diff --git a/VERSION b/VERSION
index ee4c1b2e..d62d896a 100644
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/src/package.json b/src/package.json
index 7f78f7c5..78a2a4a5 100644
--- a/src/package.json
+++ b/src/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "ingest-ui",
- "version": "2.6.17",
+ "version": "2.6.18",
"private": true,
"homepage": ".",
"dependencies": {
diff --git a/src/src/components/collections/collections.jsx b/src/src/components/collections/collections.jsx
index ca53e197..e1b269cc 100644
--- a/src/src/components/collections/collections.jsx
+++ b/src/src/components/collections/collections.jsx
@@ -4,10 +4,11 @@ import "../../App.css";
import SearchComponent from "../search/SearchComponent";
import {COLUMN_DEF_MIXED,COLUMN_DEF_MIXED_SM} from "../search/table_constants";
import { entity_api_get_entity,entity_api_create_entity, entity_api_update_entity} from '../../service/entity_api';
-import {ingest_api_publish_collection,ingest_api_user_admin} from '../../service/ingest_api';
+import {ingest_api_publish_collection,ingest_api_user_admin, ingest_api_validate_contributors} from '../../service/ingest_api';
import { getPublishStatusColor } from "../../utils/badgeClasses";
import { generateDisplaySubtypeSimple_UBKG } from "../../utils/display_subtypes";
import Papa from 'papaparse';
+import {GridLoader} from "react-spinners";
import ReactTooltip from "react-tooltip";
import { TextField, Button, Box } from '@mui/material';
import Paper from '@material-ui/core/Paper';
@@ -42,31 +43,34 @@ const StyledTextField = styled(TextField)`
export function CollectionForm (props){
// let navigate = useNavigate();
- var [locked, setLocked] = useState(false);
- var [successDialogRender, setSuccessDialogRender] = useState(false);
- var [selectedSource, setSelectedSource] = useState(null);
// var [selectedGroup, setSlectedGroup] = useState(props.dataGroups[0]).uuid;
var [associatedEntities, setassociatedEntities] = useState([]);
var [associatedEntitiesInitial, setassociatedEntitiesInitial] = useState([]);
- var [selectedSources, setSelectedSources] = useState([]);
- var [publishing, setPublishing] = useState(false);
- var [fileDetails, setFileDetails] = useState();
var [buttonState, setButtonState] = useState('');
- var [warningOpen, setWarningOpen] = React.useState(false);
- var [openGroupModal, setOpenGroupModal] = useState(false);
- var [lookupShow, setLookupShow] = useState(false);
- var [loadingDatasets, setLoadingDatasets] = useState(true);
+ var [contributorValidationErrors, setContributorValidationErrors] = useState('');
+ var [entityInfo, setEntityInfo] = useState();
+ var [fileDetails, setFileDetails] = useState();
var [hideUUIDList, setHideUUIDList] = useState(true);
+ var [loadingDatasets, setLoadingDatasets] = useState(true);
var [loadUUIDList, setLoadUUIDList] = useState(false);
- var [validatingSubmitForm, setValidatingSubmitForm] = useState(false);
- var [entityInfo, setEntityInfo] = useState();
- var [userAdmin, setUserAdmin] = useState(false);
+ var [locked, setLocked] = useState(false);
+ var [disableSubmit, setDisableSubmit] = useState(false);
+ var [validatingContributorsUpload, setValidatingContributorsUpload] = useState(false);
+ var [lookupShow, setLookupShow] = useState(false);
+ var [openGroupModal, setOpenGroupModal] = useState(false);
var [pageError, setPageError] = useState("");
+ var [publishing, setPublishing] = useState(false);
+ var [selectedSource, setSelectedSource] = useState(null);
+ var [selectedSources, setSelectedSources] = useState([]);
+ var [successDialogRender, setSuccessDialogRender] = useState(false);
+ var [userAdmin, setUserAdmin] = useState(false);
+ var [validatingSubmitForm, setValidatingSubmitForm] = useState(false);
+ var [warningOpen, setWarningOpen] = React.useState(false);
// var [publishError, setPublishError] = useState({
// status:"",
// message:"",
// });
- // @TODO: See what we can globalize/memoize/notize here
+ // @TODO: See what we can glob alize/memoize/notize here
var [errorHandler, setErrorHandler] = useState({
status: "",
message: "",
@@ -217,7 +221,6 @@ export function CollectionForm (props){
const handleInputChange = (event) => {
const { name, value, type } = event.target;
console.debug("handleInputChange", name, value, type);
@@ -337,13 +340,6 @@ export function CollectionForm (props){
- function removeEmpty(obj) {
- return Object.fromEntries(
- Object.entries(obj)
- .filter(([_, v]) => v != null)
- .map(([k, v]) => [k, v === Object(v) ? removeEmpty(v) : v])
- );
- }
function validateForm(formValues) {
console.debug('%c◉ validateForm FormValues ', 'color:#00ff7b', );
var isValid = true;
@@ -414,7 +410,6 @@ export function CollectionForm (props){
const handleSubmit = () => {
var submitForm = validateForm(formValues);
@@ -519,502 +514,581 @@ export function CollectionForm (props){
- }
+ }
- var handleFileGrab = (e, type) => {
- var grabbedFile = e.target.files[0];
- var newName = grabbedFile.name.replace(/ /g, '_')
- var newFile = new File([grabbedFile], newName);
- if (newFile && newFile.name.length > 0) {
- console.debug('%c◉ HAVE FILE ', 'color:#00ff7b', newFile);
- setFormErrors((prevValues) => ({
- ...prevValues,
- 'contributors': "",
- }))
- Papa.parse(newFile, {
- download: true,
- skipEmptyLines: true,
- header: true,
- complete: data => {
- setFileDetails({
- ...fileDetails,
- [type]: data.data
- });
- processContacts(data,"grab")
+ var handleFileGrab = (e, type) => {
+ console.debug('%c◉ FILEGRAb ', 'color:#00ff7b', );
+ setContributorValidationErrors()
+ setValidatingContributorsUpload(true)
+ setDisableSubmit(true);
+ var grabbedFile = e.target.files[0];
+ var newName = grabbedFile.name.replace(/ /g, '_')
+ var newFile = new File([grabbedFile], newName);
+ if (newFile && newFile.name.length > 0) {
+ console.debug('%c◉ HAVE FILE ', 'color:#00ff7b', newFile);
+ setFormErrors((prevValues) => ({
+ ...prevValues,
+ 'contributors': "",
+ }))
+ ingest_api_validate_contributors(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("info")).groups_token, newFile)
+ .then((response) => {
+ if(response.status === 200){
+ console.debug('%c◉ Success ', 'color:#00ff7b', response);
+ setContributorValidationErrors()
+ setDisableSubmit(false);
+ setFormErrors((prevValues) => ({
+ ...prevValues,
+ 'contributors': "",
+ }))
+ setValidatingContributorsUpload(false)
+ }else{
+ let errorSet = response.error.response.data.description;
+ console.debug('%c◉ FAILURE ', 'color:#ff005d', errorSet)
+ if (errorSet == "metadata_schema_id not found in header") {
+ setContributorValidationErrors([
+ {
+ "column": "N/A",
+ "error": "Metadata_schema_id not found in header",
+ "row": "N/A"
+ }
+ ]);
+ }else{
+ setContributorValidationErrors(errorSet);
+ }
+ setFormErrors((prevValues) => ({
+ ...prevValues,
+ 'contributors': "Please Review the list of errors provided",
+ }))
+ setValidatingContributorsUpload(false)
+ })
+ .catch((error) => {
+ console.debug('%c◉ FAILURE ', 'color:#ff005d', error);
- } else {
- console.debug("No Data??");
- }
- };
- var processContacts = (data,source) => {
- var contributors = []
- var contacts = []
- for (const row of data.data) {
- contributors.push(row)
- if(!row.is_contact){
- row.is_contact = "NO"
- }else if (row.is_contact && (row.is_contact === "TRUE"|| row.is_contact.toLowerCase()==="yes") ){
- contacts.push(row)
- }
+ Papa.parse(newFile, {
+ download: true,
+ skipEmptyLines: true,
+ header: true,
+ complete: data => {
+ setFileDetails({
+ ...fileDetails,
+ [type]: data.data
+ });
+ processContacts(data,"grab")
- setFormValues ({
- ...formValues,
- contacts: contacts,
- contributors: contributors
- });
+ });
+ } else {
+ console.debug("No Data??");
+ };
- var processUUIDs = (event) => {
- const { name, value, type } = event.target;
- console.debug("handleUUIDList", name, value, type);
- };
- var renderTableRows = (rowDetails) => {
- if (rowDetails.length > 0) {
- return rowDetails.map((row, index) => {
- return (
- {row.display_name}
- {row.affiliation}
- {row.orcid}
- {row.email }
- { (row.is_contact && (row.is_contact==="TRUE" || row.is_contact.toLowerCase()==="yes")) ? : ""}
- {row.is_principal_investigator }
- {row.is_operator }
- {row.metadata_schema_id}
- );
- });
+ var processContacts = (data,source) => {
+ var contributors = []
+ var contacts = []
+ for (const row of data.data) {
+ contributors.push(row)
+ if(!row.is_contact){
+ row.is_contact = "NO"
+ }else if (row.is_contact && (row.is_contact === "TRUE"|| row.is_contact.toLowerCase()==="yes") ){
+ contacts.push(row)
+ }
+ setFormValues ({
+ ...formValues,
+ contacts: contacts,
+ contributors: contributors
+ });
+ }
+ var processUUIDs = (event) => {
+ const { name, value, type } = event.target;
+ console.debug("handleUUIDList", name, value, type);
+ };
+ var renderValidatingOverlay = () => {
+ return (
+ )
+ }
+ var renderTableRows = (rowDetails) => {
+ if (rowDetails.length > 0) {
+ return rowDetails.map((row, index) => {
+ return (
+ {row.display_name}
+ {row.affiliation}
+ {row.orcid}
+ {row.email }
+ { (row.is_contact && (row.is_contact==="TRUE" || row.is_contact.toLowerCase()==="yes")) ? : ""}
+ {row.is_principal_investigator }
+ {row.is_operator }
+ {row.metadata_schema_id}
+ );
+ });
- var renderContribTable = () => {
- return (
- <>
- Name
- Affiliation
- Orcid
- Email
- Is Contact
- Is Principal Investigator
- Is Operator
- Metadata Schema ID
- {renderTableRows(formValues.contributors)}
- {formErrors.contributors && formErrors.contributors.length > 0 && (
- {formErrors.contributors}
- )}
- >
- )
- }
- var renderAssociationTable = () => {
- var hiddenFields = [];
- var uniqueTypes = new Set(associatedEntities.map(obj => obj.entity_type.toLowerCase()));
- if ( (uniqueTypes.has("dataset") && uniqueTypes.size === 1) ) {
- // add submission_id to hiddenFields
- hiddenFields.push("submission_id");
- }
- function buildColumnFilter(arr) {
- let obj = {};
- arr.forEach(value => {
- obj[value] = false;
- });
- return obj;
- }
- var columnFilters = buildColumnFilter(hiddenFields)
- return (
0 && !isNew}
+ }
+ var renderContribTable = () => {
+ return (
+ <>
+ {validatingContributorsUpload && (
+ renderValidatingOverlay()
+ )}
+ Name
+ Affiliation
+ Orcid
+ Email
+ Is Contact
+ Is Principal Investigator
+ Is Operator
+ Metadata Schema ID
+ {}
+ {renderTableRows(formValues.contributors)}
+ {contributorValidationErrors && contributorValidationErrors.length > 0 && (
+ Errors Found:
+ )}
+ {formErrors.contributors && formErrors.contributors.length > 0 && (
+ .MuiDataGrid-virtualScroller': {
- minHeight: '60px',
- // overflowY: 'auto !important',
- // flex: 'unset !important',
- },
- }}
- />
- );
- }
+ // backgroundColor: '#FFCACA',
+ color: 'red',
+ padding: '10px',
+ }} >
+ {formErrors.contributors}
+ )}
+ >
+ )
+ }
+ var renderContributorErrors = () => {
+ let stylizedList = '';
+ for (const error of contributorValidationErrors) {
+ stylizedList += `- ${error.error}
+ }
+ stylizedList += '
+ return stylizedList;
+ }
- var creationSuccess = (response) => {
- var resultInfo = {
- entity: response.results
- };
- setEntityInfo(resultInfo);
- props.onProcessed(resultInfo)
- }
- var formatDatatype = (row) => {
- console.debug('%c⊙', 'color:#00ff7b', "formatDatatype", row, row.display_subtype, row.dataset_type);
- return ("DT");
+ var renderAssociationTable = () => {
+ var hiddenFields = [];
+ var uniqueTypes = new Set(associatedEntities.map(obj => obj.entity_type.toLowerCase()));
+ if ( (uniqueTypes.has("dataset") && uniqueTypes.size === 1) ) {
+ // add submission_id to hiddenFields
+ hiddenFields.push("submission_id");
+ function buildColumnFilter(arr) {
+ let obj = {};
+ arr.forEach(value => {
+ obj[value] = false;
+ });
+ return obj;
+ }
+ var columnFilters = buildColumnFilter(hiddenFields)
return (
- {!props.newForm && editingCollection && (
- HuBMAP Collection ID: {editingCollection.hubmap_id}
- {" "}
- )}
- {(props.newForm) && (
- Registering a Collection
- )}
- {!props.newForm && (
+ 0 && !isNew}
+ sx={{
+ // minHeight: '200px',
+ // display: 'inline-block',
+ // // overflow: 'auto',
+ // '.MuiDataGrid-virtualScroller': {
+ // minHeight: '45px',
+ // // overflow: 'scroll',
+ // },
+ '.MuiDataGrid-main > .MuiDataGrid-virtualScroller': {
+ minHeight: '60px',
+ // overflowY: 'auto !important',
+ // flex: 'unset !important',
+ },
+ }}
+ />
+ );
+ }
+ var creationSuccess = (response) => {
+ var resultInfo = {
+ entity: response.results
+ };
+ setEntityInfo(resultInfo);
+ props.onProcessed(resultInfo)
+ }
+ var formatDatatype = (row) => {
+ console.debug('%c⊙', 'color:#00ff7b', "formatDatatype", row, row.display_subtype, row.dataset_type);
+ return ("DT");
+ }
+ return (
+ {!props.newForm && editingCollection && (
+ HuBMAP Collection ID: {editingCollection.hubmap_id}
+ {" "}
- {editingCollection && editingCollection.doi_url && (
+ {(props.newForm) && (
+ Registering a Collection
+ {!props.newForm && (
+ )}
+ {editingCollection && editingCollection.doi_url && (
+ )}
- The source tissue samples or data from which this data was derived.
- At least one source is required, but multiple may be specified.
+ The source tissue samples or data from which this data was derived.
+ At least one source is required, but multiple may be specified.
+ {loadingDatasets && (
+ )}
- {loadingDatasets && (
- )}
+ {!loadingDatasets && (<>
- {!loadingDatasets && (<>
- {renderAssociationTable()}
- {formErrors.bulk_dataset_uuids[0].length > 0 && (
- Error: {formErrors.bulk_dataset_uuids[1]}: {formErrors.bulk_dataset_uuids[2]} ({formErrors.bulk_dataset_uuids[2]})
+ {renderAssociationTable()}
+ {formErrors.bulk_dataset_uuids[0].length > 0 && (
+ Error: {formErrors.bulk_dataset_uuids[1]}: {formErrors.bulk_dataset_uuids[2]} ({formErrors.bulk_dataset_uuids[2]})
+ )}
+ {formWarnings.bulk_dataset_uuids.length > 0 && (
+ {setWarningOpen(false)}}>
+ }>
+ Notice: {formWarnings.bulk_dataset_uuids}
- )}
- {formWarnings.bulk_dataset_uuids.length > 0 && (
- {setWarningOpen(false)}}>
- }>
- Notice: {formWarnings.bulk_dataset_uuids}
- )}
+ )}
- {loadUUIDList && (
- )}
- {!loadUUIDList && (
- handleInputUUIDs(event)}
+ >
+ {hideUUIDList && (<>Bulk>)}
+ {!hideUUIDList && (<>Add>)}
+ {loadUUIDList && (
+ )}
+ {!loadUUIDList && (
+ 0 ? true : false}
+ disabled={locked}
+ multiline
+ rows={2}
+ inputProps={{ 'aria-label': 'description' }}
+ placeholder={"List of Dataset HuBMAP IDs or UUIDs, Comma Seperated "}
+ variant="standard"
+ size="small"
+ fullWidth={true}
+ onChange={(event) => handleInputChange(event)}
+ value={formValues.dataset_uuids}
+ marginTop: '10px',
+ width: '100%',
verticalAlign: 'bottom',
- minWidth: "400px",
- overflow: 'hidden',
- // display: 'flex',
- // flexDirection: 'row',
- }}>
- 0 ? true : false}
- disabled={locked}
- multiline
- rows={2}
- inputProps={{ 'aria-label': 'description' }}
- placeholder={"List of Dataset HuBMAP IDs or UUIDs, Comma Seperated "}
- variant="standard"
- size="small"
- fullWidth={true}
- onChange={(event) => handleInputChange(event)}
- value={formValues.dataset_uuids}
- sx={{
- marginTop: '10px',
- width: '100%',
- verticalAlign: 'bottom',
- }}
- />
- )}
- {!hideUUIDList && (
- {setHideUUIDList(true)}}>
- )}
+ }}
+ />
+ )}
- {formErrors.dataset_uuids && formErrors.dataset_uuids.length > 0 && (
- {formErrors.dataset_uuids}
+ {!hideUUIDList && (
+ {setHideUUIDList(true)}}>
- >)}
+ {formErrors.dataset_uuids && formErrors.dataset_uuids.length > 0 && (
+ {formErrors.dataset_uuids}
+ )}
+ >)}
- 0 ? true : false}
- disabled={false}
- helperText={formErrors.title && formErrors.title.length > 0 ? "The title of the Collection is Required" : "The title of the Collection" }
- variant="standard"
- onChange={handleInputChange}
- value={formValues.title}
- />
- 0 ? true : false}
- disabled={false}
- helperText={formErrors.title && formErrors.title.length > 0 ? "A description of the Collection is Required" : "A description of the Collection" }
- variant="standard"
- onChange={handleInputChange}
- value={formValues.description}
- />
- Contributors
- {formValues.contributors && formValues.contributors.length > 0 && (
- <>{renderContribTable()} >
- )}
+ 0 ? true : false}
+ disabled={false}
+ helperText={formErrors.title && formErrors.title.length > 0 ? "The title of the Collection is Required" : "The title of the Collection" }
+ variant="standard"
+ onChange={handleInputChange}
+ value={formValues.title}
+ />
- {pageError.length > 0 && (
- Error: {pageError}
+ 0 ? true : false}
+ disabled={false}
+ helperText={formErrors.title && formErrors.title.length > 0 ? "A description of the Collection is Required" : "A description of the Collection" }
+ variant="standard"
+ onChange={handleInputChange}
+ value={formValues.description}
+ />
+ Contributors
+ {formValues.contributors && formValues.contributors.length > 0 && (
+ <>{renderContribTable()} >
+ {pageError.length > 0 && (
- {userAdmin === true && (editingCollection && !editingCollection.doi_url) && (
- variant="contained">
- Publish
- )}
+ Error: {pageError}
+ )}
+ {userAdmin === true && (editingCollection && !editingCollection.doi_url) && (
+ handlePublish()}
+ variant="contained">
+ Publish
+ )}
- hide={hideGroupModal}
- handleInputChange={(event) => handleInputChange(event)}
- />
- );
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ handleCreate(validatingSubmitForm)}
+ hide={hideGroupModal}
+ handleInputChange={(event) => handleInputChange(event)}
+ />
+ );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/src/components/collections/epicollections.jsx b/src/src/components/collections/epicollections.jsx
index fab099ef..30d38af9 100644
--- a/src/src/components/collections/epicollections.jsx
+++ b/src/src/components/collections/epicollections.jsx
@@ -4,10 +4,11 @@ import "../../App.css";
import SearchComponent from "../search/SearchComponent";
import {COLUMN_DEF_MIXED,COLUMN_DEF_MIXED_SM,COLUMN_DEF_COLLECTION} from "../search/table_constants";
import { entity_api_get_entity,entity_api_create_entity, entity_api_update_entity} from '../../service/entity_api';
-import {ingest_api_publish_collection,ingest_api_user_admin} from '../../service/ingest_api';
+import {ingest_api_publish_collection,ingest_api_user_admin,ingest_api_validate_contributors} from '../../service/ingest_api';
import { getPublishStatusColor } from "../../utils/badgeClasses";
import { generateDisplaySubtypeSimple_UBKG } from "../../utils/display_subtypes";
import Papa from 'papaparse';
+import {GridLoader} from "react-spinners";
import ReactTooltip from "react-tooltip";
import { TextField, Button, Box } from '@mui/material';
import Paper from '@material-ui/core/Paper';
@@ -44,27 +45,30 @@ const StyledTextField = styled(TextField)`
export function EPICollectionForm (props){
// let navigate = useNavigate();
- var [locked, setLocked] = useState(false);
- var [successDialogRender, setSuccessDialogRender] = useState(false);
- var [selectedSource, setSelectedSource] = useState(null);
// var [selectedGroup, setSlectedGroup] = useState(props.dataGroups[0]).uuid;
var [associatedEntities, setassociatedEntities] = useState([]);
var [associatedEntitiesInitial, setassociatedEntitiesInitial] = useState([]);
- var [selectedSources, setSelectedSources] = useState([]);
- var [fileDetails, setFileDetails] = useState();
var [buttonState, setButtonState] = useState('');
- var [warningOpen, setWarningOpen] = React.useState(false);
- var [openGroupModal, setOpenGroupModal] = useState(false );
- var [lookupShow, setLookupShow] = useState(false);
- var [loadingDatasets, setLoadingDatasets] = useState(true);
+ var [contributorValidationErrors, setContributorValidationErrors] = useState('');
+ var [entityInfo, setEntityInfo] = useState();
+ var [fileDetails, setFileDetails] = useState();
var [hideUUIDList, setHideUUIDList] = useState(true);
+ var [loadingDatasets, setLoadingDatasets] = useState(true);
var [loadUUIDList, setLoadUUIDList] = useState(false);
- var [validatingSubmitForm, setValidatingSubmitForm] = useState(false);
- var [entityInfo, setEntityInfo] = useState();
- var [userAdmin, setUserAdmin] = useState(false);
+ var [locked, setLocked] = useState(false);
+ var [disableSubmit, setDisableSubmit] = useState(false);
+ var [validatingContributorsUpload, setValidatingContributorsUpload] = useState(false);
+ var [lookupShow, setLookupShow] = useState(false);
+ var [openGroupModal, setOpenGroupModal] = useState(false );
var [pageError, setPageError] = useState("");
var [publishing, setPublishing] = useState(false);
-// var [publishError, setPublishError] = useState({
+ var [selectedSource, setSelectedSource] = useState(null);
+ var [selectedSources, setSelectedSources] = useState([]);
+ var [successDialogRender, setSuccessDialogRender] = useState(false);
+ var [userAdmin, setUserAdmin] = useState(false);
+ var [validatingSubmitForm, setValidatingSubmitForm] = useState(false);
+ var [warningOpen, setWarningOpen] = React.useState(false);
+ // var [publishError, setPublishError] = useState({
// status:"",
// message:"",
// });
@@ -534,6 +538,8 @@ export function EPICollectionForm (props){
var handleFileGrab = (e, type) => {
+ setValidatingContributorsUpload(true)
+ setDisableSubmit(true);
var grabbedFile = e.target.files[0];
var newName = grabbedFile.name.replace(/ /g, '_')
var newFile = new File([grabbedFile], newName);
@@ -543,6 +549,42 @@ export function EPICollectionForm (props){
'contributors': "",
+ ingest_api_validate_contributors(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("info")).groups_token, newFile)
+ .then((response) => {
+ if(response.status === 200){
+ console.debug('%c◉ Success ', 'color:#00ff7b', response);
+ setContributorValidationErrors()
+ setDisableSubmit(false);
+ setFormErrors((prevValues) => ({
+ ...prevValues,
+ 'contributors': "",
+ }))
+ setValidatingContributorsUpload(false)
+ }else{
+ let errorSet = response.error.response.data.description;
+ console.debug('%c◉ FAILURE ', 'color:#ff005d', errorSet)
+ if (errorSet == "metadata_schema_id not found in header") {
+ setContributorValidationErrors([
+ {
+ "column": "N/A",
+ "error": "Metadata_schema_id not found in header",
+ "row": "N/A"
+ }
+ ]);
+ }else{
+ setContributorValidationErrors(errorSet);
+ }
+ setFormErrors((prevValues) => ({
+ ...prevValues,
+ 'contributors': "Please Review the list of errors provided",
+ }))
+ setValidatingContributorsUpload(false)
+ }
+ })
+ .catch((error) => {
+ console.debug('%c◉ FAILURE ', 'color:#ff005d', error);
+ });
Papa.parse(newFile, {
download: true,
skipEmptyLines: true,
@@ -584,6 +626,22 @@ export function EPICollectionForm (props){
console.debug("handleUUIDList", name, value, type);
+ var renderValidatingOverlay = () => {
+ return (
+ )
+ }
var renderTableRows = (rowDetails) => {
if (rowDetails.length > 0) {
return rowDetails.map((row, index) => {
@@ -609,8 +667,10 @@ export function EPICollectionForm (props){
var renderContribTable = () => {
return (
+ {validatingContributorsUpload && (
+ renderValidatingOverlay()
+ )}
@@ -630,6 +690,12 @@ export function EPICollectionForm (props){
+ {contributorValidationErrors && contributorValidationErrors.length > 0 && (
+ Errors Found:
+ )}
{formErrors.contributors && formErrors.contributors.length > 0 && (
+ let stylizedList = '';
+ for (const error of contributorValidationErrors) {
+ stylizedList += `- ${error.error}
+ }
+ stylizedList += '
+ return stylizedList;
+ }
var renderAssociationTable = () => {
var hiddenFields = ["registered_doi"];
var uniqueTypes = new Set(associatedEntities.map(obj => obj.entity_type.toLowerCase()));
@@ -1005,7 +1080,7 @@ export function EPICollectionForm (props){
onClick={() => handleSubmit()}
- disabled={locked}
+ disabled={locked || disableSubmit}
{buttonState === "submit" && (
+ console.debug("ingest_api_validate_contributors",res);
+ let results = res.data;
+ return {status: res.status, results: results}
+ })
+ .catch(error => {
+ console.debug('%c⭗ ingest_api_validate_contributors', 'color:#ff005d',error );
+ // throw new Error(error);
+ return {error}
+ });