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Metadata Specification

This folder contains the specification of metadata that will be used for Open Imagery Network and OpenAerialMap.

A metadata file is required for each "image" file. An image file is an RGB GeoTIFF.

Below is a table of metadata values and where they would be required:

Element Type Sample Value Description OIN OAM Apply to TMS?
UUID URI http://bucket/file.tif Unique URI to file Auto Auto Yes
Title string San Diego 2015 orthomosaic Human friendly title of the image Optional Optional Yes
Projection string EPSG:4326 CRS of the datasource in EPSG format Yes Yes Yes
BBox string -180,-90,180,90 Pair of min and max coordinates in CRS units, (min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y) Yes? Yes Yes
Footprint string (WKT) POLYGON((-180 -90, -180 90, 180 90, 180 -90, -180 -90)) Datasource footprint. WKT format, describing the actual footprint of the imagery Yes? Yes Yes
GSD double 0.35 Average ground spatial distance (resolution) of the datasource imagery, expressed in meters Yes Yes Yes
File size double 1024 File size on disk in bytes Yes? Yes No
License string Nextview Usage license of the datasource. This determines visibility of the datasource for authenticated users No Yes Yes
Sense Start Date 2015-05-03T13:00:00.000 First date of acquisition in UTC (Combined date and time representation) Yes Yes
Sense End Date 2015-05-04T13:00:00.000 Last date of acquisition in UTC (Combined date and time representation) Yes Yes
Platform string Satellite List of possible platform sources limited to satellite, aircraft, UAV, balloon, kite Yes Yes
Sensor string WV-3 How the data was collected? (image aquisition device... camera, radar, ...) Optional Yes
Tags string #nepal_earthquake_2015 Any user provided tag No Optional Yes
Provider string Digital Globe Provider/owner of the OIN bucket No Yes Yes
Contact Email string Name and email address of the data provider Yes Yes Yes