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Hattip adapter for Bun.


Assuming you have your Hattip handler defined in handler.js and your static assets are in the public directory, create an entry-bun.js file like the following and use bun entry-bun.js to run it:

import bunAdapter from "@hattip/adapter-bun";
import handler from "./handler.js";
import url from "node:url";
import path from "node:path";

const dir = path.resolve(
  path.dirname(url.fileURLToPath(new URL(import.meta.url))),

export default bunAdapter(handler, { staticDir: dir });

You can leave out the staticDir option if you don't want to serve static assets.


  • staticDir: The directory to serve static assets from. Leave undefined to not serve static assets.
  • trustProxy: Whether to trust the X-Forwarded-For header.

The remaining options (port, hostname etc.) are passed to Bun.serve.


export interface BunPlatformInfo {
  /** Platform name */
  name: "bun";
  /** Bun server instance */
  server: Server;

Environment variables

The ctx.env() function is implemented using process.env.


Bun support is preliminary and Bun itself is in early development:

  • No way to determine the IP address of the client when trustProxy is false.
  • No streaming, everything is cached.