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Tool to build NuSMV formal models for reliable safety systems with redundancy


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HW-SW-builder is a tool for formal verification of fault-tolerant systems that utilize separation into several redundant divisions to achieve fault tolerance. The components of the system need to be modeled using the NuSMV or nuXmv model checkers. The tool is best suited for nuclear instrumentation and control (I&C) systems as it supports fault injection to check single fault tolerance.

The tool is introduced in the following work:


To run the tool, you need Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 11 or greater and ant. The tool is intended to work on Linux and Windows.

To (re)build the tool yourself, you need Java Development Kit (JDK) 11 or greater and ant.

You need to have NuSMV or nuXmv installed to perform verification for formal models generated by the tool.

Building and running

A pre-compiled JAR executable is provided: hw_sw_builder.jar.

To (re)build it yourself, from the root of the project run:


To see a short help explaining how to run the tool, run:

java -jar jars/hw_sw_builder.jar

Below, we provide an example and explain how to run the tool on it.


Since the original examples from the nuclear industry that we use are confidential, we provide a different fictitious example that resembles the ECC one but is simpler. In particular, no fault/validity signal processing is used here.

Consider the cognitive system of a cat deciding whether it can fit in a box, and if it fits, it sits. Assume that the cat assesses the width, height and depth of the box, compares them with fixed thresholds and decides to sit if all the comparisons pass. See the illustration below:

Cat sitting idea

Due to the randomness of cats, a failure is possible within the cognitive system. The cognitive system is thus 3-redundant, with each division receiving possibly differing dimension measurements. Specifically, each Animal Perception Unit (APU) checks that the width is at least 200 mm, the height is at least 100 mm and the depth is at least 150 mm, and each Animal Locating Unit (ALU) collects comparison results from all the APUs and issues a sitting command of 2 out of 3 comparisons are successful. We assume that division 2 of this system has a failure and look at the output of division 1. See the architecture of this simplified model on the picture:

Cat sitting architecture

The files describing this system are given below:

To check symmetry declarations specified in the configuration file, run:

java -jar ../../jars/hw_sw_builder.jar cat_sitting.conf --nusmvCommand "NuSMV" --configSubstitutions "DELAY_APU=0; DELAY_ALU=0" --checkSymmetry

Once the tool is run, its output will be written to out.smv.

Now, assuming single failure, we are going to see whether the sitting command is issued when all the measurements are acceptable, where it can be issued spuriously and whether a system can enter a deadlock-like state.

To verify temporal requirements without communication delays, run:

java -ea -jar ../../jars/hw_sw_builder.jar cat_sitting.conf --nusmvCommand "NuSMV -coi -df -dynamic" --configSubstitutions "DELAY_APU=0; DELAY_ALU=0"

With BDD-based LTL model checking, the same run may not terminate within reasonable time if delays are considered. We can use bounded model checking (BMC) to speed things up:

java -ea -jar ../../jars/hw_sw_builder.jar cat_sitting.conf --nusmvCommand "NuSMV -coi -df -dynamic -bmc -bmc_length 20" --configSubstitutions "DELAY_APU=2; DELAY_ALU=4"

Configuration language

You can see an example of a configuration file for the tool here.

A configuration file consists of a number of declarations, each on its own line. Declarations are processed from top to bottom, and if a declaration refers to some other entity by name, it needs to be declared above.

Empty lines are allowed. Single-line comments are preceded with #.

Types of declarations:

  • To specify some filenames: settings basic_blocks_filename={file with basic blocks used in units; the filename is given relative to the configuration file} output_filename={target file to write the generated formal model into; the filename is given relative to the configuration file} vanishing_failures={true or false; setting to true enables correct verification of AG EF properties but increases computation complexity of verification}
  • To add a file with requirements to be checked for the generated models with NuSMV: add_requirements filename={NuSMV file with temporal requirements; the filename is given relative to the configuration file}
  • To declare a unit group (a container of units all having the same number of divisions; failures are specified per unit group): unit_group name={name, string without spaces} divisions={number of divisions, positive integer} failing_division={the index of division with failure, positive integer not exceeding the total number of divisions; NA for no failure; or ALL for failures in all divisions}
  • To declare an input of the overall model: input name={name, string without spaces} divisions={number of divisions, positive integer} nusmv_type={NuSMV type without spaces, such as boolean, 0..10 or {1,3,7}}
  • To declare an output of the overall model: output name={name, string without spaces} divisions={number of divisions, positive integer}
  • To declare a unit within a unit group: unit in={name of unit group; this unit group must be declared above} name={name, string without spaces} filename={NuSMV file with the definition of this unit as a single module; the filename is given relative to the configuration file} nusmv_module_name={NuSMV module name specified in this file} max_delay={maximum delay in cycles for all inputs of this unit, non-negative integer, 0 means no delays} nusmv_outputs={;-separated list of module outputs (without separate _FAULT statuses) and their NuSMV types, each entry provided as name:type, no spaces allowed} single_division_to_retain={positive integer to retain this unit only in this specific division or NA to keep all its instances}
  • To declare symmetry with respect to input variables that can be checked automatically: symmetry group={unit group name} unit={unit name} input_variable_indices={comma-separated list of input variable indices (positive integers) such as 1,2,3, all indices must be different, _FAULT and _CONNECTED input variables are invisible here and will be considered together with their base variables during symmetry checks}
  • To specify a single connection: single_connection from={source, see clarification below} to={destination, see clarification below}
  • To specify a series of parallel connections for each division (the numbers of divisions in source and destination must match): parallel_connection from={source} to={destination}
  • To specify cross-connections between all divisions of the source and all divisions of the target: all_to_all_connection from={source} to={destination}

Additional notes regarding from and to arguments of connections:

  • inputs of the overall model are preceded with "input."
  • outputs of the overall model are preceded with "output."
  • integer and Boolean constants are allowed in "from" and must be preceded with "const.", e.g. const.TRUE, const.FALSE, const.100, or const.-42
  • units are referred to as {unit group name}.{unit name}
  • in single connection, division indices are specified in the end after ".", e.g. {unit group name}.{unit name}.2 or input.{input name}.3

Finally, instead of any concrete value for some argument, a placeholder may be specified with ${PLACEHOLDER_NAME} syntax, e.g. single_division_to_retain=${DIVISION_TO_RETAIN}. Such placeholder must be filled using the command line argument --configSubstitutions, e.g. --configSubstitutions "DIVISION_TO_RETAIN=1; SOME_OTHER_PLACEHOLDER=2"

Automatic symmetry analysis, flexible failure criteria and a comprehensive case study

The structure of fault-tolerant redundant systems may lead to symmetry of certain failure scenarios, e.g., it may be irrelevant which division of the system to verify or in which of the remaining divisions to assume a failure. Such situations can be determined automatically.

The tool comprehensive_verifier.jar handles requirements that are prefixed with annotations written in the following format:

  • [[REQ pattern={one of (1) ltl, (2) isolated, (3) ag_ef, depending on whether this is (1) an LTLSPEC or PSLSPEC to be verified with a failure criterion, (2) an LTLSPEC or PSLSPEC to be verified for one module with free inputs, (3) a CTLSPEC of the form AG EG some_non_temporal_formula} viewpoint={the viewpoint unit, whose outputs are checked in the property} single_failures={comma-separated list of unit groups, where single failures should be permitted, without spaces} all_failures={comma-separated list of unit groups, where common cause failures should be permitted, without spaces}]] LTLSPEC/PSLSPEC/CTLSPEC {actual requirement}
  • The actual requirement is allowed to use the [[viewpoint_division]] macro, which is replaced with _DIVN during verification, where N is the division of the viewpoint unit chosen for model checking. Concrete division of units should not be used except for cases that are invariant to division permutations, such as counting the number of signals being on.

To see a short help on command line inputs, run:

java -jar jars/comprehensive_verifier.jar

To use comprehensive_verifier.jar, you need to have Prolog installed.

There is a full example of running the tool on a large case study in case_studies/ (Linux only):

cd case_studies


In particular, see the configuration file case_studies/pas/ps_sas_pacs_pas.conf with placeholders to be specified with --configSubstitutions, and requirement files in case_studies/pas/reqs. You will find verification logs in case_studies/pas/reqs/results_pas_comprehensive/. To see a summary of the logs, you can run:

./ pas/results_pas_comprehensive/


You may also be interested in trying the following NuSMV-based tools for formal verification:


Tool to build NuSMV formal models for reliable safety systems with redundancy







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