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File metadata and controls

92 lines (82 loc) · 4.1 KB

Upgrade Guide

1.0.0 - 2.0.0

  1. See release notes:
  2. This update requires no code changes, but you must be aware of certain instrumentation changes. New fields will be added to your dataset and other fields will be removed.
  3. ActionController::Parameters will now result in extra fields, or nested json, depending on your unfurl settings.
  4. aws.params are now exploded into separate fields.
  5. request.error becomes error.
  6. request.error_detail becomes error_detail
  7. request.protocol becomes request.scheme

0.8.0 - 1.0.0

  1. If you have a web application, remove beeline configuration from the file
  2. If you have a rails application, run the honeycomb generator bundle exec rails generate honeycomb {writekey} --dataset {dataset}
  3. Replace call to Honeycomb.init with the following (if using rails, this will now live in config/initializers/honeycomb.rb)
    Honeycomb.configure do |config|
      config.write_key = "{writekey}"
      config.dataset = "{dataset}"
  4. Replace any Rack::Honeycomb.add_field calls with the following
    Honeycomb.add_field("name", "value")
  5. Replace any Honeycomb.span calls with the following
    Honeycomb.start_span(name: "interesting") do |span|
      span.add_field("name", "value")

honeycomb-rails to beeline-ruby

  1. Update Gemfile, remove honeycomb-rails and add honeycomb-beeline
  2. Run bundle install
  3. Remove the honeycomb.rb initializer from config/initializers
  4. Add the following to the file
    require 'honeycomb-beeline'
    Honeycomb.init(writekey: 'YOUR_API_KEY', dataset: 'YOUR_DATASET')
    # these next two lines should already exist in some form in this file, it's important to init the honeycomb library before this
    require ::File.expand_path('../config/environment', __FILE__)
    run Rails.application
  5. You can use the same write key and dataset from the honeycomb initialiser above, note: the honeycomb-beeline only supports sending events to one dataset. This is due to the fact that the new beeline will include traces for your application by default and these are only viewable from within the same dataset
  6. Replace any honeycomb_metadata calls in your controllers like the following
    def index
      @bees = Bee.all
      Rack::Honeycomb.add_field(request.env, :bees_count, @bees.count)
      # honeycomb_metadata[:bees_count] = @bees.count
  7. If you are manually using the libhoney client as well, it is suggested that you remove the usages of it and rely on the beeline.
  8. Instrument interesting calls using the new span API as per the example below
      class HomeController < ApplicationController
        def index
          Honeycomb.span do
            @interesting_information = perform_intensive_calculations(params[:honey])
  9. honeycomb-rails had the ability to automatically populate user information onto your events. Unfortunately beeline-ruby does not support this out of the box. You can use something like this snippet below to continue populating this (example for Devise)
    class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
      before_action do
        Rack::Honeycomb.add_field(request.env, "",
        Rack::Honeycomb.add_field(request.env, "",
  10. (Optional) If you are using Sequel for database access there are some additional steps to configure
    require 'honeycomb-beeline'
    require 'sequel-honeycomb/auto_install'
    Honeycomb.init(writekey: 'YOUR_API_KEY', dataset: 'YOUR_DATASET')
    Sequel::Honeycomb::AutoInstall.auto_install!(honeycomb_client: Honeycomb.client, logger: Honeycomb.logger)
    # these next two lines should already exist in some form in this file, it's important to init the honeycomb library before this
    require ::File.expand_path('../config/environment', __FILE__)
    run Rails.application