From time to time a breaking change of API can happen. Following to SemVer, the gobot main version should be increased. In such case all users needs to adjust there projects for the next update, although they not using a driver or platform with changed API.
To prevent this scenario for most users, the main version will not always increased, but affected drivers and platforms are listed here and a migration strategy is provided.
For cleanup purposes and future preparation the folders and files were moved. Please search and replace to change the import path as follows.
// old
// new
For cleanup purposes and future preparation the folders and files were moved. Please search and replace to change the import path as follows.
// old
// new
// old
// new
With introduce of FriendlyELEC NanoPC-T6 a second adaptor from FriendlyELEC (formerly friendlarm) now exists. Please search and replace to change the import path of nanopi as follows.
// old
// new
Using the term "cdev" (short for character device Kernel ABI for GPIO access) is more suitable than using "gpiod" (the name of the user space driver in Linux). Also it relates better to the term "sysfs" (the legacy sysfs Kernel ABI for GPIO access). The former name was chosen so there would be no difference to the used go module "gpiod". Since also this module is now renamed to "go-gpiocdev", we choose the better name "cdev" from now on.
This change affects all applications, which using the With... options of "gpiod" or "sysfs". A search and replace is suitable:
// old
a := NewAdaptor(adaptors.WithGpiodAccess())
// new
a := NewAdaptor(adaptors.WithGpioCdevAccess())
// old
a := NewAdaptor(adaptors.WithSysfsAccess())
// new
a := NewAdaptor(adaptors.WithGpioSysfsAccess())
Also those findings needs to be replaced, which usually affects developers, but not users:
The beagle board "PocketBeagle" supports with latest images the Linux Kernel character device API, so the adaptor was changed to use this as the default.
By "adaptors.WithSysfsAccess()" the old behavior can be forced. This is most likely needed if an old image with old Kernel is used which does not support this new API.
A small renaming is also done, please search and replace:
// old
// new
All BLE drivers now can be found in the folder "drivers/ble". Formerly the drivers are located below "platforms/ble". In addition the location of the BLE client adaptor was changed to "platforms/bleclient". Therefore a change for the import paths is needed. The constructor function was also renamed, see below.
// old
bleAdaptor := ble.NewClientAdaptor(os.Args[1])
// new
bleAdaptor := bleclient.NewAdaptor(os.Args[1])
Since introducing the usage of "" in 2020, the callback do not support the given error parameter anymore. The switch to usage of "" has not changed this. Therefore it is removed now from the function.
All those functions log an error only or panic, so the caller gets no nice programmatic feedback. The error is now returned instead and the log output needs to be done at caller side.
// old
devName := access.GetDeviceName()
appearance := access.GetAppearance()
modelNo := info.GetModelNumber()
fwRev := info.GetFirmwareRevision()
hwRev := info.GetHardwareRevision()
manuName := info.GetManufacturerName()
pid := info.GetPnPId()
level := battery.GetBatteryLevel()
// new
devName, err := access.GetDeviceName()
if err != nil {
appearance, err := access.GetAppearance()
if err != nil {
The Serial Based Sphero adaptor was split off into a generic serial adaptor and the driver part. With this, the imports needs to be adjusted. In addition all events now have a suffix "Event", see below.
// old
adaptor := sphero.NewAdaptor("/dev/rfcomm0")
spheroDriver := sphero.NewSpheroDriver(adaptor)
_ = spheroDriver.On(sphero.Collision, func(data interface{}) {
// new
adaptor := serialport.NewAdaptor("/dev/rfcomm0")
spheroDriver := sphero.NewSpheroDriver(adaptor)
_ = spheroDriver.On(sphero.CollisionEvent, func(data interface{}) {
The Neurosky adaptor now use the generic serial adaptor. The driver part was moved. With this, the imports needs to be adjusted. In addition all events now have a suffix "Event", see below.
// old
adaptor := neurosky.NewAdaptor("/dev/rfcomm0")
neuro := neurosky.NewDriver(adaptor)
_ = neuro.On(neurosky.Extended, func(data interface{}) {
// new
adaptor := serialport.NewAdaptor("/dev/rfcomm0", serialport.WithName("Neurosky"), serialport.WithBaudRate(57600))
neuro := neurosky.NewMindWaveDriver(adaptor)
_ = neuro.On(neurosky.ExtendedEvent, func(data interface{}) {
The MegaPi adaptor now use the generic serial adaptor. The driver part was moved. With this, the imports needs to be adjusted.
// old
megaPiAdaptor := megapi.NewAdaptor("/dev/ttyS0")
motor := megapi.NewMotorDriver(megaPiAdaptor, 1)
// new
adaptor := serialport.NewAdaptor("/dev/ttyS0", serialport.WithName("MegaPi"))
motor := megapi.NewMotorDriver(adaptor, 1)
A backward compatible case is still included, but it is recommended to use "WithButtonPollInterval" instead, see example below.
// old
d := gpio.NewButtonDriver(adaptor, "1", 50*time.Millisecond)
// new
d := gpio.NewButtonDriver(adaptor, "1", gpio.WithButtonPollInterval(50*time.Millisecond))
There is no need to use the direction, enable or sleep feature of the driver. Therefore the parameters are removed from constructor. Please migrate according to the examples below. The order of the optional functions does not matter.
// old
d0 := gpio.NewEasyDriver(adaptor, 0.80, "1", "", "", "")
d1 := gpio.NewEasyDriver(adaptor, 0.81, "11", "12", "", "")
d2 := gpio.NewEasyDriver(adaptor, 0.82, "21", "22", "23", "")
d3 := gpio.NewEasyDriver(adaptor, 0.83, "31", "32", "33", "34")
// new
d0 := gpio.NewEasyDriver(adaptor, 0.80, "1")
d1 := gpio.NewEasyDriver(adaptor, 0.81, "11", gpio.WithEasyDirectionPin("12"))
d2 := gpio.NewEasyDriver(adaptor, 0.82, "21", gpio.WithEasyDirectionPin("22"), gpio.WithEasyEnablePin("23"))
d3 := gpio.NewEasyDriver(adaptor, 0.83, "31", gpio.WithEasyDirectionPin("32"), gpio.WithEasyEnablePin("33"),
d := gpio.NewBuzzerDriver(adaptor, "1")
// old
d.BPM = 120.0
fmt.Println("BPM:", d.BPM)
// new
fmt.Println("BPM:", d.BPM())
Usually the relay is inverted or not, except be rewired. From now on the inverted behavior can only be changed on initialization. If there is really a different use case, please file a new issue.
// old
d := gpio.NewRelayDriver(adaptor, "1")
d.Inverted = true
fmt.Println("is inverted:", d.Inverted)
// new
d := gpio.NewRelayDriver(adaptor, "1", gpio.WithRelayInverted())
fmt.Println("is inverted:", d.IsInverted())
// old
d := gpio.NewHD44780Driver(adaptor, ...)
// new
d := gpio.NewHD44780Driver(adaptor, ..., gpio.WithHD44780RWPin("10"))
d := gpio.NewServoDriver(adaptor, "1")
// old
fmt.Println("current position:", d.CurrentAngle)
// new
fmt.Println("current position:", d.Angle())
The motor driver was heavily revised - sorry for the inconveniences.
affected pins:
- SpeedPin
- SwitchPin (removed, was unused)
- DirectionPin
- ForwardPin
- BackwardPin
Usually the pins will not change without a hardware rewiring. All pins, except the speed pin are optionally, so options are designed for that.
// old
d := gpio.NewMotorDriver(adaptor, "1")
d.DirectionPin = "10"
// new
d := gpio.NewMotorDriver(adaptor, "1", gpio.WithMotorDirectionPin("10"))
// old
d := gpio.NewMotorDriver(adaptor, "1")
d.ForwardPin = "10"
d.BackWardPin = "11"
// new
d := gpio.NewMotorDriver(adaptor, "1", gpio.WithMotorForwardPin("10"), gpio.WithMotorBackwardPin("11"))
affected functions:
- Speed() --> SetSpeed()
- Direction() --> SetDirection()
- Max() --> RunMax()
- Min() --> RunMin()
affected states:
- CurrentState
- CurrentSpeed
- CurrentMode
- CurrentDirection
Most of the attributes were used only for reading. If there is something missing, please file a new issue.
d := gpio.NewMotorDriver(adaptor, "1")
// old
fmt.Println("is on:", d.CurrentState==1)
fmt.Println("speed:", d.CurrentSpeed)
fmt.Println("is off:", d.CurrentState==0)
fmt.Println("mode is digital:", d.CurrentMode=="digital")
fmt.Println("direction:", d.CurrentDirection)
// new
fmt.Println("is on:", d.IsOn())
fmt.Println("is on:", d.IsOff())
fmt.Println("speed:", d.Speed())
fmt.Println("mode is digital:", d.IsDigital())
fmt.Println("direction:", d.Direction())
d := gpio.NewMotorDriver(adaptor, "1")
// old
fmt.Println("is mode now analog?", d.CurrentMode!="digital")
// new
fmt.Println("is mode now analog?", d.IsAnalog())
Although, it is working like above, it will be more clear, if the mode is defined at the beginning, like so.
// old
d := gpio.NewMotorDriver(adaptor, "1")
// new
d := gpio.NewMotorDriver(adaptor, "1", gpio.WithMotorAnalog())