This document describes the build and compilation process of BMXNet. As well as adding the BMXNet Python binding. It is based on those three sources:
- BMXNet's Readme: Build the MXNet Python Binding
- MXNet's Windows Setup: Build from Source
- MXNet's Build/Install Instructions: Verify MXNet with Python
Get the Visual Studio Community Edition 2017.
During the setup, choose to install the VC++ 2017 version 15.4 v14.11 toolset.
After finishing the installation, modify the version by executing:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat" -vcvars_ver=14.11
- Download and install CMake, version 3.12.2 (tested) or higher
- Download OpenVC
- Extract the files to
- Define an environment variable using the command line:
set OpenCV_DIR=C:\utils\opencv\build
- Download OpenBlas
- Move all extracted files, including the directories include and lib, to
- Define a environment variable using the command line:
set OpenBLAS_HOME=C:\utils\OpenBLAS
→ not required if no CUDA-compatible GPU is present
→ not required if no CUDA-compatible GPU is present
→ not required if already installed
cd C:\
git clone --recursive
First, create a build directory:
mkdir C:\bmxnet\build
cd C:\bmxnet\build
Thereafter, build BMXNet by running:
cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -T cuda=9.2,host=x64 -DUSE_CUDA=0 -DUSE_CUDNN=0 -DUSE_NVRTC=0 -DUSE_OPENCV=1 -DUSE_OPENMP=1 -DUSE_BLAS=open -DUSE_LAPACK=1 -DUSE_DIST_KVSTORE=0 "C:\bmxnet"
Take a quick look on the output. It should indicate that OpenBLAS and OpenCV were found.
The process of compiling BMXNet can take a long time (> 30 minutes), depending on your system's performance. For compiling BMXNet run:
msbuild mxnet.sln /p:Configuration=Release;Platform=x64 /maxcpucount
The expected output should look like this:
Build succeeded.
6 Warning(s)
0 Error(s)
Time Elapsed 00:21:51.44
Assuming Anaconda is already installed on your system, run conda create -n bmxnet python=3
in the Anaconda command prompt (see windows start menu).
Thereafter, activate the recently created environment: conda activate bmxnet
Lastly, install all required packages by running:
pip install numpy scipy matplotlib ipython jupyter pandas sympy nose cpplint==1.3.0 pylint==2.1.1 "numpy<=1.15.2,>=1.8.2" nose-timer "requests<2.19.0,>=2.18.4" h5py==2.8.0 boto3
- Download, unzip and copy the libraries (.dll files), which OpenBLAS depends on, to
. - Add the folder
to the environment variable Path.
At last, it is required to install the Python binding:
# Assuming you are in root mxnet source code folder
cd python
python install
>>> import mxnet as mx
>>> a = mx.nd.ones((2, 3))
>>> b = a * 2 + 1
>>> b.asnumpy()
array([[ 3., 3., 3.],[ 3., 3., 3.]], dtype=float32) <--- expected Output
If importing the library in python throws an error:
>>> import mxnet
OSError: [WinError 126] The specified module could not be found
Probably one of the dependent libraries is not within your Path. Check using the CMD, that all of the following DLLs can be found:
Use where <dll-name>
, e.g. where mkldnn.dll
. If it is within the path, it should show its path, e.g.:
C:\bmxnet> where mkldnn.dll
-> C:\bmxnet\build\3rdparty\mkldnn\src\Release\mkldnn.dll
If any DLL cannot be found, search within the folders C:\bmxnet
and C:\utils
for it and add the folder, where it is located in, to the path. After adding it to the path, it might be necessary to close and reopen the CMD. Recheck to verify that the DLL can now be found.
D:\bmxnet\src\operator\tensor\ : fatal error C1002: compiler is out of heap space in pass 2 [D:\bmxnet\build\mxnet.vcxproj]
cl : Command line error D8040: error creating or communicating with child process [D:\bmxnet\build\mxnet.vcxproj]
164 Warning(s)
4 Error(s)
Solution: Rerun with less background processes running. A machine with at least 8 GByte RAM is recommended.