refactored
- plan/reduce benchmarks
- reducer init() method accepts keys
- matrix header row added
- with-tx reflection warning removed
- initial release