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HashiCorp Developer: Authorable Content

This folder contains the authorable, marketing-style content for various landing pages in HashiCorp Developer:

1. Additional Sidebar "Resources" section navigation items

The Sidebar "Resources" section has a number of navigation items automatically generated for each product (see the generateResourcesNavItems Sidebar helper). To add additional navigation items to the "Resources" section of the Sidebar:

  1. Open the folder of the Product you'd like to make changes for
  2. Open (or create) the additional-sidebar-resources.json file
  3. Reference the next subsection for details on what is authorable

Editing additional "Resources" navigation items

The additional-sidebar-resources.json file should contain a single array. Each item in the array should be an object. Each object should have two properties:

  1. title (string): This is the text shown for the navigation item.
  2. href (string): This is the destination of the navigation item. If it is an external link, the Sidebar will automatically render an external link icon to the right of the title text.

2. Product landing pages

To change the content for Product landing pages (e.g. /vault, /waypoint):

  1. Open the folder of the Product you'd like to make changes for
  2. Open the product-landing.json file
  3. Reference the next subsection for details on what is authorable

Editing Product landing content

These pages take a "block"-based authoring approach for the main content area. This approach allows authors to write content in JSON instead of JSX. As an overview, each file has three properties, all are required : heading, subheading, blocks. Each of these top-level properties is addressed in more detail below.

heading and subheading


	heading: 'Waypoint Documentation',
	subheading: 'Use Waypoint to deliver a PaaS-like experience for Kubernetes, ECS, and other platforms.',
	blocks: [
		/* ... */



Each item in the blocks array represents a component on the page. Each of these items must have a type property, which can be one of the types listed below.

Block type: "heading"

Heading blocks render HTML heading elements using our Heading component. Each block accepts the following properties:

Property Type Details
type "heading" Block type
heading string Text for the heading
level 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 Semantic heading level, for example 2 becomes <h2>. Note that there is already an <h1> rendered for the page, so only these values should be used.
size 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 Visual size of the heading. 500 is the largest size and 100 is the smallest. Visual size should generally reflect the semantic level, with h2 = 300, h3 = 200, and h4 and below at the 100 size.

Example: h2 with 300 size:

	type: 'heading',
	heading: 'Featured Reference Docs',
	level: 2,
	size: 300,

Example: h2 with 400 size:

	type: 'heading',
	heading: 'Explore Waypoint Documentation',
	level: 2,
	size: 400,

Block type: "get_started"

The "get_started" block renders a heading, descriptive text, and a single link alongside a product icon.

Property Type Details
type "get_started" Block type
product ProductSlug Product icon to be shown.
heading string Text for the heading
text string Descriptive text shown below the heading
link { text: string, url: string } StandaloneLink shown below the body text

Example: Waypoint "get_started" block

	"type": "get_started",
	"product": "waypoint",
	"heading": "Introduction to Waypoint",
	"text": "Welcome to Waypoint! This introduction section covers what Waypoint is, the problem Waypoint aims to solve, and how Waypoint compares to other software.",
	"link": {
		"text": "Get Started",
		"url": "/waypoint/docs/intro"

Block type: "cards"

The "cards" block displays a grid of CardLinks, each linked using a single url.

Property Type Details
type "cards" Block type
columns 2 | 3 The maximum number of columns
cards Array<{ icon, iconBrandColor, heading, text, url, tags }> An array of objects, described in detail below

Each item in the cards array has the following structure:

Property Type Details
icon (optional) string Optional icon to show at the top of the card. Must be one of the keys in the card component's icon dictionary
iconBrandColor (optional) ProductBrandColor string Optional brand color override to apply to the icon. Defaults to the current product context.
heading string Text for the card heading
text string Text for the card body
url string URL to link to
tags (optional) Array<string> Optional array of tags, to be displayed as icons at the bottom of the card. Each tag string be one of the keys in the card component's tag dictionary

Example: 2-column cards with icons

	type: 'cards',
	columns: 2,
	cards: [
			icon: 'IconDocs',
			heading: 'Waypoint Reference Documentation',
			text: 'Learn and develop your knowledge of Waypoint with these tutorials and code resources.',
			url: '/waypoint/docs',
			icon: 'IconTerminal',
			heading: 'Waypoint CLI',
			text: 'Waypoint is controlled via a very easy to use command-line interface (CLI).',
			url: '/waypoint/commands',
			icon: 'IconBox',
			heading: 'Waypoint Plugins',
			text: 'Waypoint uses a plugin architecture to provide its build, registry, deploy, and release abilities.',
			url: '/waypoint/plugins',
			icon: 'IconDownload',
			heading: 'Waypoint Downloads',
			text: 'Please download the proper package for your operating system and architecture.',
			url: '/waypoint/downloads',

Example: 3-column cards with tags

	type: 'cards',
	columns: 3,
	cards: [
			heading: 'Introduction to Waypoint',
			text: 'Deploying applications in the DevOps landscape can be confusing with so many...',
			tags: ['video', 'waypoint'],
			url: '',
			heading: 'Get Started - Kubernetes',
			text: 'Build, deploy, and release applications to a Kubernetes cluster.',
			tags: ['video', 'waypoint'],
			url: '',
			heading: 'Get Started - Nomad',
			text: 'Build, deploy, and release applications to a Nomad cluster.',
			tags: ['video', 'waypoint'],
			url: '',
			heading: 'Get Started - Docker',
			text: 'Start using Waypoint in only a few minutes on a local Docker instance.',
			tags: ['video', 'waypoint'],
			url: '',
			heading: 'Deploy an Application to AWS Elastic Container',
			text: 'Run a NodeJS application onto AWS elastic container Service...',
			tags: ['video', 'waypoint'],
			url: '',
			heading: 'Deploy an Application to Google Cloud Run',
			text: 'Run an application on Google Cloud Run with Waypoint',
			tags: ['video', 'waypoint'],
			url: '',

3. Product Docs landing pages

To change the content for Product Tutorials landing pages (e.g. /vault/docs, /waypoint/docs):

  1. Open the folder of the Product you'd like to make changes for
  2. Open the docs-landing.json file
  3. Reference the next subsection for details on what is authorable

Editing Docs landing content

🚨 Important Note about mdxSlot

Some products also render MDX content in addition to the content specified in marketingContentBlocks. MDX content shows up very last in the page content. It can be authored in the product's repository, in the same file that was previously used to populate the content of these pages.

These files allow the following properties at the top-level: pageSubtitle and marketingContentBlocks. These are documented below.


The pageSubtitle property is used to customize the text beneath the page title.

  • The page title is automatically generated and reads "${ProductName} Documentation", for example: "Waypoint Documentation".
  • The page title and subtitle are both placed to the right of an IconTileLogo. This is something to be mindful of when determining the character length of the subtitle.

The following configuration:

	"pageSubtitle": "Learn and develop your knowledge of Waypoint with these tutorials and code resources."

Outputs the following:

Full window screenshot showing the example pageSubtitle text beneath the page heading.


This property is an array of objects. Each object has properties that express what type of content block should be rendered. There are currently three types of blocks for this view. Listed in alphabetical order:

the card-grid block type

The card-grid block type handles rendering two things:

  1. a grid of clickable cards
  2. a heading element that labels the grid of cards

A card-grid block has three properties: title, description, and cards.

  • title (required): plain text that will be rendered inside of a heading element. The level of the heading element will be automatically generated based on other blocks defined in marketingContentBlocks.
  • description (optional): plain text to show after the heading element and before the grid of cards.
  • cards (required): an array of objects. Each object must have the following properties:
    • title: plain text used to label a card with bold text.
    • description: plain text used to describe the linked content. This text is automatically ellipsed to take up a maxium of 3-lines.
    • url: where the user will be taken when they click the card.

The following configuration:

	"marketingContentBlocks": [
			"type": "card-grid",
			"title": "Secrets Management",
			"description": "Centrally store, access, and deploy secrets across applications, systems, and infrastructure.",
			"cards": [
					"description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.",
					"title": "KV Secrets Engine",
					"url": "/vault/docs/secrets/kv"
					"description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.",
					"title": "Database Credentials",
					"url": "/vault/docs/secrets/databases"
					"description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.",
					"title": "Kubernetes Secrets",
					"url": "/vault/tutorials/kubernetes"

Will output the following:

Zoomed in view of a card-grid block. The first row is a heading element that reads "Secrets Management". The second row is body text that reads "Centrally store, access, and deploy secrets across applications, systems, and infrastructure." The third row shows 3 cards. Each card has a bold title: "Kv Secrets Engine", "Database Credentials", and "Kubernetes Secrets". Below each card title is lorem-ipsum body text with ellipses at the end of the third line of content.

the icon-card-grid block type

The icon-card-grid block type is similar to the card-grid block type in that it renders a grid of clickable cards. The icon-card-grid block does not have a title property for rendering a heading element, and the main difference between the two blocks is the content rendered in the cards.

An icon-card-grid block has one property:

  • cards (required): an array of objects. Each object must have the following properties:
    • iconName: the string name for a Flight icon. The icons currently supported in this block can be found in the supported-icons.tsx file All icon names can be found at
    • text: a brief string labeling the card.
    • url: where the user will be taken when the click the card.

The following configuration:

  "type": "section-heading",
  "title": "Developers"
  "type": "icon-card-grid",
  "cards": [
      "iconName": "guide",
      "text": "Client Libraries",
      "url": "/vault/api-docs/libraries"
      "iconName": "tools",
      "text": "API Reference",
      "url": "/vault/api-docs"
      "iconName": "connection",
      "text": "Sample Integrations",
      "url": ""
      "iconName": "terminal",
      "text": "Code Samples",
      "url": ""

Will output the following:

the section-heading block type

The section-heading content block always renders an <h2> element. It should be used to label a new section of content. There is currently only one property to provide for this block:

  • title: the text to place in the rendered h2 element.

Notes on intended usage:

  • Since the card-grid block has a heading element built in to its configuration, it is not necessary to use a section-heading with a singular card-grid block.
  • If there are multiple, related card-grid blocks being rendered in a group, the group can be labeled with a single section-heading block. The heading elements rendered for the card-grid blocks will be automatically determined to be <h3> elements.

Example usage:

	"type": "section-heading",
	"title": "Developers"

4. Product Install landing pages

To change the content for Product Install landing pages (e.g. /vault/install

  1. Open the folder of the Product you'd like to make changes for
  2. Open the install-landing.json file
  3. Reference the next subsection for details on what is authorable

Editing Install landing content

These are the possible properties that product install landing views accept:

  • doesNotHavePackageManagers
  • featuredCollectionsSlugs
  • featuredTutorialsSlugs
  • packageManagerOverrides
  • sidebarMenuItems
  • sidecarMarketingCard

Each property is described in each following expandable section.


This is an optional boolean property used for specifying if a product's install page should show package managers for each operating system. It only needs to be specified if no package managers need to be shown.

Example usage:

	"doesNotHavePackageManagers": true

Use this property to display a grid of Collection cards under a heading that reads "Featured Collections".

The following configuration:

	"featuredCollectionSlugs": [

Outputs the following:

Dark, bold "Featured Collections" heading above a 3-column by 2-row grid of 6 Collection cards.


Use this property to display a grid of Tutorial cards under a heading that reads "Featured Tutorials".

There are two accepted formats for the slugs:

  • :productSlug/:tutorialSlug: If you'd like to link to the tutorial's default collection, use this shorter slug format.
  • :productSlug/:collectionSlug/:tutorialSlug: If you'd like to link to the tutorial in a collection that is not its default, use this longer slug format. The order of the slugs matters.

Either slug format is allowed in the featuredTutorialsSlugs array. A mix of both formats within the same array is also allowed.

The following configuration:

	"featuredTutorialsSlugs": [

Outputs the following:

Dark, bold "Featured Tutorials" heading above a 3-column by 2-row grid of 6 Tutorial cards.


This is an array of objects. There is a default list of package managers that is shown for every product (see the generateDefaultPackageManagers helper in ProductDownloadsView). This property can be used to override any of the default package managers based on the os and label properties provided.

Example usage showing an override for macOS Homebrew:

	"packageManagerOverrides": [
			"label": "Homebrew",
			"commands": ["brew install vagrant"],
			"os": "darwin"

To populate the Sidebar with navigation items under the Sidebar title, use the sidebarMenuItems property. It is an array of objects with shapes that match the shape of objects accepted as nav data in documentation content. The submenu navigation items are not currently recommended in this Sidebar, just dividers, headings, and link navigation items.

The following configuration:

	"sidebarMenuItems": [
			"divider": true
			"heading": "Getting Started"
			"title": "Introduction to Terraform",
			"fullPath": "/terraform/intro"
			"title": "Get Started with Terraform Cloud",
			"fullPath": "/terraform/tutorials/cloud-get-started/cloud-sign-up"

Will output the following Sidebar between the auto-generated content in the header & footer:

Vertical list of Sidebar navigation items: "Terraform Home" back-to link, "Install Terraform" heading, horizontal divider, "Getting Started" heading, "Introduction to Terraform" link item, "Get Started with Terraform Cloud" link item.


This is an object for the marketing content located in a Card in the Sidecar of the install view.

  • title: The title of the card, shown in a heavier weight font
  • subtitle: The subtitle of the card, shown in a normal weight font
  • featuredDocsLinks: An array of objects with the following properties:
    • href: The internal path to a documentation page
    • label: The text to show for the link

5. Certifications Pages

For details on editing the content on /certifications pages, see the README in src/content/certifications.