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A versioned, distributed key-value store designed with a focus on data integrity. Each value boasts a comprehensive history, ensuring eventual consistency across the system. It features seamless merging capabilities to harmonize divergent data states.



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A embedded database built around the concept of event trees, emphasizing data deduplication and data integrity checks. By structuring data into event trees, OuroborosDB ensures efficient and intuitive data management. Key features include:

  • Data Deduplication: Eliminates redundant data through efficient chunking and hashing mechanisms.
  • Data Integrity Checks: Uses SHA-512 hashes to verify the integrity of stored data.
  • Event-Based Architecture: Organizes data hierarchically for easy retrieval and management.
  • Scalable Concurrent Processing: Optimized for concurrent processing to handle large-scale data.
  • Log Management and Indexing: Provides efficient logging and indexing for performance monitoring.
  • Non-Deletable Events: Once stored, events cannot be deleted or altered, ensuring the immutability and auditability of the data.
  • (To be implemented) Temporary Events: Allows the creation of temporary events that can be marked as temporary and safely cleaned up later for short-term data storage needs.

Table of Contents


OuroborosDB requires Go 1.21.5+

go get -u



OuroborosDB can be initialized with a configuration struct that includes paths for storage and other settings.

import "OuroborosDB"

func initializeDB() *OuroborosDB.OuroborosDB {
    db, err := OuroborosDB.NewOuroborosDB(OuroborosDB.Config{
        Paths:                     []string{"./data/storage"},
        MinimumFreeGB:             1,
        GarbageCollectionInterval: 10, // Minutes
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Failed to initialize OuroborosDB: %v", err)
    return db

Storing Files

Files can be stored within events using the StoreFile method.

import (

func storeFile(db *OuroborosDB.OuroborosDB, parentEvent storage.Event) storage.Event {
    fileContent := []byte("This is a sample file content")
    metadata := []byte("sample.txt")

    event, err := db.DB.StoreFile(storage.StoreFileOptions{
        EventToAppendTo: parentEvent,
        Metadata:        metadata,
        File:            fileContent,
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Failed to store file: %v", err)
    return event

Retrieving Files

Files can be retrieved by providing the event from which they were stored.

func retrieveFile(db *OuroborosDB.OuroborosDB, event storage.Event) []byte {
    content, err := db.DB.GetFile(event)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Failed to retrieve file: %v", err)
    return content

Event Tree Management

Creating Root Event

Create a root event to represent the top level of an event tree.

func createRootEvent(db *OuroborosDB.OuroborosDB, title string) storage.Event {
    rootEvent, err := db.DB.CreateRootEvent(title)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Failed to create root event: %v", err)
    return rootEvent

Fetching Root Events by Title

func getRootEventsByTitle(db *OuroborosDB.OuroborosDB, title string) []storage.Event {
    events, err := db.DB.GetRootEventsWithTitle(title)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Failed to fetch root events by title: %v", err)
    return events

Creating Child Events

func createChildEvent(db *OuroborosDB.OuroborosDB, parentEvent storage.Event) storage.Event {
    childEvent, err := db.DB.CreateNewEvent(storage.EventOptions{
        HashOfParentEvent: parentEvent.EventHash,
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Failed to create child event: %v", err)
    return childEvent

Fetching Child Events

func getChildEvents(db *OuroborosDB.OuroborosDB, parentEvent storage.Event) []storage.Event {
    children, err := db.Index.GetDirectChildrenOfEvent(parentEvent.EventHash)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Failed to fetch child events: %v", err)
    return children


  go test ./...


Benchmark current state of the codebase

  go test -run='^$' -bench=.

Benchmark Versions

Works with uncommitted changes and version/commits that are reachable by git checkout.
You also need to have installed benchstat to compare the benchmarks, install it with go get

  # add versions to
  # Now look in benchmarks/combined_benchmarks_comparison to see the results

OuroborosDB Performance Version Differences

goos: linux
goarch: arm64
pkg: OuroborosDB
                                                           │ ./benchmarks/v0.0.2 │         ./benchmarks/v0.0.3         │
                                                           │       sec/op        │    sec/op     vs base               │
_Index_RebuildingIndex/RebuildIndex-8                              397.79m ±  2%   19.40m ±  2%  -95.12% (p=0.002 n=6)
_Index_GetDirectChildrenOfEvent/GetChildrenOfEvent-8               35.559µ ±  3%   4.727µ ±  3%  -86.71% (p=0.002 n=6)
_Index_GetChildrenHashesOfEvent/GetChildrenHashesOfEvent-8          77.27n ±  2%   75.79n ±  1%   -1.91% (p=0.004 n=6)
_DB_StoreFile/StoreFile-8                                           311.7µ ±  4%   188.4µ ±  4%  -39.57% (p=0.002 n=6)
_DB_GetFile/GetFile-8                                               3.695µ ±  4%   3.422µ ±  4%   -7.40% (p=0.004 n=6)
_DB_GetEvent/GetEvent-8                                            45.636µ ±  2%   6.220µ ±  2%  -86.37% (p=0.002 n=6)
_DB_GetMetadata/GetMetadata-8                                       4.040µ ±  4%   3.972µ ±  9%        ~ (p=0.132 n=6)
_DB_GetAllRootEvents/GetAllRootEvents-8                            121.18m ±  5%   19.46m ±  2%  -83.94% (p=0.002 n=6)
_DB_GetRootIndex/GetRootIndex-8                                     2.465m ±  5%   2.477m ±  3%        ~ (p=1.000 n=6)
_DB_GetRootEventsWithTitle/GetRootEventsWithTitle-8                 53.55µ ±  2%   12.24µ ±  3%  -77.13% (p=0.002 n=6)
_DB_CreateRootEvent/CreateRootEvent-8                               158.1µ ± 11%   129.1µ ± 11%  -18.34% (p=0.002 n=6)
_DB_CreateNewEvent/CreateNewEvent-8                                135.91µ ±  6%   49.64µ ± 15%  -63.48% (p=0.002 n=6)
geomean                                                             144.0µ         52.30µ        -63.69%

OuroborosDB Performance Changelog

  • v0.0.3 - Switch from gob to protobuf for serialization
  • v0.0.2 - Create tests and benchmarks

Name and Logo

The name "OuroborosDB" is derived from the ancient symbol "Ouroboros," a representation of cyclical events, continuity, and endless return. Historically, it's been a potent symbol across various cultures, signifying the eternal cycle of life, death, and rebirth. In the context of this database, the Ouroboros symbolizes the perpetual preservation and renewal of data. While the traditional Ouroboros depicts a serpent consuming its tail, our version deviates, hinting at both reverence for historical cycles and the importance of continuous adaptation in the face of modern data challenges.


OuroborosDB (c) 2024 Mia Heidenstedt and contributors

SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0


A versioned, distributed key-value store designed with a focus on data integrity. Each value boasts a comprehensive history, ensuring eventual consistency across the system. It features seamless merging capabilities to harmonize divergent data states.





