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This project is servicecomb-java-chassis security support. The main architecture is based on The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework and OpenID Connect. And provides APIs for developers based on Spring Security. Please see developers guide for details.
This project contains authentication-server, resource server, edge service, admin service and admin website.
- Prepare
Authentication Server uses MySql database. Install database first, and initialize it by executing authentication-server\src\main\resources\sql\user.sql .
- Build and run
Can open this file with a text editor to check what it is done.
- Demo web pages
Using admin/changeMyPassword login to the demo pages, and try operations.
- Run tests
After services are started, try
cd %HOME%\integration-tests\target
start java -jar integration-tests-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
This test will token several seconds. See implementations of TestCase for testing details.
- Observability
After login, Cloud Service capapi -> Problem Locating
. Input Trace-Id
and 大概时间
can search invocation chain logs and related application logs. Using 查看日志
able to download logs and metrics.
Tips: Using debug window of browsers can find trace id in HTTP response headers, e.g.