Last updated: 20181127
Basic grades:
- 3x assignments:
- 10% 1x bridging exercise
- 15% 1x data scraping
- 15% 1x data analysis/ visualisation/ presentation -- based on the data above
- 0x Quiz (or mid-term)
- 60% 1x Group-based final project
Bonus grades:
- Bonus part in the assignments
- Class participation
- Online participation: GitHub/ Slack
- Notable side project (welcome to bounce ideas)
Bonus is meant to be bonus -- only benefit those who do the part but does not drag down other's grades.
After collecting the weighted grades, a curving processing will be applied -- mapping numbers grades to letter grades. Once the curving is done, those who have collected bonus points via the above listed channels, will have upgraded letter grades. In the curving stage, A is controlled to be 15% - 20%
. After adding bonus part, A-grade can be up to 40%