All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
0.1.8 (2021-09-07)
- modify default export (d288bce)
0.1.7 (2021-09-07)
- add compileAndRenderContainer api (c1950e7)
- add getProvider api (cea4be1)
- add the has proxy for document (aa69074)
0.1.6 (2021-09-06)
- add compileAndRenderContainer api (c1950e7)
- add getProvider api (cea4be1)
- add the has proxy for document (aa69074)
0.1.5 (2021-08-31)
- Repair environment variables can't escape out of the sandbox (798f7ff)
0.1.4 (2021-08-31)
0.1.3 (2021-08-31)
0.1.2 (2021-08-31)
- modify changelog and Repair path routing guard is not correct (22c8832)
0.1.1 (2021-08-30)
- Support application by introducing external CDN and Repair dynamic script did not add child application environment variables
0.0.59 (2021-08-30)
- registerApp can't add to router map and appInfos's props unless (efda316)
0.0.58 (2021-08-25)
0.0.57 (2021-08-25)
0.0.56 (2021-08-25)
0.0.55 (2021-08-25)
0.0.54 (2021-08-25)
- fix deps (8b683ec)
0.0.53 (2021-08-24)
- child element had be delete can't repeat delete (e57e817)
0.0.52 (2021-08-23)
0.0.51 (2021-08-23)
- deelte directly dependent (315e55b)
0.0.50 (2021-08-23)
- can't set history scrollRestoration (f26125d)
0.0.47 (2021-08-17)
0.0.46 (2021-08-17)
- fix e2e test (51d4ff8)
- fix repeat exec run (c66aff3)
0.0.45 (2021-08-14)
- publish (4ec70c8)
0.0.44 (2021-08-14)
- to publish (2781136)
0.0.43 (2021-08-14)
- fix nested feature (05e1d4b)
- fix unit test (7662827)
- loadApp (3328284)
- publish (6011baa)
- router push not trigger app refresh (fa71005)
0.0.42 (2021-08-13)
- adjust the error handling of template parse (8851962)
- adjust the timing of repair url (4930269)
- adjust window.onerror code (0d495e6)
- fix build script (eaba734)
- remove dynamic nodes when destroying the sandbox (e92553c)
0.0.40 (2021-08-11)
- add assert error content (db648aa)
- add error ignore (9e9ed7c)
- add isolation example (96a1807)
- add performance report (8b57930)
- delete fixtures (114f7cf)
- delete unless file (b04ef81)
- delete unless script (1826452)
- fix build docs (eea654c)
- fix build script (a8c547e)
- fix ownerDocument can't proxy in iframe mode (1d941b0)
- fix popstate event (5e1225a)
- fix render error (f4bb6b3)
- ignore unless file (8b949a6)
- ignore unless file (74c1a86)
- lock file error (14b1b86)
- modify lock file (6f58ab9)
- modify port can't use (7052772)
- modify version to publish (843d69b)
- add cypress script (9be9268)
- add isolation error http request and resource monitoring (37867e2)
- add isolation resource error test (11725e0)
- add isolation-error plugin (cda8a38)
- add performance integration (d08309b)
- add whole process e2e test (38e2b33)
- cypress vue2 js entry project (eabcc92)
- delete unless annotation (ac85242)
- delete unless import (8fbf70a)
- delete unless script (5916409)
- fix some hook Not trigger (3c07fdb)
- Legacy variable (4de7bf5)
0.0.37 (2021-07-29)
- modify version to publish (5556784)
0.0.36 (2021-07-29)
- Not in the page directly using the original method (77eaec6)
- Optimize the format (0998e36)
- shadow dom and insert rootNode (d3fa6c5)
- strict insert style (4fbe522)
- strict insert style (ac06e6d)
0.0.35 (2021-07-28)
- add removeChild methods (5158a4e)
- adjust code (a9500be)
- adjust mock flag string (b29e953)
- adjust remote module code (90006e0)
- delete unless hook method (2f31b3e)
- fix the bug of dynamically adding nodes (06b2d72)
- fix the bug of repeated creation of style content (b92c408)
- New hook deep copy failure repair (b1963ae)
- Optimize code execution (b359280)
- process head tag (f03c628)
- remove excess types (2ceacf3)
- remove log code (00b1745)
- Repair style was not removed properly (8283d68)
- loader built-in resource manager (f4118c0)
- optimize the code for attribute copy (25a5a2a)
- pre conlection nodes (5079d6e)
- satsh code (678ba28)
0.0.31 (2021-07-07)
- adjust cache url (e6ade09)
- adjust code (38e0e28)
- adjust env to externals (a6d8711)
- correct spelling mistakes (cc1f6dc)
- docs content (46be294)
- fix cjs module problem (1b94018)
- fix es methods split error (22267bc)
- fix hmr bug (157de2d)
- fix loadModule bug (9ce34a2)
- fix remote component bug (29aba2e)
- fix remote module bug (821fb62)
- fix the problem when clearing the loader cache (6c1f0b5)
- fix vm sandbox bug (569d336)
- modify loader copyResult types (eb9b4a3)
- modify loader copyResult types (60f4953)
- modify loader types (95d112b)
- modify types error (9238504)
- perfect the vm sandbox (f573fb5)
- props should pass to subapplication (fa034ac)
- remove useless file (465a158)
- repair types (1224857)
- add api and advance docs (cc4da1d)
- add code (652cdfe)
- add code (dba601f)
- add code (092c1e0)
- add code (b80f7b9)
- add code (945f27d)
- add code (bbb2643)
- add comment (b1476e6)
- add comment (62c5078)
- add comment (4672497)
- add micro components code (8cccf00)
- add micro components plugin (c27e872)
- add micro-component package (45b4072)
- add setModuleAlias api (1637f92)
- add toEsModule method (530a517)
- adjust api design (22c357b)
- adjust code (000147d)
- adjust code (cc52db5)
- adjust code style (378f284)
- beautify error messages (5e8a624)
- change the code structure (4174e14)
- delete unless code (2a8a549)
- enhance the alias of remote module (a6aa487)
- enhanced prompt information (15a6889)
- garfishGlobalEnv type judgment (52a9f69)
- html entry add remote module alias (cefbec7)
- increase the parameters when calling render (eb9e6ff)
- load remote component resource (812d3a6)
- modify code (53bb7ed)
- modify remote component demo (06c5897)
- modify remote component to remote module (0bcaa24)
- modify remote module alias (cb51915)
- modify remote module code (357deb0)
- modify setModuleInfo to setModuleConfig (1a0dc27)
- optimize code (b027325)
- perfect type gymnastics (a39768e)
- process async load module result (c0dbc9a)
- processing of extracting dynamic nodes (1b4dcb4)
- remove garfish-remote-module plugin (4ddbba7)
- use remote components with garfish (ba7f2d3)
0.0.30 (2021-06-23)
0.0.29 (2021-06-23)
0.0.27 (2021-06-23)
0.0.24 (2021-06-23)
0.0.23 (2021-06-23)
0.0.22 (2021-06-23)
0.0.21 (2021-06-23)
0.0.20 (2021-06-23)
0.0.19 (2021-06-23)
0.0.18 (2021-06-23)
0.0.16 (2021-06-22)
0.0.15 (2021-06-22)
0.0.13 (2021-06-22)
0.0.12 (2021-06-22)
0.0.11 (2021-06-22)
0.0.10 (2021-06-22)
0.0.9 (2021-06-22)
0.0.8 (2021-05-25)
- delete unless test file (e9e4e95)
- fix build error (b245fcd)
- fix document.currentScript (a02c5f0)
- loadApp provider name (9cfbfec)
- modify error (1ec3c5f)
- Repair repeat registered sandbox plug-in (091c090)
- router type error (d6e2c00)
- type error (6df97db)
- vue traverse Infinite loop and link transform style (a7c011e)
- add browser-snapshot (40f198e)
- Add comments (e9119c1)
- add default plugins (4b35545)
- add dev (b3693b8)
- add dev reference (c17e7f6)
- add event patch test (1ec2695)
- add external plugin (0ef20cd)
- add fixhmr (92259a4)
- add interfaces (9fc81b0)
- add nested (4fad90a)
- add new subapp (65f8380)
- add options life plugin (35e8c1f)
- add peerdeps (7500287)
- add plugin (a35d508)
- add preload plugin (c2547dd)
- add rollup plugin (e8054a3)
- add script (f49905c)
- appinstance add sourcelist (f51f729)
- browser-vm add unit test (628a924)
- change browser-snpahost plugin (2b45f8a)
- complete Error events isolation (52c74ee)
- modify build config (fc35feb)
- plugins add version (0859371)
- router add garfish instance (bee506b)
- support cjs exports and esmodule exports (c830c3c)
- support Embedded routines by (dac8175)
- support es6 module (1c7a434)
- support router event (0495253)
- Supports export tag (7cf2d2e)
0.0.7 (2021-05-07)
- build config (1509138)
- build error (fae83e4)
- build error (0095005)
- change package name (a210e9a)
- modify build config (57a4a11)
- pkg modify (c6e26fc)
- plugin Receive parameters (3813611)
0.0.6 (2021-05-06)
0.0.5 (2021-05-06)
0.0.4 (2021-05-06)
0.0.3 (2021-05-06)
- 保证 npm 指向 (d65dd53)
- 变更名称 (55099ab)
- 提前处理 domGetter (73adb57)
- 移除不存在依赖 (5c57e22)
- add loadApp params handler (3dc87fd)
- cjs app exports (a9b8d96)
- delete hooks file (1778efc)
- fix type error (7bb82d9)
- fix use app mount (2e3e3b2)
- handler loadApp params (d0f35a8)
- modify lerna config (d9dd3a2)
- 调整依赖关系 (1057ccc)
- 更改异步 hook 为同步 (dcbbf76)
- 添加 async hooks (ad935e5)
- 同步代码 (2166aa7)
- 完成流程整理 (56c4c68)
- 完成 loader 调试 (b46b49c)
- 新增 hooks (2f77c96)
- 优化代码结构 (e1d9fbc)
- 优化 loadApp 逻辑 (a52ccb6)
- 增加容错 (3479b5c)
- 增加 app 实例 (53a419e)
- 增加 load methods (1f93fa9)
- 增加 lock 文件删除 (afea965)
- 增加 lock 文件锁定忽略 (40dd0a3)
- add browser sandbox beforemount and afterUnmount (7618ec6)
- add browser-snapshot (4726903)
- add browser-vm plugin (a33cd78)
- add cjs-app (542b6ae)
- add cjs-external plugins (64d2626)
- add create app hooks (4866f3f)
- add env methods (2e4d465)
- add garfish context (dbebfb7)
- add hooks return constructor (e20454b)
- add interfaces (53f88f6)
- add main-react (7e948d8)
- add plugin example (2393379)
- add router plugin (1ab5bcc)
- add router plugins (393b61a)
- add snapshot sandbox (4224934)
- add vm plugin (d6a0dca)
- cjs app (085d56e)
- delete main-react (f9ddc53)
- loader add injectable (9aacf41)
- modify deps (b70f5f1)
- Remove the application of the constructor (7e705dd)
- Remove the application of the constructor (d05bf36)
0.0.2 (2021-02-20)
- modify the licence to MIT (b349299)