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53 lines (35 loc) · 2.79 KB

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53 lines (35 loc) · 2.79 KB
	Dimension reduced surrogate construction for parametric PDE maps

	      ___                       ___         ___               
	     /__/\        ___          /  /\       /  /\        ___   
	     \  \:\      /  /\        /  /::\     /  /::\      /__/|  
	      \__\:\    /  /:/       /  /:/\:\   /  /:/\:\    |  |:|  
	  ___ /  /::\  /__/::\      /  /:/~/:/  /  /:/~/:/    |  |:|  
	 /__/\  /:/\:\ \__\/\:\__  /__/:/ /:/  /__/:/ /:/   __|__|:|  
	 \  \:\/:/__\/    \  \:\/\ \  \:\/:/   \  \:\/:/   /__/::::\  
	  \  \::/          \__\::/  \  \::/     \  \::/       ~\~~\:\ 
	   \  \:\          /__/:/    \  \:\      \  \:\         \  \:\
	    \  \:\         \__\/      \  \:\      \  \:\         \__\/
	     \__\/                     \__\/       \__\/              

		      ___                       ___           ___     
		     /  /\                     /  /\         /__/\    
		    /  /:/_                   /  /::\       _\_ \:\   
		   /  /:/ /\  ___     ___    /  /:/\:\     /__/\ \:\  
		  /  /:/ /:/ /__/\   /  /\  /  /:/  \:\   _\_ \:\ \:\ 
		 /__/:/ /:/  \  \:\ /  /:/ /__/:/ \__\:\ /__/\ \:\ \:\
		 \  \:\/:/    \  \:\  /:/  \  \:\ /  /:/ \  \:\ \:\/:/
		  \  \::/      \  \:\/:/    \  \:\  /:/   \  \:\ \::/ 
		   \  \:\       \  \::/      \  \:\/:/     \  \:\/:/  
		    \  \:\       \__\/        \  \::/       \  \::/   
		     \__\/                     \__\/         \__\/    
  • PDE data generation is handled by FEniCS and hIPPYlib. For this hIPPYlib must be installed.

With conda

  • conda create -n hippyflow -c uvilla -c conda-forge fenics==2019.1.0 tensorflow matplotlib scipy jupyter mpi4py keras

  • pip install pympler pympler is used to check memory usage during subspace creation

Assumes that the environmental variables HIPPYLIB_PATH and HIPPYFLOW_PATH have been set.

  • export HIPPYLIB_PATH=path/to/hippylib
  • export HIPPYFLOW_PATH=path/to/hippyflow

Neural network training is handled by keras / second order methods in hessianlearn

When using second order optimizers, the code assumes that the environmental variable HESSIANLEARN_PATH has been set to the path to hessianlearn.

  • export HESSIANLEARN_PATH=path/to/hessianlearn

In some cases (such as on Unix clusters) the dependencies for hIPPYlib and tensorflow clash. In this case different conda environments may be needed for the data generation phase and the neural network training phase. These two phases can be easily de-coupled in this case.

On Mac, there has been no issue creating a singular conda environment to handle all dependencies.