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Original GAN implemented in PyTorch

The paper: Generative Adversarial Nets

The official code:


The model and train progress follow Ian's code and the paper.

Discrinator Generator
Input ∈ $R^{784}$ Input ∈ $R^{100}$
Dropout. 240,5 Maxout. FC. 1200 RELU.
Dropout. 240,5 Maxout. FC. 1200 RELU.
Dropout. Sigmoid. Sigmoid.
Hype-parameters learning rate decay facotr momentum optimizer
Values 0.1->0.000001 1.000004 0.5->0.7 SGD

However, there are some differences between Pylearn2 and PyTorch. I tried to reproduce Ian's work completely without later tricks, but failed to some extent. So I leave what I don't understand for future study, including:

  • Likelihood Estimation. (So does early-stopping)
  • More proper momentum adjustment. (PyTorch does not support this feature at present.)
  • For generator, init_sigmoid_bias_from_marginals (the exact function in Pylearn2)

Some later tricks I used here includes:

  1. Alternative heuristic loss function (See this blog for more explanation.)

As a result, it comes to mode collapse immediately. The generator always generates the same image after one training step and its loss gets larger and lager.

I adjust the architecture of the generator mildly -- just add Batch Normalization layers. There comes model2. To my surprise, it really helps. Moreover, as the paper says, Batch Normalization accelerates the training progress.


So I changed the architecture to what described in the InfoGAN paper. To my satisfaction, it got wonderful result.

The architecure is exactly the same as in InfoGAN:

Discrinator Generator
Input 28 × 28 Gray image Input ∈ $R^{74}$
4 × 4 conv. 64 Leaky RELU. stride 2 FC. 1024 RELU. batchnorm
4 × 4 conv. 128 Leaky RELU. stride 2. batchnorm FC. 7 × 7 × 128 RELU. batchnorm
FC. 1024 Leaky RELU. batchnorm 4 × 4 upconv. 64 RELU. stride 2. batchnorm
FC. output layer 4 × 4 upconv. 1 channel


Name epoch1 epoch10 epoch50 gif remarks
Model1 model1_epoch_1_iteration_400 model1_epoch_10_iteration_300 epoch_50_iteration_400 fake.gif Ulmately the G fails to fool the D.
Model2 model2_epoch_1_iteration_400 model2_epoch_10_iteration_400 epoch_50_iteration_400 fake.gif
Model3 model3_epoch_1_iteration_400 model3_epoch_10_iteration_400 epoch_50_iteration_400 fake.gif

You can run to see the effects of generator after training. The code uses Google Fire to offer CLIs, so it's rather easy to use. (PS: For the checkpoint file is too, I do not upload them.)