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Releases: hyphanet/fred

build01487: 2020-09-30

30 Sep 20:21
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Freenet 0.7.5 build 1487 is now available.

The focus of this build are plugin-updates:

  • Add KeepAlive which allows keeping files alive in Freenet (ready as official plugin thanks to redwerk),
  • plugin-FlogHelper adds audio- and video-tag and more translations,
  • Sharesite provides better default CSS (more beautiful sites) and clearer wording,
  • Freemail uses the newer WoT API,
  • KeyUtils has a small fix to adjust for internal API change (was broken in 1486).
  • Add UPnP2 plugin for testing.

Also this build accepts Android Java as not End of Life
to simplify the mobile-node maintenance

The windows-installer and wintray are now being built by our
continuous integration system using a more secure code-signing setup.
This should reduce the scary warnings on install,
reduces our dependency on specific setup of the release manager,
and provides earlier checks whether something in fred broke the installer.

Thank you for using Freenet!

  • Arne Babenhauserheide

Developer changelog:


Changes in 1487:

  • Plugin-updates:
    KeepAlive (redwerk fixes: now ready as official plugin),
    plugin-FlogHelper (audio- and video-tag and more translations),
    Sharesite (better default CSS, clearer wording),
    Freemail (use newer WoT API and cleanup),
    KeyUtils (adjust for internal API change).

  • Add UPnP2 plugin for testing.

  • Accept Android Java as not EOL to simplify the mobile-node maintenance

  • Set context class loader when terminating plugin (by Bombe)

  • Cleanups of some old deprecated code.

  • The windows-installer and wintray are now being built
    by our continuous integration system using a more secure code-signing setup.
    This should reduce the scary warnings on install,
    reduces our dependency on specific setup of the release manager,
    and provides earlier checks whether something in fred broke the installer.

  • Arne Babenhauserheide

Arne Babenhauserheide (15):
fix indent
replace local static isAndroid() method by static import
cleanup imports
fix indent
remove unused imports again (undo merge error)
Revert "Removed several usages of the deprecated Closer" — overlooked dangers in late-night review; will refile for review.
Increase max size for installers: wininstaller fetched again
Update FlogHelper to version 36
Update Sharesite to version 0.4.8
update Freemail to version 30
Update plugin KeyUtils
add plugin KeepAlive
add plugin UPnP2
Update plugin KeyUtils
add missing name and description for plugins UPnP2 and KeepAlive

Arne Babenhauserheide (freenet releases) (3):
update NEWS
Update default bookmark editions
Build 1487

Curious Ginie (1):
Added definition that source code is encoded in UTF-8 to gradl build definition

DC* (1):
Run sanity checks against given value

David ‘Bombe’ Roden (2):
Set context class loader when terminating plugin
Set context class loader when terminating plugin

Florent Daigniere (2):
fix reproducible builds
Changes to the datastore

Jan Gerritsen (3):
Removed unused imports
Removed several usages of the deprecated Closer
Replaces deprecated Constructors like Byte() or Integer() with Byte.valueOf() or autoboxing

babenhauserheide (2):
accept all Android Java versions as not EOL.
accept all Android Java versions as not EOL.


30 Sep 19:11
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06 Sep 20:41
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build01486: 2020-08-02

02 Aug 21:30
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This is an emergency release which updates JNA to version 4.5.2 to
prevent Windows nodes from breaking when Java is updated.

Since we’re releasing from next, this release contains a number of
further improvements we had already prepared:

The first time wizard now warns users on first run to disable
thirdparty IMEs (input method editors). There are reports that
some of those IMEs send all keystrokes to their owners.

Alex Williams changed the bandwidth allocation to give more bandwidth
to friend-to-friend connections than to opennet connections.
Friend-to-friend connections (Darknet-mode) are the only way to build
a Sybil-resistant network. Please invite people you’ve known for years
long to join you in Freenet and connect to them as Friends.

Oleh from Redwerk improved the styles of our main theme (Winterfacey).
It now works much better for small devices like phones. Also Freenet
will offer a connection speed upgrade when increased speed is

On the technical side, operhiem1 and nextgens got us a new jarsigner
certificate which should remove some ugly warnings during
installation, and thanks to Bombe our SSK and USK key validation is
now stricter, and our tests now use JUnit 4. And we increased the max
size for passthrough, so our Windows installer should spread over UOM


02 Aug 16:59
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emergency-release from next to address Java breakage on Windows.


25 Jul 19:22
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emergency release from next because the java update on windows breaks with our jna-version. Also some good changes. See the news file:


23 Jul 14:55
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emergency release from next because the java update on windows breaks with our jna-version. Also some good changes. See the news file:


23 Jul 07:44
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emergency release from next, because Windows requires a jna update

build01485: 2020-01-26

26 Jan 23:40
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Freenet 0.7.5 build 1485 is now available. [overview]

- fix a possible reason for the startup loop
- skip file compression where compression typically does not yield much improvement
- compressor: skip LZMA (old) if it is not the only requested compression method
- switch to java8 as the minimum required version
- capture fetchKeyBoxAboveBookmarks from the theme as default value
- If there are *.fref files in a peers-offers/ folder, ask user whether to connect to them
- Theora fixes thanks to redwerk: we can get Video safely now (the first step for streaming)!

Sidenote: If you are using a thirdparty IME
(Input Method Editor, used as text input for common asian languages),
please disable it for Freenet and use an IME from your Operating System.
There have been reports of the IME collecting your keystrokes.

Thank you for using Freenet!

- ArneBab

Developer changelog:


Changes in 1485:

- avoid quadratic memory allocation if PooledFileRandomAccessBuffer is swapped to disk (should fix startup loops)
- compressor: skip LZMA (old) if it is not the only requested compression method
- remove the contrib submodule from the fred repo because gradle does not need it and it hinders self-hosting
- switch to java8 as the minimum required version
- fix bug7102: don't attempt to pre-allocate when we truncate
- capture fetchKeyBoxAboveBookmarks from the theme as default value
- skip file compression where compression typically does not yield much improvement
- If there are *.fref files in a peers-offers/ folder, ask user whether to connect to them
- Theora fixes thanks to redwerk: can filter Video now!
- fix config parsing bug (thanks to redwerk)

- ArneBab

Arne Babenhauserheide (19):
      remove the contrib submodule from the fred repo because gradle does not need it and it hinders self-hosting
      Turn CompressionRatioException into a checked exception to ensure that it gets handled wherever it could appear.
      Do not die when bookmarks are missing
      cleanup Sonar code style warnings
      undo cleanup that would likely have broken on Windows
      fix indentation
      remove pre1254 parameter
      add deprecation notice for OldLZMACompressor#compress
      adapt NewLZMA test for old LZMA, also add a full key decompression from static data.
      adapt NewLZMA test for old LZMA, also add a full key decompression — actual test.
      remove commented lines
      compressor: skip LZMA (old) if it is not the only requested compression method
      log skipping of lzma old compressor
      remove skipping compression check because it would lead to an endless loop
      travis: replace oraclejdk tests by more openjdk tests, 8-13
      filter: fix and re-use mime-type-by-extension from m3u for <video>
      sanitize FDTracker after unserializing
      fix non-thrown exception
      move the deserialization guard from FDTracker into PooledFileRandomAccessBuffer

Arne Babenhauserheide (freenet releases) (4):
      Update default bookmark editions
      Update default bookmark editions
      Update default bookmark editions
      Build 1485

Bert Massop (1):
      Improve RSS/feed sniffing

David ‘Bombe’ Roden (7):
      ✅ Update test to jUnit 4
      ✅ Turn each test into its own method
      ✏️ Escape “<” in javadocs
      ♻️ Move RSS sniffer to its own file
      🚚 Rename test class to match tested class
      💬 Remove link to broken download site
      ⬆️ Update links to jSite

Florent Daigniere (2):
      fix bug7102: don't attempt to pre-allocate when we truncate
      switch to java8

Oleh Shklyar (48):
      add config option to move the fetch key box above the bookmarks
      improvement in Winterfacey
      problem localization
      fix Theora header packet
      change throwing exceptions
      specify correct img extensions; fix mime test; test disabled js
      If there are *.fref files in a peers-offers/ folder, ask user whether to connect to them
      fix for recover large file upload after reboot
      attempt to skip file compression where compression typically does not yield much improvement
      fix whitespaces
      avoid recompression if it takes a lot of time
      Move minimumCompressionPercentage and amountOfDataToCheckCompressionRatio to config
      Move maxTimeForSingleCompressor to config and add to the config the ability to store a duration of time
      move millis conversion to String and back to TimeUtil class
      capture fetchKeyBoxAboveBookmarks from the theme as default value
      move alert tite and text to l10n
      fixes requested correctives
      clean js
      decode and check SETUP_HEADER
      add tests for BitInputStream class
      fixes after review
      add encoding to String constructor
      add restrictions on the length of comments that are logged
      run a formatter
      add braces
      add tests for TheoraBitstreamFilter
      refactoring header type and magic number validation
      skip reading comments at all
      add valid Theora video for tests
      move repeated parts to separate method
      rename methods from parseSome to verifySome; pull filter state handling up from verify methods; refactore construct CommentHeader with empty vendor string and comments
      optimize ilog method
      formatting (braces)
      refactoring of checking valu with limits
      correction of mistakes made during refactoring
      fix validator concept
      recheck validation conditions
      switch to java8
      Cleaning #665
      CompressionRatioException constraint
      remove CompressionRatioRuntimeException
      restrictions added
      renaming for code readability

Steve Dougherty (1):
      gradle: upgrade wrapper to 4.10.3

xor-freenet (1):
      FCPPluginConnectionImplTest: Fix spurious failures

testing-build-1485-pre1: e38766002d (HEAD -> next) Update default bookmark editions

20 Jan 21:01
Choose a tag to compare
390de1da45 Merge branch 'deserialization-guard-PFRABuffer' into next
e8f7cb3ce2 (deserialization-guard-PFRABuffer) Update default bookmark editions
60c6fb30ba (origin/deserialization-guard-PFRABuffer) move the deserialization guard from FDTracker into PooledFileRandomAccessBuffer
dcb61346fa (redwerk/next, origin/next, origin/HEAD) Merge branch 'remove-pre1254' into next
d4b236734a (origin/remove-pre1254, remove-pre1254) fix non-thrown exception
1719b1ec86 sanitize FDTracker after unserializing
f16394ac08 merge next into remove-pre1254
02400151d6 Merge branch 'redwerk-frn-80' into next
6fca1b9419 (redwerk-frn-80) Merge branch 'frn-80' of into redwerk-frn-80
53cd968ebb Merge branch 'next' into remove-pre1254
f79ee7ee54 Merge branch 'travis-without-oracle' into next
455ace88b4 (travis-without-oracle) Merge branch 'next' into travis-without-oracle
900587f0a8 (patheticcockroach/next) filter: fix and re-use mime-type-by-extension from m3u for <video>
4127b3158a (patheticcockroach/travis-without-oracle, origin/travis-without-oracle) travis: replace oraclejdk tests by more openjdk tests, 8-13
d8dac6c2fc (patheticcockroach/remove-pre1254) remove skipping compression check because it would lead to an endless loop
fee136c25a log skipping of lzma old compressor
b41eabca5c compressor: skip LZMA (old) if it is not the only requested compression method
0fc294086c remove commented lines
ff6995c394 adapt NewLZMA test for old LZMA, also add a full key decompression — actual test.
9a6468f617 adapt NewLZMA test for old LZMA, also add a full key decompression from static data.
1f89d89070 add deprecation notice for OldLZMACompressor#compress
f4b83ffe1d remove pre1254 parameter
6e5450b89f fix indentation
03dcac41e1 (patheticcockroach/survive-missing-bookmarks, origin/survive-missing-bookmarks) undo cleanup that would likely have broken on Windows
b6923195ec cleanup Sonar code style warnings
6d17956720 Do not die when bookmarks are missing
8ab37160d8 (redwerk/frn-80) clean
428f7bd19c Merge branch 'next' into frn-80
43ea9c58e4 renaming for code readability
2015adb0a2 Merge branch 'redwerk-frn-34-1' into next
e1cd21e332 Merge branch 'frn-34-1' of into redwerk-frn-34-1
d794731664 restrictions added
7fee8a9e8e remove CompressionRatioRuntimeException
26389c1f15 CompressionRatioException constraint
661bf28f02 (redwerk/frn-34-1) Cleaning #665
0c0eda1c1e (patheticcockroach/checked-compression-ratio-exception, origin/checked-compression-ratio-exception) Turn CompressionRatioException into a checked exception to ensure that it gets handled wherever it could appear.
6b3bbc3596 (xor/next, patheticcockroach/release01485, origin/release01485, release01485) Merge branch 'redwerk-frn-60-2' into release01485
e770066cb6 (redwerk-frn-60-2) Merge branch 'frn-60-2' of into redwerk-frn-60-2
abf4bd7ec4 Merge branch 'redwerk-frn-34' into release01485
02e8dbdebb (redwerk-frn-34) Merge branch 'frn-34' of into redwerk-frn-34
a8c12a6648 Merge branch 'redwerk-frn-33' into release01485
d754d91f28 (redwerk-frn-33) Merge branch 'frn-33' of into redwerk-frn-33
441588b761 Merge branch 'nextgens-bug7102' into release01485
59cbd07217 (nextgens-bug7102) Merge branch 'bug7102' of into nextgens-bug7102
4445874a63 Merge branch 'redwerk-frn-18' into release01485
009abd3986 (redwerk-frn-18) merge redwerk/frn-18 into redwerk-frn-18
f545301da3 Merge branch 'redwerk-frn-49' into release01485
b7f1ef636a (redwerk-frn-49) Merge branch 'frn-49' of into redwerk-frn-49
2d6f3f844c Merge branch 'redwerk-iss7045' into release01485
9ff8dbfcd4 (redwerk-iss7045) Merge branch 'iss7045' of into redwerk-iss7045
390a35f823 Merge branch 'redwerk-frn30-3' into release01485
f2215c584c (redwerk-frn30-3) Merge branch 'frn30-3' of into redwerk-frn30-3
241b878108 Merge branch 'remove-contrib-submodule' into release01485
bb989ae548 (remove-contrib-submodule) Merge branch 'release01485' into remove-contrib-submodule
c2e8afecb6 (patheticcockroach/remove-contrib-submodule, origin/remove-contrib-submodule) remove the contrib submodule from the fred repo because gradle does not need it and it hinders self-hosting
f956c14202 (redwerk/frn-60-2) switch to java8
2301d1f41b formatting
09934713c7 recheck validation conditions
a3342fd208 formatting
a76e9b7f29 fix validator concept
12ba23a572 correction of mistakes made during refactoring
ed5ad79dff Merge branch 'next' into frn-60-2
c4d37f4f18 refactoring of checking valu with limits
a3f5e27fa5 switch to java8
f02f8736c2 (redwerk/frn-49) formatting (braces)
1f67ec4ce6 Merge branch 'frn-60-3' into frn-60-2
fa446a230a optimize ilog method
dd4a2424bd rename methods from parseSome to verifySome; pull filter state handling up from verify methods; refactore construct CommentHeader with empty vendor string and comments
15d7966812 move repeated parts to separate method
bc011731ae (redwerk/frn-60-3) add valid Theora video for tests
a7904c09a8 skip reading comments at all
bba7a26b1b refactoring header type and magic number validation
5fe1d38735 add tests for TheoraBitstreamFilter
0304d12303 add braces
e3a51d8bc7 run a formatter
c5778a713e add restrictions on the length of comments that are logged
b88d7c1610 add encoding to String constructor
ddb8eda2fe fixes after review
1585c5eafe add tests for BitInputStream class
a99733f8c6 decode and check SETUP_HEADER
3682bccb04 fix bug7102: don't attempt to pre-allocate when we truncate
9458bf0f76 FCPPluginConnectionImplTest: Fix spurious failures
5385c28e30 (redwerk/frn-34) Merge branch 'next' into frn-34
359c33d521 (redwerk/frn-33) Merge branch 'next' into frn-33
1a686a42b9 clean js
8fb116ae14 (redwerk/frn-18) fixes requested correctives
bb0f270d36 move alert tite and text to l10n
19a34cc170 (redwerk/iss7045) capture fetchKeyBoxAboveBookmarks from the theme as default value
bcfa540dd1 move millis conversion to String and back to TimeUtil class
fb0bed80e0 clean
39ea73bf37 Move maxTimeForSingleCompressor to config and add to the config the ability to store a duration of time
2e8edbf893 Move minimumCompressionPercentage and amountOfDataToCheckCompressionRatio to config
6580b01dd7 avoid recompression if it takes a lot of time
d418d1f07f fix whitespaces
88c6009e04 attempt to skip file compression where compression typically does not yield much improvement
78c71618d3 fix for recover large file upload after reboot
9538e6d14d Merge branch 'sniff-rss' of into next
7eb8d748ac (Bombe/sniff-rss) 🚚 Rename test class to match tested class
ae0020ff31 ♻️ Move RSS sniffer to its own file
5e82bd457a ✏️ Escape “<” in javadocs
b1224228d0 ✅ Turn each test into its own method
ac030d42ec ✅ Update test to jUnit 4
4b1cfac9c6 🔀 Merge next into this branch
204a1406c4 (toad-fix-burst-only) Merge Theora improvements from branch 'frn-39' of into next
a2d37c98ae If there are *.fref files in a peers-offers/ folder, ask user whether to connect to them
68a1c03caa specify correct img extensions; fix mime test; test disabled js
3533373a14 (redwerk/frn-39) change throwing exceptions
4fa4dba0e4 clean
a62990f2ae fix Theora header packet
1422ef372f problem localization
1abf6fa6f1 gradle: upgrade wrapper to 4.10.3