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Allow user to select value from various options and displays current value.

Usage example

<= Color $mol_select
	value? <=> color? \
	dictionary <= colors *
		red \Red
		green \Green
		blue \Blue


dictionary() : { [ key : string ] : any }

Property which takes a dictionary with options (key) & values (value).

value() : string

Property which should be changed value() by select option, based on their own property options().

options() : string[]

Keys are possible values of value() property. If the property is not defined, value is a keys of dictionary()

options_filtered() : string[]

Logic of filter options()

option_content() : $mol_view[]

List of components in Option() component

option_label() : string

By default if Option() not redefined, it has a textNode which takes a value from option_label(). If option_label() property not redefined by user, value is dictionary()[key] or key

no_options_message() : string

The property takes a string and show this string when option_rows() is empty.

showed() : boolean

Show or Hide List of options.

align() : string

Property extends from $mol_pop. Equals align() property

option_rows() : $mol_view[]

The list with Option() components